Family Wellness Retreats for Healing Relationships
Family Retreats for conflict resolution and forming deeper bonds
How Are You Feeling: Frustrated Sad Angry Unappreciated Disconnected
How We Can Help: Connection Appreciation Bonding Peace Happiness
What are family wellness retreats? Imagine your family getting along better than ever and having fun together in Sedona, Arizona. In today’s fast-paced world, the greatest challenge is creating opportunities to spend quality time with family. As a result, many parents have difficulty understanding and helping their children with their problems. Consequently, unresolved issues erode the love and trust that are essential for a healthy family. SpiritQuest helps your family gain connection, confidence, and a sense of belonging.
Sure, you could take another family vacation, but why not achieve something more this time? Wouldn’t you like to come home feeling closer than when you left? Most definitely, our Family Retreats at our Retreat Center in Arizona are a valuable resource for families seeking therapeutic work. Uniquely, these Sedona Family Retreats are an intensive, transformative experience with permanent results. Whether you’re seeking positive change, better communication, or just a chance to heal old wounds, we will design a private retreat package for you. Or instead, join us for a weekend of fun on a group retreat.

Families form deep bonds and connections while on retreat in Sedona, Arizona. Enjoy time together and gain tools for growth.
Customized & Personal for Family Wellness Retreats
This may be the best vacation you have ever taken! Sedona, Arizona is a magical destination off the beaten path. Build a strong family foundation with your loved ones here. With just a phone call, we customize a personal retreat specifically for your family. Let us teach you tools for healthy family dynamics. Additionally, we focus on conflict resolution and personal responsibility. The SpiritQuest Sedona Retreat program helps family members to understand what it means to be a member of a “clan” community. At our Retreat Center, we offer a variety of treatments and activities to suit almost any age.
Adventure & Connection for Families in Sedona, AZ

A family walking at sunset gaining insights and appreciation for the family unit and deepening connections.
Expanding Family Awareness with Family Retreats
Find the most effective way to resolve conflicts and deepen your connection with our Family Retreats itinerary. Chiefly, you read the sample itineraries below, and keep in mind we can customize a retreat package to fit your specific needs. The list of sessions described below represents one possibility. Specifically, our intent is to construct a synergistic itinerary so that each session builds upon those that came before. Approximately 4-6 hours per day of private one-on-one sessions are included in family retreats.
Validating Your Family Members
Do you feel that the members of your family are like a small tribe? Working together in cooperation to maintain a good connection and united cooperation? Each member of your family has a responsibility to respect the other members, by validating the thoughts and feelings of everyone in the household. Validation is key for each person to feel like they are accepted, understood, and able to shine. SpiritQuest Sedona Retreats is calling you. Do this one for your family. Certainly, you all deserve it.
NOTE: We custom design your retreat so the price depends on your particular program. Please call us or schedule a consultation using the consultation link. We will create a proposal with prices and email it to you. Alternatively, purchase one of our pre-designed retreat packages and save as much as 10%.
Sample Itineraries for Family Retreats
2-Day Family Retreats
Arrive in Sedona, Arizona
Check into your accommodations and enjoy some free time for hiking, shopping, or just soaking in the hot tub.

You will be met by your personal retreat guide in the morning at our Healing Retreat Center to receive your welcome packet.
Orientation/ Intention Setting (Together) 30 min. 9:30
Begin your journey with a session of intention setting, sacred oil blend, welcome packet, and orientation for your retreat. You will be invited to identify which intentions you have for beginning your life anew. Get centered, get comfortable: use this session as a great start to launch your Quest for Spirit!
Releasing & Letting Go Ceremony – 2 hrs. (Outside, Together)
Your retreat will begin when your SpiritQuest guide takes you out for a special releasing ceremony. During this session you will set your intention and identify blockages that have been holding you back. When you release these, you can begin to move forward and re-connect with yourself once again.
Family Dynamics – 90 min. (Together)
This session will help you break through past conflicts and learn to listen without blame or judgment. Learn new communication skills and healthy strategies for managing conflict. This healing journey will facilitate a new dynamic between family members, based on love and mutual respect. You will learn to listen and to see each other from a new perspective. Connect with yourself in order to walk deeper into a place of honor and integrity with your family.
Learning to Communicate – 90 min. (Together)
The biggest obstacle our families learn to overcome is ineffective communication. During this session learn various techniques for heartfelt communication. Do you feel that you are not being heard? Is your family member talking over you? Does the communication divert from the issue at hand? If so, this session is perfect for families who want to honor each other’s feelings and the result is a clearing of issues/blockages that have been trapped in a repeating unhealthy cycle.

