Sedona: A Conscious Community
The splendor of Sedona is known throughout the world. There is no place like it on Earth. Sedona has it all: climate, location, geology, and human history. All these combine in Sedona, AZ for breathtaking results. With over 300 days of blue skies per year, the complimentary orange/red of the famous Red Rocks creates an electric image against the radiant blue. As a result, Sedona bursts from every arroyo and each plateau with something new, something splendid. The bare bones of mother earth invite you to sit and scramble, contemplate and gaze. The warm red of the manzanita and ever-green pinon pines soften the scene.
Northern Arizona is a wonderful place to visit. Thus, it is a nice break from the Phoenix heat and offers some beautiful terrain. Sedona offers breathtaking hiking and mountain biking year-round! This is the Splendor of Sedona!
The Splendor of Sedona: Outdoor Adventure
Many people travel from all around the world to explore Sedona and tap into its magic on the rocks. No matter what you like to do, spending time in Sedona is a powerful experience. It may be the clean air, the mountainside, or the powerful vortexes. No matter what you’re looking for, the experience is sure to inspire. As you get out on the land, soak up the deep silence of Sedona. This is a place where stillness and calm can lead you naturally, almost instantly, into a more relaxed state. Many of Sedona’s Canyons are quiet and discrete. They are a perfect place for quiet introspection. We suggest coming alone, or with a loved one to enjoy this land and heal from the past.
Part of the splendor of Sedona is that it offers so many different healing modalities. Sedona is unique because it provides adventure AND spirituality. Sedona is known for its amazing bike trails, its hiking trails, and its vortexes. Indeed, people also come to view the rock formations in Sedona. They contain, which was a healing stone used by the Egyptians during ceremonies. The hematite oxidizes, giving the Sedona red rocks their gorgeous rusty red color. This is due to the particles of iron oxide in the rock formations.
Crystals and Energy Healing
What is Hematite? It’s a very grounding and protective stone. It was once known as the “bloodstone” due to the fact that when polishing it, the water turns red. The Egyptians used it to promote healthy blood. It’s excellent at absorbing negative energy. It’s associated with the root chakra. Hematite’s properties are about feeling connected and secure. And this is precisely why people travel to Sedona. Travelers tend to explore their foundational beliefs and work on their spirituality, clearing blocked energy. They also feel safe enough in Sedona to do some deep metaphysical work. Whether it’s clearing toxic relationships or learning to let go, Sedona is the place to do it. So in today’s terms, people still come to Sedona to “clear bad blood” but that’s just a metaphor for working on relationships and making things right. Even if it’s the relationship you have with yourself.
Equally impressive, Sedona’s sandstone buttes and mesas consist of crystalline growths (quartz crystals) to assist travelers who are seeking clarity and direction. Clear quartz is known to enhance the clarity of mind. It’s popular in meditation and used for focus and manifestation. Quartz is considered by some to be the “master healing.” It can assist in giving insight into emotions and feelings. It can release energy, store energy, and regulate energy. That’s why it’s used in many clocks and in computers.
Quartz generates a small voltage when pressure is applied. Metaphorically this is interesting because we tend to do spiritual work when we are under pressure and need the energy to move. Thus walking on the red rocks is like walking on a bed of quartz. And working with crystals is one way to look deeper into the Soul. Sedona is the perfect place to do just that and in the process, heal your energy. See more about crystals that heal.
Exclusive Permits Required
If you like to hike and get out there, then we will let you in on some local secrets. One thing travelers need to know is that hundreds of thousands of people visit Sedona every year. Due to the number of visitors, the Coconino Red Rock District (forest service) requires permits to venture out on the public lands of Sedona. These permits are limited. Therefore, if you seek out a guide or spiritual healer to work with, make sure they possess a legitimate permit. If not, a fine might result. Plus, you will want to make sure the company is licensed and insured. Regardless, you do not need a guide if you want to hike out on the red rocks alone. Just make sure to pay for the red rock pass. Most developed parking lots have signs explaining how to obtain them. Otherwise, contact the forest service directly.
However, a great number of travelers to Sedona don’t come just to hike or bike, most have an agenda in mind. After all, you don’t travel to one of the most spiritual places in the nation for nothing. Sedona is the perfect place to retreat and work on yourself.
Sedona: A Conscious Community

Sedona is a small community with many healers and those dedicated to the hope that expanding awareness can result in better lives, communities, and even a better world. The residents of Sedona are unusually dedicated to spiritual development and the outdoor/slow lifestyle. If you visit the Chamber of Commerce you will find an extensive listing of lightworkers and healers. You can find anything from sound healers to reiki masters, to readers. In fact, the inordinate amount of practitioners allows you to find almost any modality you can think of. Some offerings will have you laughing while others dive into some pretty serious undertakings. You won’t soon forget the splendor of Sedona!