Supporting Men During Hard Times

Why are you here?

What are you dealing with in your life? 

What big questions are you asking yourself?

What do you want in your life?

The CDC says men aged 35-64 make up 50% of US suicides. Suicide is the 8th top cause of death for men in this age range.

This does not begin to tell the entire picture. How many men die of heart disease, related to stress both at work and at home? How many men die from addiction from alcohol and drug abuse, related to mental health?

It is important for men to be able to talk about their mental and emotional challenges.  Sometimes, men are busy and wonder when they can relax and be themselves. SpiritQuest Men’s Retreats help men support each other during tough times in their lives.

At SpiritQuest, we are not therapists, we are coaches. What’s the difference you ask?

Life coaches help people become the best version of themselves by giving information, support, and encouragement. Coaches offer tools, stories, and wisdom to help people navigate life’s changes.

A SpiritQuest Men’s Retreat provides opportunities for men to gain new perspectives and new insights. It helps you understand that you are not alone and that other men have faced similar situations. Navigating mid-life can be challenging and costly. Knowing how to navigate the second half of life leads to a more peaceful existence.

Are You Feeling Disconnected From Your Spouse?

The great writer Thoreau said, “most men live lives of quiet desperation,” does this describe how you’re feeling? Do you feel alone? Do you feel overwhelmed with future financial obligations? Do you feel alone at night, even though your partner is close by?

Have you lost the sparkle in your eye? Have you lost your purpose?

SpiritQuest Retreat for Men helps you reconnect to yourself and find answers. Answering the call from within leads to balance and peace.

Having good relationships with your partners, kids, family, and friends brings both happiness and joy. When men understand themselves better, they communicate their needs and desires more clearly in relationships. This results in a more tranquil life.

Men’s Retreat: Life Transitions for Men

What lies beyond work? Do you dream of golfing all day, or is it just not your thing? Lots of men are in jobs that no longer make them happy or fulfilled. Their work doesn’t satisfy them anymore.

You may ask the question: is it too late to make a career change, I’m 45 years old. Do you think you’ll have to work at the same job and company for the next 20 years until you retire?

Men often connect their identities to their work and career. They toil for a living, day in and day out, years of dedicating their lives to being their best. Sometimes they climb that ladder, and sometimes they don’t.

And, there will come a time when you ask yourself, “is this all there is, is this it?” You got what you wanted, but now you feel empty. You rest your feet on the desk and look out the window. You try to fill the emptiness by going to casinos or nightclubs, pursuing younger women or nicer cars.

More is not the answer. More things to fill the void, will not cure what ails you.

There are two ways to live when you reach this age. The first path is horizontal and leads to death. It is a path of suffering and disconnection.

Two Paths to Travel

On the Horizontal path, the drive for more goes unchecked and fails to take into consideration your soul. More money, more fun is more distraction.

The second path is the Vertical path. This is a unique way, not commonly chosen, but it brings happiness, bonding, and calmness.

This involves making choices that are best for you. These choices include ending relationships or changing careers. What are you holding onto, refusing to let go of, that is a cause of your suffering?

SpiritQuest Men’s Retreat offers a chance to enjoy nature and gain clarity in life, all in a stunning setting. We help men go through life’s stages with grace and it is our privilege to work with them. Feeling the support, hearing the wisdom, and connecting with other men in meaningful ways can make a difference.

Fatherless Sons

Many moms have faced the challenge of raising a son alone, a monumental task for two parents, much less one. Boys need guidance from men to learn wisdom and understand their responsibilities. They need to approach work with mindfulness and care.

To become a man is to accept the initiation that awaits. It means his adult life will be different from youth and responsibilities will change.

Sometimes, a boy needs guidance to understand what it means to be a man as he grows up. A man is someone who is capable of taking care of himself physically, mentally/emotionally, and spiritually.

Furthermore, every man deserves the opportunity to belong and experience acceptance. It’s important to uphold virtues such as temperance, patience, kindness, humility, diligence, chastity, and charity. SpiritQuest is a safe place for your son, we are always here to answer his questions. We provide strong support, honesty, and guidance to help him reach his full potential.

The Career Man

Advancing in a company is risky, office politics are treacherous and can result in failure. A SpiritQuest Men’s Retreat provides a safe place for men to discuss their careers as well as career transitions.

We largely base our approach to career development on the work of Joseph Campbell. People often refer to the Heroes’ Journey through the world of business and life.

You don’t need to know if you don’t already know. However, it’s crucial to approach this legendary work with an open mind. Remember that you are the main character in your own story.

Our late 20’s, 30’s, and 40’s are years of career growth and building a life. A Mental Health Retreat provides a place to discuss careers and career transitions. Deciding whether to stay or leave your job is tough. It’s good to have a space where you can talk and listen to wise advice.

What are you working for? What is your purpose? Have you answered your calling?

Tradework is important for everyone. Society relies on people who work hard every day, even in tough situations. Bills, children, wives, friends, weekends, and long hours all take a toll on a man’s mental health. When fatigue, anxiety, and depression mount, life can become unbearable.

A SpiritQuest Men’s Retreat offers stress reduction tools as well as new perspectives and understandings. We are here to support you.

It is important to remember that while competition is necessary, it will be cooperation that leads to peace. Teams of people cooperating achieve and create greatness; it does not happen alone. The culture of an organization is what determines how well it performs, and it starts with the leader’s mental health.

In Summary:

In middle age, your relationships with your spouses and kids can suffer, and you may feel unbalanced in life. A SpiritQuest Men’s Retreat can help you reset, gain perspective, and find clarity about your life priorities. Sometimes, you need to make changes in life. Taking time to think in a lovely and motivating place might be what you need.

Being part of a group of dedicated men is important for a successful life. Do you want to live a good life by thinking, reflecting, and having faith, so that you become a miracle?