Respect, Honor & Positivity Collage – 2 hrs. (Together)
This group session allows your family to discuss the topic of respect and honor. Learn what it means to respect each other. Explore the concept of boundaries and of self-respect. This session emphasizes the golden rule of treating others the way you would like to be treated yourself. Create a collage board for each member looking at positive qualities each family member possesses. Discuss how selfish or self-centered behavior discounts these qualities and destroys harmony.
Sedona Vortex Experience – 2 hrs. (Land Journey-Together)
Concentrated vortex energy is everywhere in Sedona and helps amplify whatever may be needed for spiritual growth. Sedona been known to help people untangle and release stagnating energy, facilitating healing, meditation, and deepening the connection to the Divine. This session begins with an educational conversation about Sedona history, geology, and lore. Once you have reached your sacred site (chosen for your specific intentions) your guide will lay down a spiritual altar. You will be given a quartz crystal that will amplify the energy beneath you, as you are guided in meditation. You will then enjoy a cleansing sound bath, as you connect with the Earth, the energy, and your higher self. The intention is that you will leave this session refreshed, renewed, balanced, and in harmony.
Retreat Integration Ending – 90 min. (Together)
During this session you will review and reflect on your retreat experience with your SpiritQuest guide, then discover how to use your own inner power to create a more joyous, abundant and healthy life… the life YOU truly desire. Our intention is to be there for you after your retreat as well. Our Lifeline can provide the support you may need.
Depart Sedona
Leave the SpiritQuest Sedona Retreat Center feeling balanced and connected. Prepare to use the new insights and skills your family has acquired in order to live a life of contentment and positive communication. The bonding you experienced while on your Family Retreat will last a lifetime!
4-Day Family Retreats
Arrive in Sedona, Arizona
Check into your accommodations and enjoy some free time for hiking, shopping, or just soaking in the hot tub.

You will be met by your personal retreat guide in the morning at our Healing Retreat Center to receive your welcome packet.
Orientation/Intention Setting (Together)
Begin your journey with a session of intention setting, sacred oil blend, welcome packet, and orientation for your retreat. You will be invited to identify which intentions you have for beginning your life anew. Get centered, get comfortable: use this session as a great start to launch your quest for Spirit!
Releasing Ceremony 2 hrs. (Together)
Venture on the land for a private personal ceremony. At this time you will reflect on those elements that have been blocking your family and release them.
Family Dynamics 1.5 hrs (Together)
This Family Retreat session will help you deal with past conflicts and teach you to listen without judgment. Learn new communication skills and healthy strategies for managing conflict. This powerful session will facilitate a new dynamic between family members, based on understanding and mutual respect. You will learn to see each other from a new perspective. Inspire your family to walk into a place of honor and integrity.
Sound Frequency Bath – 1.5 hrs. (Together)
You’ll experience truly amazing sensations as the practitioner gently invites stuck energy to move or vibrate again… or over-stimulated energy to explore stillness in this session in our Retreat Center Sound Healing room. The different parts of our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual beings resonate with different frequencies of vibration. This is the experience of not only health and vitality, but expansion, consciousness, and eventually transcendence. The Sonic entrainment that you will experience will send you into perfect alignment with the universe.

