SpiritQuest Sedona Retreats Blog

A Purposeful Life: Read a Personal Success Story

A River Speaks—A Trip Down the Colorado River and a Wake-up Call  How to lead a purposeful life?  We were all set—Saturday, 8 am, a group of friends planned to meet at the Colorado River. Indeed, the temperatures were hot that summer in Yuma, Arizona. A float down the Colorado River sounded like a [...]

2023-05-03T15:12:38-07:00January 18th, 2022|Blog|Comments Off on A Purposeful Life: Read a Personal Success Story

Healing Power of Nature

Healing Benefits of the Sun and Sedona Vortex Energy . We've all heard about the healing properties of nature. Accordingly, many doctors now recommend a day at the beach. A long walk in the forest is prescribed too. These actions equally produce natural remedies for mild ailments. Basically, a simple way to [...]

2023-05-03T15:15:44-07:00September 23rd, 2021|Blog|Comments Off on Healing Power of Nature

Emotional Eating: Top Foods for Stress & Over Eating

Stress and emotional eating are common components of many people's lives. With the availability of sugar and highly processed food, it makes it easy to grab the quickest, most sensible thing as you are on the run out the door. As we rush through our busy lives, we fall back on the diet that [...]

2023-05-03T15:19:12-07:00July 8th, 2021|Blog|Comments Off on Emotional Eating: Top Foods for Stress & Over Eating

Bio Boost and Inner Attunement Session

What is Bio Boost How can you reduce stress, boost your immune system, and enhance your connection to spirit? Using cutting-edge technologies, SpiritQuest Sedona Retreats offers a Bio Boost and Inner Attunement Session. It deeply revives and heals the mind, body, and spirit. We start with the Nobel prize-winning Biomat. The [...]

2023-05-03T15:21:46-07:00May 26th, 2021|Blog|Comments Off on Bio Boost and Inner Attunement Session

10 Tips Proven to Boost Self-Esteem & Self-Worth

Ten Ways to Boost Self-Esteem Do you look in the mirror and dislike the person you see staring back at you? Are you ashamed and embarrassed in public settings? Do you feel like no one sees you and your opinion has no impact on those around you?  Self-esteem and self-worth are difficult topics for [...]

2023-05-03T15:26:38-07:00April 19th, 2021|Blog|Comments Off on 10 Tips Proven to Boost Self-Esteem & Self-Worth

Life After Covid: How to Get Back to “Normal”

Who are we Now? Now that this exceptionally difficult time is winding down, this "life after covid," the question becomes, what do we do? How do we begin the journey back to wellness? These past couple of years have been so dark, so trying, and so demanding for millions of people all over the [...]

2023-05-03T15:16:33-07:00March 27th, 2021|Blog|Comments Off on Life After Covid: How to Get Back to “Normal”

The Art of Mindfulness

Meditation as a Practice  Most people think of a meditator as someone on a cushion in a quiet room. Or perhaps a monk sitting in the grass beside a gently flowing stream. They rarely think of being stuck in rush hour traffic as a form of meditation. For many people, meditation becomes something that [...]

2023-05-03T15:41:34-07:00December 7th, 2020|Blog|Comments Off on The Art of Mindfulness

Spiritual Catharsis: A Unique Approach to Healing

Empowerment Through the Healing Process Spiritual Catharsis is a purification or purgation of cathartic emotions. It brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension. Sedona's energy healing begins as soon as you become aware that you are the one guiding your own destiny..  However, you need additional support sometimes. Seeking the silence of a [...]

2024-12-30T11:52:30-07:00November 21st, 2020|Blog|Comments Off on Spiritual Catharsis: A Unique Approach to Healing

Women’s Empowerment: Re-Claiming Your Power

Women's Empowerment: A Long Journey The word empowerment is exciting, liberating, and terrifying. Therefore, we hold back and push women down as a result. Emaciated fashion models and oppressive religions demonstrate this. We live in a culture of playboy bunny look-a-likes. It is therefore natural for women to be told how to look, feel, [...]

2024-05-29T07:18:25-07:00August 25th, 2020|Blog|Comments Off on Women’s Empowerment: Re-Claiming Your Power

Inner Child Healing Retreat

The Three Ego States: The Adult, The Parent, and the Inner Child . What a powerful thing it is to be free. Empathetically free to live, love, and share your deepest expression of devotion. Living free can be a tricky and cunning thing. Humans are born with tremendous gifts. Undeniably, we are [...]

2023-05-03T15:32:32-07:00August 18th, 2020|Blog|Comments Off on Inner Child Healing Retreat
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