Healing Benefits of the Sun and Sedona Vortex Energy

We’ve all heard about the healing properties of nature. Accordingly, many doctors now recommend a day at the beach. A long walk in the forest is prescribed too. These actions equally produce natural remedies for mild ailments. Basically, a simple way to introduce peace and healing into your life is to step out into the sun. You will notice its many benefits. The sun is vital in sustaining all life. Take time to just sit in the sun by a window when you can. Overall, the benefits are undeniable. Subsequently, studies show beneficial hormonal changes in the body after only minutes in the sun.
Vitamin D is absorbed, in its most natural state, from direct sunlight. Undeniably, this increases immunity and strengthens bones. Serotonin is produced from exposure to sunlight. This is one of nature’s antidepressants. The sun is also great for setting the body’s circadian rhythm. Being in the sun helps the body stay awake when it’s daytime. Comparatively, it creates the supply of melatonin that we need for falling asleep at night. In addition, a Swedish study concluded that women who spend more time in the sun, live up to two years longer than those with less sun exposure. Sedona Vortex Energy is in Nature and direct sunlight. This combination facilitates deep, long-lasting healing.
Clean Air in Natural Setting Boosts Mood
Getting out into the woods is a great way to bring balance into your life. Preferably in a quiet secluded space. Chiefly, trees and plants are powerful healing tools. Science has long known that trees and plants clean the air we breathe. Studies show a number of benefits to being surrounded by trees. Count on lowered stress, as well as, lowered blood pressure and increased focus. Breathing clean air elevates mood. Thereupon, it amplifies our body’s natural healing abilities. For centuries, the shamanic way has advocated for connecting our breath to put us in sync with Nature. Read more about the Shamanic Way.
Earthing and Inner Healing
Earthing has been studied fairly extensively in the past twenty years. It consists of establishing a direct connection between your skin and the earth. Our planet emits measurable energy. This energy is used by electricians. They call it a “grounding” wire. That same electric field is used to balance the human body. Studies show that walking barefoot on the earth changes the makeup of our blood. It also balances our hormonal systems. Other benefits include a heightening of immune responses. Specifically, people report a reduction in aches and pains and faster recovery after exercise. Grounding pads to stay in touch with the Earth are technology available now. They are available for us to experience grounding in the comfort of our homes. Moreover, the circadian rhythms of Nature are also powerful to set our inner clocks and provide wellness.
Water as the Essence of Vitality
Water is another excellent way to introduce healing into the body. Undoubtedly, the ocean is a majestic healer. Waves crashing, when seen or heard, alters the brain. This unquestionably creates deep relaxation and leads to rejuvenation of the body and mind. Ocean water, rich in salt and minerals, treats a myriad of illnesses. The magnesium in seawater is deeply relaxing. It also rejuvenates muscles. Think of it as a natural Epsom salt bath. Swimming in ocean water particularly has many benefits. You get gentle exercise and stimulation of the parasympathetic system. This system is responsible for digestion, rest, and repair. The negative ions produced by the ocean also promote health. This allows the body to absorb more oxygen. Waterfalls and mountains contain negative ions. These ions increase mood and immune function.
Enjoy The Vortex Energy at SpiritQuest Sedona Retreats
At SpiritQuest Sedona Retreats, we use Nature as a healing modality. We pull people from their normal day-to-day lives and immerse them in the Sedona Vortex energy. We embrace the elements, the sun, and the healing components of Mother Earth. If you are feeling lost, broken, or just worn out, we suggest booking a trip to Sedona, Arizona. SpiritQuest Sedona Retreats leave you refreshed, renewed, and ready to live your best full life. Read more about who you really are.