Sedona Vortex Experience – 2.5 hrs. (Land Journey, Together)
Concentrated vortex energy is everywhere in Sedona and helps amplify whatever may be needed for spiritual growth. Sedona has been known to help people untangle and release stagnating energy, facilitating healing, meditation, and deepening the connection to the Divine. This session begins with an educational conversation about Sedona’s history, geology, and lore. Once you have reached your sacred site (chosen for your specific intentions) your guide will lay down a spiritual altar. You will be given a quartz crystal that will amplify the energy beneath you, as you are guided in meditation. You will then enjoy a cleansing sound bath, as you connect with the Earth, the energy, and your higher self. The intention is that you will leave this session refreshed, renewed, balanced, and in harmony.
Learning to Communicate – 1.5 hrs. (Together)
The biggest obstacle our couples/families learn to overcome is ineffective communication. During this session learn various techniques for heartfelt communication. Do you feel that you are not being heard? Is your partner/family member talking over you? Does the communication divert from the issue at hand? If so, this session is perfect for those who want to honor each other’s feelings and the result is a clearing of issues/blockages that have been trapped in a repeating unhealthy cycle.
Boundaries for Couples/Family – 1.5 hrs (Together)
Empower yourself to create your future when you learn to release patterns of the past! This Sedona retreat session helps you learn skills that will allow you to find a more peaceful and harmonious way of being. You will know the value of setting healthy boundaries and remembering your priorities. Setting appropriate boundaries is one of the essential skills for stress management and addressing mental health. Boundaries are an integral part of taking care of one’s self. Your practitioner will help you to identify what it means to set them, (re)establish them, and maintain them. In the Yogi tradition, healthy boundaries are a must!

Healing The Family Within 1.5 hrs. (Together)
This remarkable Family Retreat session opens your hearts to transcend grief and transform your negative family patterns. You will be gently guided to experience the hidden dynamics of your own family system. Underlying entanglements and unhealthy subconscious bonding can then be released, giving you a chance for forgiveness, and a profound sense of freedom and inner peace is being felt.
Family Nature Walk 2.5 hrs. (Together)
Take a light family retreat hike out on the land with a guide. Discover the wisdom of Family Communication and interaction. Raise your Family’s awareness. Revitalize your life with that new awareness. Go deeper with new tools. Your family deserves to be happy.
Mantras for Balance – 1.5 hrs. (Together)
Meditation, mantra, and deep breathing are enriching mentally, physically, and spiritually. SpiritQuest teaches meditation as the primary tool for self-healing, the primary means of enhancing self-awareness, and as a gateway to greater self-mastery. During this session, you will be guided through a tranquil journey using mantras, breathing techniques, and chants such as Ra Ma Da Sa that will allow you to move to a place of deep stillness and profound joy.
Heart Awakening – 2 hrs. (Land Journey, Together)
This session creates a pathway of unconditional love and light toward one’s self and all existence. Using the power of vibration to activate and heal, you will feel the essence of your soul and come into the remembrance of your divinity. The session takes place out on the land and is about reconnecting the heart with nature’s powerful forces. This connection calls forth the remembrance of all things in the universe and how they interact to provide support and love. You are part of all things beautiful. Discover how to open your heart and surrender peacefully.
Respect, Honor, & Collage of Positivity – 2 hrs. (Together)
This group session allows your partner/family to discuss the topic of respect and honor. Learn what it means to respect each other. Explore the concept of boundaries and self-respect. This session emphasizes the golden rule of treating others the way you would like to be treated yourself. Create a collage board for each member looking at the positive qualities each member possesses. Discuss how selfish or self-centered behavior discounts these qualities and destroys harmony.
Retreat Integration (End)
During this Family Retreat session, you will revisit your retreat experience with your SpiritQuest guide, and discover how your intentions have unfolded.
Depart Sedona
Leave the SpiritQuest Sedona Retreat Center feeling balanced and connected. Prepare to use the new insights and skills your family has acquired in order to live a life of contentment and positive communication. The bonding you experienced while on your Family Retreat will last a lifetime!
6-Day Family Retreats
Arrive in Sedona, Arizona
Check into your accommodations and enjoy some free time for hiking, shopping, or just soaking in the hot tub.

