Men’s Retreats to Reduce Stress & Manifest Peace
Men’s Mental Health Retreats Relieve Anxiety and Awaken Your Spirit.
How Are You Feeling: Stressed Frustrated Lost Unhappy Anxious Overworked
How We Can Help: Balance Stress Relief Self-Healing Emotional Intelligence
Retreats For Men in Sedona, Arizona

Reach into your darkest aspects and gain tools for self-growth.
Are you stressed, frustrated, confused, or depressed? When you wake up, do you feel worn out? Does it seem like you have lost your identity? Undeniably, alarming rates of alcoholism, workaholism, hypertension, depression and heart attacks in the male population have signaled something is terribly wrong. As a result, many people find themselves stuck in pain and anxiety feeling completely overwhelmed.
Many have lost their connection to the personal soul and higher self, leaving them feeling fragmented, stressed, and depressed. Booking one of our Men’s Mental Health Retreats helps you become spiritually awakened, release buried feelings, and discover your inner self again. Let us custom-design a program perfect for you. Reach out for new tools.
Let our team of professional and experienced practitioners assist you in expanding and growing your spiritual practice so that you can find the peace and serenity you deservee. Learn to let go, forgive, re-align, and restructure your life so you can feel balanced and nourished.
Chiefly, our coaches help you walk your path of self-confidence and self-growth without losing touch with your masculine “warrior” energy. Become the person whose words and actions are natural, genuine, and peaceful rather than reacting to misguided and self-destructive behaviors. Equally, you learn meditative techniques and healthy principles to regain your balance and gain emotional intelligence.
Private & Customized Retreats For Men
Our programs release the inner prisons of fear allowing self-love to freely flow in a safe environment. You learn to live your life's purpose and discover your Divine Masculine self. You'll learn to live your life's purpose during our dedicated retreats for men. Moreover, our retreats are very private and customized just for you. Select from over 50 sessions to customize your Men's retreat. These sessions are designed to provide tools, insights, and strategies for self-improvement. In addition, you will work with a team of 7-14 practitioners where the setting is one-on-one. Our coaches provide self-growth to rejuvenate your overworked soul!

Our Men’s Spiritual Retreats are the most rewarding gift you can give yourself! Embarking on the journey of self-discovery in the sacred red rocks of Sedona connects you with your Divine Masculine. Learning self-love allows you to cultivate inner qualities such as compassion, intimacy, connection, and mutual respect rather than negative power and stoicism.
Many individuals in today's world feel tremendous responsibility. Markedly, they are dealing with a competitive system full of expectations. Many feel overworked and drained. That's why our men's retreats focus on self-growth and emotional intelligence. Our coaches are experts at providing a framework for re-assessing life with new tools. One of the biggest issues men face is disconnection. Working under artificial lights, traveling constantly, and living in hotel rooms often results in feelings of anxiety, depression, and estrangement. Consequently, estrangement typically impacts personal relationships. Because of this, our men's retreats provide emotional intelligence tools for improving these relationships. See also our men's group retreat.
Dealing With Anxiety & Stress
What makes our Men’s Retreats special is that it’s all about you. With one-on-one attention from the best guides in Sedona, you re-discover your purpose. You create a new direction for your life’s journey. Our personal Men’s Retreats leave you with a new profound shift of consciousness. SpiritQuest Sedona Retreats provides you with paths for personal development. Our expert customization allows you to experience sessions that are unique to what you are going through. And if you can't come anytime soon, please reach out for a phone session. Embark on an amazing journey of self-discovery, transformation, and personal growth with one of our wellness Retreats for Men at our Healing Retreat Center! As an economical alternative see our Men's Group Retreats
NOTE: We custom design your retreat so the price depends on your particular program. Please call us or schedule a consultation using the consultation link. We will create a proposal with prices and email it to you. Alternatively, purchase one of our pre-designed retreat packages and save as much as 10%.
Sample Men's Mental Health Retreat Itineraries
2-Day Retreat
Arrive in Sedona, Arizona
Check into your accommodations, relax and unwind. This is a good time to reflect on your goals for one of our men's retreats. It is important that you get a good night's sleep so that you are ready to begin in the morning!
Orientation/Intention Setting – 30 min. 9:30
Begin your journey with a session of intention setting, sacred oil blend, welcome packet, and orientation for your retreat. You will be invited to identify which intentions you have for beginning your life anew. Get centered, get comfortable: use this session as a great start to launch your Quest for Spirit!
