A Perfect Place for a Women’s Group Retreat
Heal and Empower Yourself with a Group Women’s Spiritual Retreat
Need some peace and quiet? Reconnection to Self? How about a quiet retreat with a small group of women? Our Sedona Women’s Retreats offer powerful insights and tools to help you access your divine feminine and live a better life. SpiritQuest Sedona Retreats creates a safe environment for your Women’s Healing Group Retreat by selecting the perfect team member to facilitate. Invest in a gift that benefits you and all your relationships. Introducing powerful and effective techniques, we help you find wholeness & peace.
Our Women’s Group Retreat
Our Women’s Group Retreats offered in Sedona, Arizona are private and small. Often sisterhood connections are made that last far beyond the retreat itself!

We are masters at Women’s Spiritual Retreats. Our Sedona women’s retreats have years of experience behind them. We have been in business since 2007.
A women’s group retreat with SpiritQuest Sedona Retreats focuses on finding purpose and discovering your voice. As women, we find ourselves with many responsibilities and struggling to step forward into what has been perceived as a “man’s world.” Yet women today desire to excel, expand, and feel empowered. Our women’s group retreats teach skills and techniques for self-discovery and wholeness.
Come a day early or stay a day after the women’s spiritual retreat to do some one-on-one single sessions just for you!
Women’s Group Retreat Description

The process of self-healing is a personal journey. Our Women’s Group Retreat’s mission is to guide women toward life-changing experiences that allow them to deal with emotions in healthy ways. Step forward on your journey releasing the pain in your heart from the past. We are well known for our spiritual retreats for women. Women gather from all corners of the Earth. You’ll gain clarity and tools from this retreat.
With our master guides, you dive straight into your heart. Create a soul pouch and venture out on the red rocks for a releasing ceremony. Visit a Stupa and connect with the Vortex energies of Sedona. Learn how to quiet the mind and accept yourself just as you are. Get to know your sisters and make lifelong connections. If you like, arrive a day or two early and participate in a few personal one-on-one sessions. Get in touch with our Women’s Retreat coordinators today! Also, see our individual retreats.
Call us or download our app from the Play Store to purchase your group retreat.
Women’s Group Retreat Itinerary
Arrive in Sedona, Arizona
Please plan to arrive in Sedona the day before the retreat is scheduled to begin. Check into your accommodations and get a good night’s sleep.
Our Women’s Retreats Life Review and Clearing
9:45 am – Registration
(Meet promptly at the SpiritQuest Retreat Center.)
Tools for Empowerment
This women’s group retreat session will focus specifically on the tools necessary to effectively deal with your emotions in a healthy way and gain perspective on your life’s challenges. Learning how to utilize breath, meditation, and positive affirmation to enrich our lives and provide balance and centering, while also letting go of outdated, dogmatic beliefs that prevent us from experiencing the richness of ourselves and others.
Tools for Building Content
During this session each woman will be encouraged to speak and open her heart, then create a manifestation soul pouch.
Ceremony of Letting Go
Now it’s time to open your Soul pouch and clear all that’s been holding you back. Give your limitations and troubles to this sacred land. This session takes place out on the incredible Red Rocks of Sedona!
Group Sound Healing (Optional)
6:30 – 8:00
Friday night we feature a Sound Healing which can be added to your retreat! This is a powerful, relaxing, meditative session. Cozy up on floor cushions. Close your eyes and immerse yourself into the Divine essence flow emanating from our magnificent sound facilitator. This is a session that you will not want to miss.
Empowering Your Life Vision
Today we will commune with Mother Earth by venturing out onto the sacred land of Sedona. We’ll also continue learning the tools necessary to go deep within ourselves to find our own answers and invite in the empowerment we all deserve. The focus will be on living in the present moment and being mindful in everything you do.
Tools of Empowerment
Create a self-mantra to help you move forward in your life. Go deeper with your breathwork. The talking stick allows you to express your innermost feelings in a safe and supported atmosphere
Tools for Building Content
Learn about and create your own personal ceremony. What do you need right now in your life? How will you go about creating it? In this women’s group retreat session you will begin to envision your life moving forward and will devise a “plan” to get there.
Ceremony of Manifestation. (Land Journey).
Open your heart as you connect with the vortex energies of Sedona. Feel your empowerment ushered in as you get clear about your path and how to step forward. This session takes place out on the incredible Red Rocks of Sedona!
Living in Joy & Serenity
As participants become more attuned and aligned with their spiritual body, our attention naturally turns to the question of how we live according to our highest purpose and do so with joy and passion. Today you’ll learn to begin manifesting your inner vision into your outer reality
Power of the Gong Bath Meditation
The gong is especially useful for managing the egoic mind and stepping into a place of stillness and strength. Experience the soothing release provided in this segment.
Tools for Building Content.
How does the Goddess show up in your life? Do you recognize your own Divinity within? Do you feel a part of all creation? Can you connect with the power of now and leave the past behind? You are the master of your own destiny! Learn to live in peace and serenity.
In the afternoon participants will have free time to explore Sedona on their own or have some space to schedule optional one-to-one intensives.
Optional Personal Sessions for our Women’s Retreat
Our women’s group retreat can be done either as a Private Women’s Retreat experience or enhanced by extending your stay to go deeper through intensive one-on-one private sessions. If this is your plan we recommend you schedule at least one to four days as an extension. While all the sessions offered by SpiritQuest at our Women’s Retreat Center or on the land will be available, we have included below a list of those that are especially appropriate for this retreat. Those who feel the group sessions are not enough may also elect to extend their stay just to experience some of the fun adventure activities SpiritQuest offers.
Recommended Intensives & Treatments
— Yoga
— Insights Into Self
— Soul Recovery
— Chakra Balancing & Activation
— Breaking Old Beliefs
— Emotional
— Clearing
— Medicine Wheel Teachings
— Spiritual Reading
— Sedona Vortex Hike

