The Sedona Vortexes are Profound For Healing

There are many vortexes in Sedona, and they all
have different qualities and healing aspects. Coming to Sedona, especially when you have an
intention of healing, spiritual growth, expanding consciousness, or becoming the best version of
yourself, can absolutely change your life.

Sedona is the mother of expansion. This is a place of death and rebirth and has a tendency to
pull up and out all things hidden. This means that if you have deep secrets, shame, old stories,
or are stuck, Sedona Vortex Energy can open and expose these things. You are essentially
confronted with who you truly are, and the Karma that has been passed down or is there for
your personal evolution. What you do with that is up to you.

Spiritual Healing Requires Awareness

So much is hidden from us by our own selves as a means of coping. Confronting the ugly, or
“dark” parts of us from the past can be scary, overwhelming, and depressing. But if you are on a
healing or spiritual path, this can be needed to deeply heal and move past those things
(essentially to evolve).

The key to Spiritual Awakening, or expansion, is the ability to be Aware. Coming to Sedona with
an intention to heal and see what needs to be seen in order to heal and release it, is truly
transformational. Some key indicators to show that you need this type of healing, are listed

1. You Mentally Ruminate on things and Cannot Let Go (Over Thinking)

Do you overthink or over analyze people and situations? Do you find it hard to trust and surrender to the moment? Do you find yourself criticizing or judging things very quickly? This could mean you are disconnected from your body, mind, and Spirit and are out of alignment. You want to see your mind as a tool you access when you need information. Whether something or someone is to be trusted or believed (not doubted) is up to the Heart, not the mind.

When you have been hurt in the past, the mind or Ego will often examine or analyze to check if there is a threat of danger, hurt, or the possibility of the past repeating. Sometimes, the situation looks nothing like the past, but you are still on guard and must pick things apart to feel in control. A false coping or defense mechanism is to “think” our way through everything because this will mean that you have examined every piece or possible scenario, which is not how life works. It would be best if you let go and trust. You need to do the healing work and let go of these defenses.

All they do is separate you from your own ability to fully surrender and access our excellent intuition or trust in our hearts. If you overthink things and obsess, then a trip to a Sedona Vortex will be incredibly healing and helpful.

2. You Cannot Commit to Others, Yourself or Life

Do you say no to life? This means staying inside, isolating or not accepting adventures. Do you tell yourself that you are not able, therefore there is no reason to try? Do you have a problem with putting down roots (stable long-term housing, relationships, or career)? Do you find yourself moving away or finding an excuse to quit or leave?

This could mean that you can’t commit to yourself. This many times is indicative of an abandonment wound from childhood. What happens is that you end up abandoning yourself because everyone has always abandoned you. This is done so that the self does not have to feel the disappointments of abandonment. The thought or belief is “If I abandon myself, then when someone abandons me, it will not hurt as bad” or, “I will not commit to anything of substance, because when (not if) it goes away, I will not be crushed.” It basically comes down to trust.

Never trusting or committing to anything stable means that you do not believe it will be there in the future, which is a form of self-sabotage. Many times, you get what you put into things, so if you commit, stay put, trust, and do your best, you will see great gifts coming from that arrangement (whether personal or professional). It is toxic when you are not participating, trusting, believing in people, or staying put long enough to reap the rewards for loyalty and commitment. If you identify with any of these aspects, then a trip to a Sedona Vortex might be just what you need to begin to heal this.

healing on vortex site in sedona

3. You Have Low Self-Confidence, Poor Self-Esteem, and are Insecure

Nothing is better for low confidence or self-esteem than coming to Sedona for healing and growth. Part of not feeling good about yourself is your ego, false identity, and inability to truly see your value and beauty. A big part of self-esteem or self-worth is feeling like you belong and are valuable.

Your value stems from your true original essence. The special, exceptional, unique qualities that make you, you! When you have low confidence or are insecure, you are unsure of what you bring to the table. It is a deep wound around what others have made you believe about yourself. It is innately human to begin to identify with the toxic aspects of your upbringing (this includes your parents or caretakers’ wounds, dysfunction, or issues passed through DNA or genetics, toxic behaviors witnessed in childhood, etc.)

Once you start identifying with those things, it can trick you into believing you are that dysfunction or concept. We are here to tell you that you are not those things; your light is exceptional and deserves to be searched for, found, and fostered.

4. You Feel Blocked, Stuck, Lost, Confused, or Hopeless

Do you feel blocked, lost, or defeated? Does your life lack fulfillment and purpose? Do you feel confused and scattered all over the place? If you have been feeling this way, then it may be a good idea to come to Sedona to visit a Vortex and start your healing journey. Sedona Vortex Energies are great for uncovering the pieces of ourselves that are scattered, broken, stuck, or lost.

The power of the energy brings into the now the things from the past we need to see to heal. It can help with clarity as well. So, if you are feeling this way, it means you have deeper wounds. Feeling lost can mean that you have diverted from the path that you are meant to follow. Feeling blocked means you have an old defense or coping mechanism that needs to be released.

If you have found that you have lost hope, then a trip to Sedona is perfect. A sense of hopelessness means that you have detached from your Higher Source’s guidance and love. Most issues come from a separation from Source or Higher Power, and Sedona is the perfect place to heal your relationship and reconnect.

5. You are Emotionally Numb or Experience  Anxiety, Depression, or Grief

Emotions are important, but you need to be harmonious and balanced. One way you can feel you have an emotional wound is if you are emotionally numb or emotionally overwhelmed. Feeling detached, or like you do not care what happens to you or others, is unhealthy and can significantly affect your relationship with others and yourself.

Do you find yourself distracting yourself with drama, television, gossip, or never being alone or quiet? This could mean that you are dissociating to avoid your emotions. You must work on healing to be open, present, loving, and trusting.  Emotional intimacy is deeply important to our growth as a human.

You need to let people in and let people see us. You can feel alone or highly misunderstood if we do not let people in. You will always feel unseen if you do not let people see all of you. This can be manifested in who you attract and the qualities of your relationships.

Healthy relationships are important and necessary for you to feel wanted, valued, seen, acknowledged, and loved. You must strive to let go of your past, heal, and allow others in so that you can feel loved and cared for.

Carrying around the hurts of the past and our childhood is detrimental to your Spiritual evolution. Choosing and coming to Sedona can be life-changing and the perfect thing to start you on your path of true freedom, happiness, and abundance.

Vortex Healing Begins Here!

If you find you are struggling with your mental health, call a professional and get some one-on-one assistance. Please call SpiritQuest Sedona Retreats if you would like a guided hike and ceremony at one of the Sedona Vortexes. We pair having a rich knowledge of the land, energies, native storytelling, and Spiritual growth & healing. 928-282-2509

Manifest Your Potential Today

Each tour is experiential and profound. Let things go, manifest a bright future, or learn about Sedona in a way you never have before! Come for one 2-hour segment, or make a day of it with us and do body work or Sound Healing.  You are worth it!