Releasing & Letting Go Ceremony – 2 hrs. (Outside)
Your retreat will begin when your SpiritQuest guide takes you out for a special releasing ceremony. During this session you will set your intention and identify blockages that have been holding you back. When you release these, you can begin to move forward and re-connect with yourself once again.
Setting Healthy Boundaries – 90 min.
Empower yourself to create your future when you learn to release patterns of the past! This Sedona retreat session helps you learn skills that will allow you to find a more peaceful and harmonious way of being. You will know the value of setting healthy boundaries and remembering your priorities. Setting appropriate boundaries is one of the essential skills for stress management and addressing mental health. Boundaries are an integral part of taking care of one's self. Your practitioner will help you to identify what it means to set them, (re)establish them, and maintain them. In the Yogi tradition, healthy boundaries are a must!
Deep Tissue Massage - 90 min.
Get ready to release what’s holding you back by challenging the areas of your body that are still clinging to that which no longer serves you. Focusing on areas associated with chronic pain and discomfort or postural distortion, the therapist uses deeper and more specific techniques to release tissues and move the body towards balance. It is important to address tension and stress in the body. This slow, thorough, and spot-specific work will leave you relaxed, revitalized, and ready to move forward.
Forgiveness – Letting Go of Anger – 90 min.
Sometimes we get overwhelmed by our circumstances and frustrated by what we expected to happen versus what actually occurred in our lives. This discrepancy causes anger and resentment. Often we begin to blame others or blame ourselves. This Men’s Healing Retreat session invites you to “Let go of the wish that the past had been different” and to truly learn how to forgive yourself and love others.
Meet Your Guides & Inner Wisdom – 90 min.
Are you searching for wisdom and insight? Go with a SpiritQuest guide to a place where your own inner voice speaks. In this retreat session you will meet your spiritual guides and learn to make decisions from that sacred place. You will realize your own power of insight.
Retreat Integration & End – 60 min.
This may be the end of your retreat, but it’s just the beginning of the changes you came here to make. Now you will bring closure to your quest and pull in the loose ends. You have discovered how to use your inner power to create a more joyous, abundant, and healthy life... the life you truly desire. You will feel a circle of wholeness and renewal of Spirit. You are revived and ready for new beginnings.
You will depart Sedona with a new perspective and sense of being. You are now the creator of each new day and you will take home tools from your journey to help you gain a sense of empowerment and a deeper understanding of love.
4-Day Retreat
Arrive in Sedona, Arizona
Check into your accommodations relax and unwind. This is a good time to set intentions and meditate on your goals for the Men’s retreat. Experience the sacred vortex energies of the Red Rocks in Sedona or explore the town site prior to the beginning of your retreat.

Orientation/Intention Setting
Begin your journey with a session of intention setting, sacred oil blend, welcome packet, and orientation for your retreat. You will be invited to identify which intentions you have for beginning your life anew. Get centered, get comfortable, and use this session as a great start to launch your Quest for Spirit!
Releasing Ceremony – 2 hrs. (Land Journey)
Your retreat will begin when your SpiritQuest guide takes you out for a special releasing ceremony. During this session, you will set your intention and identify blockages that have been holding you back. Your guide will take you out on the land in Sedona and together you will clear the space for what needs to be manifested.
Accessing the Divine Masculine 1.5 hrs.
Empower yourself by exploring yourself in relation to the Divine Masculine! On this men’s retreat in Sedona, AZ you will discover how the divine masculine shows up in your life and how to nurture these aspects of yourself. The practitioner will help you find out where you can be empowered and tap into your intuition, heart, strength, and compassion.
Breaking Old Patterns 1.5 hrs.
In this men’s retreat healing retreat session you’ll learn how belief systems are the “instructions” you have in your subconscious. These messages determine almost all aspects of our lives, similar to the way a computer determines what path to follow. Many of these beliefs were formed early in childhood and have not been updated to our adult selves, which can be the root cause of numerous problems such as symptoms of anxiety. By looking at the patterns of life, the practitioner will help you learn to recognize your negative belief systems and how they are actually affecting you. Once the limiting belief is found it can be updated, and you will be free.
Inner Child Healing 1.5 hrs.
Cord Cutting 1.5 hrs.
This Men’s Retreat session requires that you open your heart and free yourself with forgiveness. When you forgive, you let go of the wish the past had been different. We are energetically connected to every person who’s ever crossed your path. Often those cords become painful and create negative energy that keeps you bound. This retreat session relates to the Hawaiian technique of Ho O Pono Pono, you can gently sever those cords, sending the person’s energy back to them and taking yours back into yourself. Your relationship with another person must be empowering to both for it to be healthy. Through the power of forgiving you can go on with your life feeling healed and whole.