Join a small intimate group of women to learn what it means to Access the Divine Feminine and live in the moment to be free from your past and delve into your inner consciousness. Our Women’s Retreat brings you to a profound level of balance. Whether you’re healing emotionally, going through life transitions, or simply wishing to reconnect with your mind, body, and spirit, now is the time to experience a transformation that will change your life! This Women’s Group Retreat in Sedona, Arizona is a weekend of serenity that helps you gain the life skills and spiritual practices to re-ignite the joy that is yours for the taking. See all Group Listings.
Profound, life-Changing Experiences
Women gather from all across the globe to either participate in a women’s group retreat, or a private women’s retreat. Either way, our clients report profound experiences that are life-changing. We have a professional and developed team of practitioners who provide the tools and insights needed to overcome difficulty, release stress, and let go of the story. This is a great way to regain structure and serenity in your life. Many women find themselves caring for everyone else instead of nurturing themselves. A women’s group retreat helps set the stage for self-care and refueling so that women can better serve others. A majority of our clients are women, and most of them travel alone…some for the first time. It takes courage to break out of the rut and transform your life. We can help with that.
Be A More Empowered Woman
Empowered women are important because when women are living productive lives and when they feel whole, safe, balanced, and at peace, they better serve their families and community. It is essential that we all achieve our full potential in life. Our women’s group retreat in Sedona is designed to do just that. Give us a call today to schedule.
“For a long time I have been detached from my spirit connection. I sometimes felt that all the balls I was juggling would just collapse if I didn’t pay attention to them all. And as the saying goes, if you don’t take care of the juggler….. At spirit quest, I was afforded the private time to explore and renew my spiritual connections. To heal my internal pain, and just let go and trust the universe again. The intensely intuitive and kind people that I worked with gently opened my pained heart and let me experience joy and dare I say, bliss? It is not a word I use lightly. Since I have left Sedona and SpritQuest I have slowly and naturally allowed my soul to continue the healing journey and to experience the love in my world. What a gift.”