Introductory Self-Awareness Workshop – Sedona, AZ
Learn Self-Awareness Basics & How to Facilitate

Self-Awareness Workshop Facilitator Brighde Johannsen
In this explorative workshop training, we will take a deep dive into Triggers – the stuff of life that keeps tripping us up. These triggers throw us headlong back into old patterns of reactivity and pain. Our workshop is a three-day process of learning why we get triggered, and how to use our triggers to illuminate our unconscious beliefs. With increasing levels of self-awareness, we learn how to heal our deep core wounds and stories. Learn to reclaim your power and help others to become the conscious co-creators of their lives instead of unconscious re-actors. This workshop provides insights and practical explorations to implement in your daily life. Once mastered you may feel called to assist others on their paths as well. Discover what your future holds!

Self-Care starts with Self-Awareness. Learn to Guide Others
Over the course of 3 days, gain a deep awareness for addressing repeating patterns in life or relationships. Learn how to help others co-create with Spirit to take their lives to the next level. Now is the time to discover your inner talents and how to guide others. Gaining tools of self-awareness helps others develop a greater sense of who they are and what their challenges may be. Our self-awareness training workshop provides you with a rich and diverse understanding of the roots of blockages & pain. These concepts are based partially on the works of Joe Dispenza, Dr. Carl Jung, and Dr. Joe Vitale. You learn concrete steps and pointers to become a self-awareness guide. Included in the workshop is how to prepare for your sessions and hold space for your own clients. If you are just beginning, we can direct you to more extensive coursework so you feel confident embarking on your journey.
Join us a day early or stay a day after the workshop to do some one-on-one single sessions just for you!
October 11-13, 2024
April 11-13, 2025
October 10-12, 2025
NOW $1916 (was $2395 per person)
Apply LastChance20 code upon checkout
Or call us and mention the promotion
To BOOK this workshop please call 928-282-2509 or purchase using the button below.
“I am aware and make excellent choices in my life.”
See our cancellation policy
Click here “Group Workshop Logistics” for information on transportation, accommodations, etc.

Self-Awareness Workshop Description

This Self-Awareness Workshop is accessible to all levels of self-awareness seekers. We will explore ancient and inexplicable patterns of pain and unhealthy re-activity. We will actively replace these patterns with healthy thoughts and actions. This workshop provides you with the foundation for being able to facilitate the process with your friends and family. After continued education, your destiny may lead you to the path of becoming a valued practitioner to assist others out of dysfunction. In this workshop, we will explore what triggers are, why we get triggered, and why it seems to be so difficult to break out of cycles of reactivity. We dive into the importance of Self-Awareness and discover how our triggers can become our allies on our journey. We learn to face our unconscious patterns and move forward in life with intention. Thus, we become active participants in our own lives!
Receive an Achievement Certificate!
Our introductory Self-Awareness workshops are the perfect way to receive an initial exploration of the topic. Once you gain some background and technique, you can decide if you would like to further pursue your spiritual coaching skills. Our introductory workshops address holding space for and preparing for facilitating your own sessions. Upon completion, we will provide you with a certificate of achievement as part of your credential collection.
A Little Something For Yourself
If you would like to enhance your experience with a few Private One-On-One Sessions for self-growth, let us know in advance. We will arrange it for you. Now is the time to clear your schedule to join our Self-Awareness Workshop and gift yourself with self-care. Call us today!
Call us or download our app from the Play Store to purchase your Workshop Training.
Self-Awareness Workshop Itinerary
Arrive in Sedona, Arizona
Please plan to arrive in Sedona the day before the Workshop is scheduled to begin. Check into your accommodations and get a good night’s sleep.
Triggers, Trauma & Neuro-Plasticity
9:30 – 12:00 Identifying Core Beliefs
We start by exploring our core beliefs and areas in our lives that trigger us. Exploring wounds and indoctrinations, we move beyond trauma to healing and wholeness. We explore old coping mechanisms and self-sabotage. Learn how to “re-wire” the brain and the concept of neuroplasticity. The goal is to become our greatest ally in transforming into the best, most authentic version of self.
1:30 – 3:30 Practical Exploration of Inner Child
A hands-on segment to connect with your Inner Child, and your wounded aspects. Learn to move the energy and hold space for yourself. Release old pain and align with your inner needs. Learn to validate your emotions and feelings. Re-framing provides a new perspective.
4:00-5:00 Re-group and Share Your Experience
End day one with a question-and-answer segment to share your insights, or ask questions about Triggers, Trauma, and Re-framing.
Connecting to the Higher Self
9:30 – 12:00 Tap into the Bigger Picture
Looking at the power of the Unconscious Mind and how unconscious beliefs create perceived reality. Learn to shift into the “Witness Self” and see through the perspective of the Higher Self. Lean into “Miracle Mindedness” – a state of pure potential, where anything is possible. Explore your true purpose and understand how your greatest strengths lie hidden behind your greatest struggles and challenges.
1:30 – 3:30 Hands-on Exercises for Shifting into Higher Self
In this experiential section, learn to shift into the higher perspective of your Higher Self to gain clarity. Explore your lessons and personal growth. Reclaim your power to become a conscious Co-Creator of your life.
4:00-5:00 Re-group and Share Your Experience
End day two with a question-and-answer segment to share your insights, or ask questions about Higher Self.
Taking Back Your Power
9:30 – 12:00 Learn True Forgiveness and Re-writing Your Story
Learn the miraculous power of true forgiveness using the technique of Ho’O Pono Pono. We forgive ourselves for judging, blaming, and feeling negatively affected by our experiences and anyone else involved. We come back to a pristine state of Remembrance of our True Essence. We shift our being from a limited and contracted persona-self to a level of unity consciousness, peace, and love.
1:30 – 3:30 Hands-on Practice & Client Facilitation
Practice working with concepts & techniques of Self-Awareness. Learn how to hold space for clients and professional etiquette. Take a look at Emotional Intelligence and positivity. Learn to help clients integrate their experience and make it relevant to their lives.
4:00-5:00 Re-group and Receive Your Certificate
End day three with a question-and-answer segment to share your insights, or ask questions for clarity. Receive your Certificate of Achievement!
Ongoing Support for Self-Awareness
SpiritQuest Sedona Retreats provides ongoing phone or Zoom support for our clients. If you would like to go deeper or learn more about Self-Awareness just reach out to us and we will schedule these for you.

I loved this experience! I learned to let go of my story and trust in my intuition. I loved learning about the concept of Ho’O Pono Pono. I will definitely use this with my family and friends. I also gained techniques and concepts that will help me guide others to release their anxiety and pain. I have more learning and growth to do but my goal is to develop the foundation to facilitate self-awareness sessions for others. My path is unfolding and I now realize I am the creator of my destiny!