Intensive Breathwork – 2 hrs.
This Men’s healing session is a safe and powerful way to venture into a deeper spiritual practice. Repressed memories might arise. Mostly our guests feel huge relief in letting go of anger, stress, or depressive states of mind. The physical body often releases its trauma through intensive breathwork. It’s the egoic mind that will hold on to who it believes itself to be. This session with SpiritQuest Sedona Retreats helps you realize that life can be an illusion and that freedom comes from allowing yourself to live in the moment.
Meet Your Guides & Inner Wisdom 1.5 hrs.
Forgiveness: Letting Go of Anger 1.5 hrs.
Sometimes we get overwhelmed by our circumstances and frustrated by what we expected to happen versus what actually occurred in our lives. This discrepancy causes anger and resentment. Often we begin to blame others or blame ourselves. This Men’s Healing Retreat session invites you to “Let go of the wish that the past had been different” and to truly learn how to forgive yourself and love others.
Way of the Peaceful Warrior 2.5 hrs. (Land Journey)
It’s time to explore the laws of proper relationships, which necessarily involve reciprocity and mutual respect to be healthy. These laws apply to everyone, whether we’re conscious of them or not. You’ll learn how to create harmony and balance in your life by cultivating gentleness and gratitude in combination with a willingness to sacrifice oneself for the greater good — which is the essence of what it means to be a warrior. Another component of this session is learning how to establish your “armor.” This is an energetic shield of light that will protect you and be of assistance will altruism.
Self Confidence & Personal Empowerment 1.5 hrs.
Stress Reduction Tools 1.5 hrs.
Are you ready to become the Master of your life? This Men’s Retreat session will teach you a powerful set of techniques to break through old patterns and belief systems, alleviate stress, and stay centered. The session includes tools that you can incorporate into your daily life to break through anxiety and depressive states of mind. Once you have completed your Men’s Retreat with SpiritQuest you will feel renewed and alive!
Retreat Integration (End) 1.5 hrs.
During this session you will review and reflect on your retreat experience with your SpiritQuest guide, then discover how to use your own inner power to create a more joyous, abundant, and healthy life… the life YOU truly desire. Our intention is to be there for you after your retreat as well. Our Lifeline can provide the support you may need.
Chakra Balancing 1.5 hrs.
Revitalize and restore your energy flow with this nurturing retreat session. Chakras are the seven main energy centers of our body. First mentioned in the Hindu books of knowledge, these energy centers are your life force. Every sense, feeling, and experience is connected to a specific Chakra. When you are stressed, or depressed about something, the Chakra itself can become unbalanced and this manifests itself as illness in your physical and emotional body. This session is a sound-sational experience that includes crystal bowls, tuning forks, and/or voice to raise your inner Chi, increasing your energy awareness and filling every cell with balance and joy.
Depart Sedona
Depart our Spiritual Healing Retreat Center in Sedona with a new perspective and a sense of being released from past pains and stress. You will be filled with self-confidence and balance after your Men’s Retreat. Now, you get to be the creator of each new day and you will take home tools from your journey to help you gain a deeper understanding of your purpose in life. If you need us when you return home take advantage of our phone counseling and life coaching!
6-Day Retreat
Arrive in Sedona, Arizona
Check into your accommodations relax and unwind. This is a good time to set intentions and meditate on your goals for the Men’s retreat. Experience the sacred vortex energies of the Red Rocks in Sedona or explore the town site prior to the beginning of your retreat.
Men's Retreats: You will be met by your personal retreat guide at our Retreat Center in the morning to receive your welcome packet and finalized retreat itinerary.

Orientation/Intention Setting
Begin your journey with a session of intention setting, sacred oil blend, welcome packet, and orientation for your retreat. You will be invited to identify which intentions you have for beginning your life anew. Get centered, get comfortable, and use this session as a great start to launch your Quest for Spirit!
Releasing Ceremony – 2 hrs. (Land Journey)
Our men's retreats begin when your SpiritQuest guide takes you out for a special releasing ceremony. During this session, you will set your intention and identify blockages that have been holding you back. Your guide will take you out on the land in Sedona and together you will clear the space for what needs to be manifested.
Accessing the Divine Masculine 1.5 hrs.
Empower yourself by exploring yourself in relation to the Divine Masculine! Our men's retreats help you discover how the divine masculine shows up in your life and how to nurture these aspects of yourself. The practitioner helps you find out where you can be empowered and tap into your intuition, heart, strength, and compassion.
