For the past 25 years, I have participated in a men’s group, facilitated by a dear friend.  Each time I have attended, the lessons and experiences I’ve had have provided opportunities to heal, grow, and gain a fresh perspective.  Additionally, these men’s group meetings have provided a safe space to come together with other men to experience support.  The benefits of attending this men’s group have provided perspective, guidance, and wisdom.

Throughout a man’s life, there are passages and seasons, it is wise to surround oneself with men who have traveled the narrow razor-thin road, having suffered the journey, and have arrived home with wisdom for the journey.

Throughout time with this men’s group, there were many benefits that occurred as a result of being present.  All change begins in the mind.  Increasing self-awareness through experience and information enabled each participant to reflect on his value and beliefs.  It is my understanding that when we know how to do better, we do.

Clear Communication is Vital

Clear communication is vital to creating a culture of truth.  Throughout the men’s group, I learned stances of conflict and survival, enabling me to connect in congruence with myself and others within the context of life circumstances.  Men’s groups provided me with a greater ability to handle and manage stress in my life, often helping me through difficult situations.

If the goal of a relationship is to achieve intimacy, the truth is often simple and profound.  The men’s group provides a safe place to explore difficult emotions and thoughts.  Throughout my experience of attending men’s groups, the support and encouragement of men empowered me to walk in right action.

Men’s Retreats with SpiritQuest

Now it is time for me to pay it forward, I am a master coach at SpiritQuest and now am facilitating men’s retreats. Our men’s group retreats are real, they involve feelings, and often difficult life circumstances.  We are a group of men that are committed to confidentiality, non-judgment, and mutual support.

Women have been raising boys without the presence of good men in their lives.  We are a safe place for your son, we respect his life and will provide a lifetime of support for him.  We are committed to supporting his growth and development along his journey.  I understand your concerns and am available to speak with you for reassurance.

A little about me:  I am the son of a loving father and loving mother and a loyal brother.  I am a dad to 3 adults.  I have lived my life devoted to a Higher Power, my family, and my career.  My career as a teenager began in grain elevators, shoveling corn, and culminated with the multi-million dollar sale of my company in 2018.

On a more personal level, in 2012 I experienced emergency open heart surgery from an Aortic Dissection & Aneurysm at the age of 40.  The next 7 years I experienced a Pulmonary Embolism, neck and digestive surgeries, a life-threatening virus, and digestive failure that caused rapid weight loss. I realized I had to dive deeper into myself to find the answers.  The mind and body connection is irrefutable, understanding emotional trauma leads to physical well-being.

How Does this Awareness Help Others?

Throughout our men’s group retreat, we explore Neuro-Linguistic Programming techniques for healing and personal growth.  My lineage of healers begins with Virginia Satir, who mentored my teacher.  My maternal lineage is traced to the Lakota Sioux.  It is so important to celebrate our unique cultural upbringings that support the whole person and to approach it in a non-denominational way.

Throughout the men’s group, at our retreat center in Sedona, we provide unique opportunities for healing and growth.  We provide a variety of modalities and methods for personal development.  I am a certified Life Transformation Coach, a Reiki Master, certified Hypnotherapist with life experiences that have necessitated healing from within.  The real work begins when we realize that our outer reality is created from our inner world, bringing awareness to our feeling and thoughts, we are able to transmute our darkness to light.

Throughout a men’s group retreat, expect to have opportunities to connect with other men while exploring hiking along Sedona’s many trails, or swimming in a fresh natural Spring Water creek. Furthermore, expect experiential exercises that are intended to create a culture of support and encouragement towards greater self-awareness while living in alignment with our highest potential.

The masculine energy is focused and ambitious, often linear in perspective.  Masculinity is often career and money focused and requires effort to take a stand on principle and truth.  Masculinity is analytical and strategic with endeavors, pursuing dreams and goals that are worthy of attaining.  Finally, masculinity requires disciplined action each day toward achieving mastery.

Balance of the Feminine

The feminine energy exists as a passive observer, allowing nature to run its course while trusting the seasons and cycles of life.  When we embrace the feminine within, that which is intuitive and wise, we learn to trust the feelings within to help guide and assist.  Femininity for many men is shunned, often rejected for fear of being perceived as weak and inferior … this mistake can cause feelings of depression and anxiety, as well as confusion, loneliness, and frustration.

The balanced man has come to accept both the masculine and feminine within himself, successfully integrating both energies.  In so doing, is capable of validating himself, caring for himself, and supporting himself.  We are truth-tellers and understand that it isn’t always what we want that fills us up.  The adventure for each man is unique and is best traversed with those who have walked the Good Red Road.

Do you dare to live an adventurous, contemplative, and reflective life, full of virtue and courageous acts of faith, to embody a miraculous life?  Adventure is our willingness to take a risk for our best interest, in opposition to what everything looks like on the outside.  What are your greatest dreams?

Our men’s group retreats are non-denominational, and we do not discriminate on the basis of color, sexual orientation, or ethnicity.  We are far more alike than we are different, and when we connect from our sameness, with mutual trust and mutual respect, we are able to grow from our differences.  Our men’s group retreat is intended to provide opportunities for increased self-awareness, self-esteem, and confidence for men of all ages.

It is my privilege to be able to offer you this opportunity. (Also see our private men’s retreats for self-growth)

Blog by Troy DeSmet

Master Coach & Confidant