You will be met by your personal retreat guide in the morning at our Healing Retreat Center to receive your welcome packet.
Orientation/Intention Setting (Together) – 0.5 hrs. Start Time: 9:30
Begin your journey with a session on the intention-setting sacred oil blend, a welcome packet, and orientation for your retreat. You are then invited to identify which intentions you have for beginning your life anew. Get centered, and get comfortable. Use this session as a great start to launch your Quest for Spirit!
Releasing Ceremony – 2 hrs. (Outside)
Your retreat will begin when your SpiritQuest guide takes you out for a special releasing ceremony. During this session, you will set your intention and identify blockages that have been holding you back. When you release these, you can begin to move forward and reconnect with yourself once again.
Healing the Family from Within – 1.5 hrs. (Together)
This remarkable spiritual healing process opens the doorway to transcend grief and transform your life. You will be gently guided to experience the hidden dynamics of your family system. Underlying entanglements locked into fixed patterns and unhealthy subconscious bonding can be released, giving you a chance for a profound sense of freedom and inner peace.
Learning to Communicate – 1.5 hrs. (Together)
The biggest obstacle our families learn to overcome is ineffective communication. During this session learn various techniques for heartfelt communication. Do you feel that you are not being heard? Is your family member talking over you? Does the communication divert from the issue at hand? If so, this session is perfect for families who want to honor each other’s feelings and the result is a clearing of issues/blockages that have been trapped in a repeating unhealthy cycle.

Medicine Wheel – 1.5 hrs. (Outside)
A Medicine Wheel is a physical creation of stones on the ground with pointer stones in each direction. It helps us with our “Vision,” to see exactly where we are and in which areas we need to develop to realize our full potential. Your guide will help you discover where you are in your life and which areas need to shift.
Relationship Dynamics – 1.5 hrs. (Together)
During this session, the practitioner will first observe as you tell the story of your lives together, then evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your family relationship. The key is to identify the underlying emotions being expressed in the way you communicate with each other. This information will be critical to the healing process because emotion is the music of the relationship dance. In order to be successful, you must learn to listen to this music and attune yourself to your family partners.
Respect, Honor, & Collage – 2 hrs. (Together)
This group session allows your family to discuss the topic of respect and honor. Learn what it means to respect each other. Explore the concept of boundaries and of self-respect. This session emphasizes the golden rule of treating others the way you would like to be treated yourself. Create a collage board for each member looking at the positive qualities each family member possesses. Discuss how selfish or self-centered behavior discounts these qualities and destroys harmony.