Breaking Old Patterns 1.5 hrs.
In this session, you’ll learn how belief systems are the “instructions” you have in your subconscious. These messages determine almost all aspects of our lives, similar to the way a computer determines what path to follow. Many of these beliefs were formed early in childhood and have not been updated to our adult selves, which can be the root cause of numerous problems such as symptoms of anxiety. By looking at the patterns of life, the practitioner helps you learn to recognize your negative belief systems and how they are actually affecting you. Once the limiting belief is found it can be updated, and you are free.
Inner Child Healing – 90 min.
This session focuses on moving forward and leaving behind hurtful early childhood experiences. As a child, we may have experienced painful and sometimes traumatic situations. This unique and highly effective form of spiritual work involves a dialogue process that safely allows you to access and heal hidden areas, memories, and feelings of abandonment or shame. You will feel protected and nurtured as you go to that vulnerable spiritual place of Inner Child within yourself.
Cord Cutting – 90 min.
This Men’s Retreat session requires that you open your heart and free yourself with forgiveness. When you forgive, you let go of the wish the past had been different. We are energetically connected to every person who’s ever crossed your path. Often those cords become painful and create negative energy that keeps you bound. This retreat session relates to the Hawaiian technique of Ho O Pono Pono, you can gently sever those cords, sending the person’s energy back to them and taking yours back into yourself. Your relationship with another person must be empowering to both for it to be healthy. Through the power of forgiving you can go on with your life feeling healed and whole.
Intensive Breathwork – 2 hrs.
This Men’s healing session is a safe and powerful way to venture into a deeper spiritual practice. Repressed memories might arise. Mostly our guests feel huge relief in letting go of anger, stress, or depressive states of mind. The physical body often releases its trauma through intensive breathwork. It’s the egoic mind that will hold on to who it believes itself to be. This session with SpiritQuest Sedona Retreats helps you realize that life can be an illusion and that freedom comes from allowing yourself to live in the moment.
Meet Your Guides & Inner Wounds – 90 min.
Are you searching for wisdom and insight? Go with a SpiritQuest guide to a place where your own inner voice speaks. In this retreat session, you will meet your spiritual guides and learn to make decisions from that sacred place. You will realize your own power of insight.
Setting Healthy Boundaries – 90 min.
Empower yourself to create your future when you learn to release patterns of the past! This Sedona retreat session helps you learn skills that will allow you to find a more peaceful and harmonious way of being. You will know the value of setting healthy boundaries and remembering your priorities. Setting appropriate boundaries is one of the essential skills for stress management and addressing mental health. Boundaries are an integral part of taking care of one’s self. Your practitioner will help you to identify what it means to set them, (re)establish them, and maintain them. In the Yogi tradition, healthy boundaries are a must!
Forgiveness – Letting Go of Anger – 90 min.
Sometimes we get overwhelmed by our circumstances and frustrated by what we expected to happen versus what actually occurred in our lives. This discrepancy causes anger and resentment. Often we begin to blame others or blame ourselves. This Men’s Healing Retreat session invites you to “Let go of the wish that the past had been different” and to truly learn how to forgive yourself and love others.
Self Confidence & Empowerment – 90 min.
This Men’s Retreat session is a must for those who need to reclaim their personal power. When you have high self-efficacy, then you will think, feel, and behave in a way that contributes to and reinforces your success, and improves your personal satisfaction. You will be more likely to view obstacles as challenges to overcome, so you aren’t afraid to face new things. You will recover quickly from setbacks because you view failure more as a result of external circumstances than internal weaknesses. Believing in your abilities affects your motivation, your choices, your toughness, and your determination.
Stress Reduction Tools – 90 min.
Are you ready to become the Master of your life? This Men’s Retreat session will teach you a powerful set of techniques to break through old patterns and belief systems, alleviate stress, and stay centered. The session includes tools that you can incorporate into your daily life to break through anxiety and depressive states of mind. Once you have completed your Men’s Retreat with SpiritQuest you will feel renewed and alive!
Chakra Balancing & Renewal – 90 min.
Revitalize and restore your energy flow with this nurturing retreat session. Chakras are the seven main energy centers of our body. First mentioned in the Hindu books of knowledge, these energy centers are your life force. Every sense, feeling, and experience is connected to a specific Chakra. When you are stressed, or depressed about something, the Chakra itself can become unbalanced and this manifests itself as illness in your physical and emotional body. This session is a sound-sational experience that includes crystal bowls, tuning forks, and/or voice to raise your inner Chi, increasing your energy awareness and filling every cell with balance and joy.
