SpiritQuest Sedona Retreats Hosts BMF Group
Imagine the sun rising. It’s peaking over the horizon in the crisp morning air. Simultaneously, your group is guided through a morning yoga session while the Sedona red rocks are highlighted like jewels. Markedly, the mood is fresh and dynamic for an early morning session balancing and centering your inner core. Undeniably, you and your group feel relaxed, vibrant, and amazed at the beauty all around you.
Sedona is a Dark Sky Community. The artificial lighting outside is kept to a minimum here. Specifically, making the night skies in our area a true treasure and sight to see. Imagine looking up into the sparkling stars, as well as, seeing some of the planets clearly. Emphatically, peace comes over your group as you look at the wonder of everything you can see out in space. This is what to expect at SpiritQuest Sedona Retreats’ private group retreats.
Collaboration: BMF & SpiritQuest Sedona Retreats

Private Group Retreats provide great settings, including this one pictured. The retreat was for the NY based “We are BMF” group. Specifically, this is an experiential branding and partnership company whose long list of clients includes Estee Lauder, Marriott International, Master Card, and Toyota to name a few. About BMF
SpiritQuest Sedona Retreats was one of the various providers included in the “Sedona Experience” for a well-known American skincare company. Not surprisingly, the day was full of beauty from the people and the surrounding natural environment. Later, the private group retreat ended with a moonlit night atop the fiery red rocks of Sedona, Arizona.
Night Sky Adventure
Thirty were seated in a circle for a private group retreat as the July full moon rose. Correspondingly, Cathedral Vista was silhouetted in the background. SpiritQuest Sedona Retreat facilitators told stories, drummed, and sang songs. This emphasized the connection between all beings and all things. The earth, sky, water, air, moon, stars, and Universe. A sacred herbal flower essence water made from scratch and specially prepared. Each member of the group drank some of it.
A warm breeze blew and coyotes howled in the background. Ultimately, this created an adventure of a lifetime. Another successful collaboration of urban corporate America with rural “diamond in the rough” local companies. Indeed, SpiritQuest Sedona Retreats thanks BMF for the unique and exclusive experience that added another ‘wow” to our lives and to theirs. SpiritQuest Sedona Retreats private group retreats are a continued success. Check out our Group Retreats .