Canyon Journey – 3 hrs. (Land Journey)
Take off with your own spiritual guide into the Sacred Canyons of Sedona and discover the quiet place inside yourself. Let your connection with yourself and nature allow for a huge release. Be led by your totem guides to find clarity and peace of mind. This session takes place in a rich riparian ecosystem near an amazing creek in Sedona. Feel rejuvenated, cleansed, and born again into your new life. This will be a day unlike any other you have experienced.
Breaking Old Beliefs – 1.5 hrs. (Together)
In this session, you’ll learn how belief systems are the “instructions” you have in your subconscious. These instructions determine almost all aspects of your life, similar to how computer software determines what a computer will do. Many of these beliefs were formed early in childhood and have not been updated to a healthy adult viewpoint, which can cause numerous problems. By looking at the patterns in your life, the practitioner will help you learn to recognize your unconscious belief systems and how they are affecting you. Once the belief is found, it can be updated, at which point it loses its power over you.
Sound Frequency Bath – 1.5 hrs. (Together)
You’ll experience truly amazing sensations as the practitioner gently invites stuck energy to move or vibrate again… or over-stimulated energy to explore stillness in this session in our Retreat Center Sound Healing room. The different parts of our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual beings resonate with different frequencies of vibration. This is the experience of not only health and vitality, but expansion, consciousness, and eventually transcendence. The Sonic entrainment that you will experience will send you into perfect alignment with the universe.
Relating with Awareness & Clarity – 1.5 hrs. (Together)
Break the old paradigm of how relationships function and create a new understanding of what conscious relating is all about. This session helps you understand that who you are today in this relationship is what is most important. Old patterns of relating are re-evaluated. Tools are brought in such as making clear agreements and learning to be accountable for your actions. Communication skills are explored as well as creating a new concept for moving forward or enhancing your relationships.
Spiritual Awakening – 2.5 hrs. (Land Journey)
Spiritual Awakening deals with deepening your connection with God/Source/Spirit and working with you at your Soul level. Straightaway we ask questions, and explore why you come here? What are your lessons, and challenges? What is your purpose? Additionally, we get in touch with you at your center, the Source of who you are. Basically, we use principles of meditation, connection, and the power of being present. This session will assist with removing blockages, helping a person to better connect spiritually.
Meditation – 1.5 hrs. (Together)
What do the spiritual Yogi masters know that you don’t? Simply. they know how to meditate! Markedly, SpiritQuest teaches meditation as the primary tool for self-healing, the primary means of enhancing self-awareness, and as a gateway to greater self-mastery. During this session you will experience a guided meditation, allowing you to move to a place of deep stillness within yourself. You will learn powerful techniques that you can incorporate into your life to help manage stress levels and you will emerge with a profound sense of joy.
Building Self-Esteem – 1.5 hrs. (Together)
How do you see yourself? Do you question your value or look to others for validation or self-worth? For instance, if you find yourself looking away from your reflection, then this session is for you. A person’s self-esteem is built and developed over time. Hence, the combination of wounded parental conditioning, faulty beliefs, and toxic relationships will lead to a person’s self-worth being damaged. Therefore, understanding your worth and meaning involves many intricate dynamics that need to be cleared and rebuilt. With a comprehensive and in-depth process, we help you peel back those layers to get to the real you. Undoubtedly, your true beauty will shine through as you shed away your old guilt and shame. We help you rewrite your story, laying a firm foundation of truth, integrity, and worthiness. We assist you in developing self-esteem, cleaning up your perception, and transforming from within.
Walking Labyrinth – 1.5 hrs. (Together)
This therapeutic session mirrors the journey of life. The use of the labyrinth as a symbol first appears among Native American cultures in Arizona around 600 BC. Evidently, this symbol represented the sacred path to the Creator. In English, the term “labyrinth” is generally synonymous with “maze,” but, surprisingly, there is an evident difference between the two: a maze is a complex branching puzzle with choices of path and direction; whereas a labyrinth is a straight pathway to the center, without any branching. As you walk in this session, you will take each step with intention.
Boundaries – 1.5 hrs. (Together)
Empower yourself to create your own future when you learn to release patterns of the past! This healing Sedona retreat session is designed to help you learn skills that will allow you to find a more peaceful and harmonious way of being by setting healthy boundaries and remembering your priorities. Correspondingly, setting appropriate boundaries is one of the most essential skills for stress management and addressing mental health. Undeniably, boundaries are an essential part of taking care of one’s self. Your practitioner will help you to identify what it means to set them, (re)establish them, and maintain them. In the Yogi tradition, healthy boundaries are a must!
Stress Reduction Tools – 1.5 hrs. (Together)
Are you ready to become the master of your life? This retreat session will teach you a powerful set of techniques to break through old patterns and belief systems, alleviate stress and stay centered. Indeed, this session includes tools that you can incorporate into your daily life to break through anxiety and depressive states of mind. Once you have gained the tools you need to avoid the damaging patterns of the mind, you will feel renewed and more alive!
Family Nature Walk – 2.5 hrs. (Land Journey – Together)
Take a light family retreat hike on the land with a guide. Discover the wisdom of Family Communication and interaction. Thereupon, raise your Family’s awareness and revitalize your life with that new awareness. Go deeper with new tools. Your family deserves to be happy.
Retreat Integration & Ending – 1.5 hrs. (Together)
During this session, you review and reflect on your retreat experience with your SpiritQuest guide. Secondly, you discover how to use your own inner power to create a more joyous, abundant, and healthy life. Empathetically, the life YOU truly desire. Our intention is to be there for you after your retreat as well. Our Lifeline can provide the support you need.
Depart Sedona
Leave the SpiritQuest Sedona Retreat Center feeling balanced and connected. Thereafter, prepare to use the new insights and skills your family has acquired in order to live a life of contentment and positive communication. Ultimately, the bonding you experienced while on your Family Retreat will last a lifetime!
“The experience was more than I could have hoped for! I would do it all again. My family learned why we do what we do, and how to do it even better. As a parent, I learned to teach from a softer, gentler side. I learned to process information and empower my children to make their own decisions. I think “Insights into Self”, was one of the best sessions! My husband and I will definitely be coming back. My whole family loved both the indoor and outdoor sessions. The greatest thing we learned is better communication. I can’t say enough about the professionalism of the staff. Thank you SpiritQuest for holding space for us to grow as a family.”