Canyon Journey – 3 hrs. (Land Journey)
Take off with your own spiritual guide into the Sacred Canyons of Sedona and discover the quiet place inside yourself. Let your connection with yourself and nature allow for a huge release. Be led by your totem guides to find clarity and peace of mind. This session takes place in a rich riparian ecosystem near an amazing creek in Sedona. Feel rejuvenated, cleansed, and born again into your new life. This will be a day unlike any other you have experienced.
Stopping Cycles of Self-Sabotage –90 min.
This session is about the tricky and cunning effects and dynamics of self-sabotage. This is a very complex and obscure topic. Many times, it is easier to point out where and when a person has hurt us and identify the consequences of this hurt. But when it comes to how we may be hurting ourselves; this is another story entirely. Whether you are conscious of it or not, self-sabotage can be very destructive and stunt your growth in many ways. Your practitioner will help to identify the parts of you that wish to harm “the self” and heal that wound so that you may become whole and complete. This session will help you to better understand triggers and to stop the vicious cycles of self-detriment. You deserve to be respected loved and cherished, especially by your own self.
Way of the Peaceful Warrior – 2.5 hrs. (Land Journey)
It’s time to explore the laws of proper relationships, which necessarily involve reciprocity and mutual respect to be healthy. These laws apply to everyone, whether we’re conscious of them or not. You’ll learn how to create harmony and balance in your life by cultivating gentleness and gratitude in combination with a willingness to sacrifice oneself for the greater good — which is the essence of what it means to be a warrior. Another component of this session is learning how to establish your “armor.” This is an energetic shield of light that will protect you and be of assistance will altruism.
The Clarity to Face Crossroads – 90 min.
Are you at a transitional place in your life? This session will help you find clarity on which way to go and how to manifest a healthy future. Make your life meaningful and relevant as you reclaim neglected strengths. Create concrete guidelines for increasing opportunities. Bring passion and excitement into the present moment. As you move forward, view yourself as the curious explorer rather than the powerless victim. Gain the skills to manifest a positive and beautiful future.
Retreat Integration & Ending – 90 min.
During this session you will review and reflect on your retreat experience with your SpiritQuest guide, then discover how to use your own inner power to create a more joyous, abundant, and healthy life… the life YOU truly desire. Our intention is to be there for you after your retreat as well. Our Lifeline can provide the support you may need.
Third Eye Expansion Treatment – 90 min.
Expand your awareness and open your intuition with the stimulation of the third eye chakra point. The third eye is opened using warm oil that flows onto the scalp, after which the crown chakra will be wrapped in warm towels as the oils hydrate the hair. You will then experience a head and scalp massage. Finally, essential oils are used on the body to stimulate stagnant areas. You receive a lovely treatment to balance the whole system. Note: Hair is oily afterward.
Depart Sedona
Depart our Spiritual Healing Retreat Center in Sedona with a new perspective and a sense of being released from past pains and stress. You are filled with self-confidence and balance after your Men’s Retreat. You are now the creator of each new day and you will take home tools from your journey to help you gain a deeper understanding of your purpose in life. Furthermore, if you need us when you return home take advantage of our phone counseling and life coaching!
Our philosophy is that life is far too precious to be rushed through or, worse yet, simply endured! We know what it takes to change a life from the inside out, and our practitioners are experts at removing the mental and emotional blocks that have kept you stuck in negative patterns.
Our Men's Retreats are Perfect for You if:
Going through any major stress, frustration, depression, divorce, or career change.
Experiencing co-dependent behavior, or addictions that disconnect you from self-love.
Fatigue from family life, feeling overworked or being overwhelmed with emotions.
Suffering from a disconnect to mind, body, and spirit, and looking for assistance to find your purpose in life.
Searching for encouragement from other men who have already walked the path to their Divine Masculine.
Men's Retreats: Determining Your Approach
The number one thing men say that they need is stress relief. Men feel so overworked these days. The pressures of their responsibilities are enormous. Once they end the work day, the family needs attention. There is little time left to even think about self-growth. SpiritQuest Sedona Retreats in Sedona is the perfect place for you to regroup and make a plan with our coaches on how to balance your life more easily.
When you are willing to release negative patterns and grow toward self-worthiness, you begin your own transformation. You no longer need to live in a world where you feel depleted due to being overworked. Basically, once you are clear about your approach, give us a call so we can create one of our perfect men's retreats just for you. There is no better place than Sedona to do this work. Our professionals are here to help. Call today!