Private & Customized Vortex Retreats
Vortex Retreats offer connection with Nature, guidance, soul clearing, and a medicine wheel.
How Are You Feeling: Adventurous, Seeking, Needing Clarity, Ready for Something New
How We Can Help: Awakening, Discovering Self, Going Deeper, Taking it to The Next Level
Vortex Retreat
Imagine experiencing all the sessions that made Sedona famous while working with elite practitioners. This is what SpiritQuest Sedona Retreats creates for you when you select one of our Sedona Vortex Retreats in Sedona, Arizona.
You’re guaranteed to go home vibrating on a whole new level. What does “New Age” mean to us? Since we are a holistic retreat company we put great pride in remaining grounded and centered. The New Age is an age where each individual is responsible for his/her own spirituality. Likewise, it is a non-religious spiritual movement that places a great deal of emphasis on yoga, energy work, and subtle body energetics. The new age explores the science of spirituality. Basically, it encourages alternative medicine when appropriate. As well, it is an age of learning to listen to your own “higher self.” Information is gained directly by incorporating a practice of going straight to the source. Thus, our vortex retreats zero in on personal development through a personal connection to the Divine.
Awaken Yourself & Your Spirit in Sedona

Chakra Balancing for Sedona Vortex Retreats
This “out of the box” retreat package combines our most esoteric and energy-healing treatments based on yoga traditions such as Kundalini yoga and Kriya yoga breathwork. Firstly, we combine both indoor and outdoor sessions at our Spiritual Retreat Center to ensure that you take in Sedona’s vortex magic during this retreat. People travel from all over the globe to experience the powerful and profound awakenings that occur while at Sedona vortex sites.
Secondly, our Sedona Vortex Retreats combine land journey sessions at some of these sites along with a selection of other treatments in order to experience an amazing retreat package. Moreover, our clients tell us that their personal expansion was profound and extremely effective in helping them shift their consciousness and grow their awareness.

An Adventure of a Lifetime
Discover Your Inner Vortex and Find Peace
Sedona’s vortex energy draws visitors from all over the world. Many say that all of Sedona is a vortex however, six main sites have been identified as core: Airport Mesa Vortex, Bell Rock Vortex, Cathedral Rock Vortex, Boynton Canyon Vortex, Schnebly Hill Vortex, and Chapel of the Holy Cross Vortex. SpiritQuest Sedona Retreats possesses a special permit to take you to some of these incredible spots off the beaten trail.
Explore Secret Places in Sedona, Arizona
SpiritQuest Sedona Retreats take you to places that are private. We avoid locations where all the tourists gather in hordes. Moreover, we have special permission to perform the ceremony out on the vortex land of Sedona during our Sedona Vortex Retreats. Just give us a call and let us help you create a profound experience for yourself. We are experts at this. The following is just a sample of what you might experience at our Retreat Center in Sedona, Arizona while on your retreat.
NOTE: We custom design your retreat so the price depends on your particular program. Please call us or schedule a consultation using the consultation link. We will create a proposal with prices and email it to you. Alternatively, purchase one of our pre-designed retreat packages and save as much as 10%.
Sample Itineraries for Sedona Vortex Retreat
2-Day Sedona Vortex Retreat
Arrive in Sedona, Arizona
This is a good time to reflect on the intentions that you already set for the retreat. Arrive at SpiritQuest Spiritual Retreat Center the next morning to embark on your sacred journey!

Orientation/Intention Setting – 30 min. 9:30
Begin your journey with a session of intention setting, sacred oil blend, welcome packet, and orientation for your retreat. You will be invited to identify which intentions you have for beginning your life anew. Get centered, get comfortable: use this session as a great start to launch your Quest for Spirit!
Releasing & Letting Go Ceremony – 2 hrs. (Outside)
Your retreat will begin when your SpiritQuest guide takes you out for a special releasing ceremony. During this session you will set your intention and identify blockages that have been holding you back. When you release these, you can begin to move forward and re-connect with yourself once again.
Crystal Grid Perspectives – 90 min.
This amazing session allows you to interact with crystals in a deeper more profound way! Crystals have unique living history and properties. You will select from a plethora of crystals in order to create your own power grid. Your practitioner will then examine your selection of crystals and your placement in order to give you feedback on how this layout may give you insight and perspective on your life. Allow your crystals to tell a profound story and gather a deeper understanding of who you are, and where you may be headed. Feel free to ask to take a photo of your sacred geometry grid.
Chakra Balancing & Renewal – 90 min.
Revitalize and restore your energy flow with this nurturing wellness healing retreat session. Chakras are the seven main energy centers of our body. First mentioned in the ancient Vedas, the Hindu books of knowledge and the root of yoga, these swirling vortexes regulate our energy flow. Every sense, feeling and experience is connected to a specific Chakra. When you are stressed about something, the Chakra itself can become unbalanced and this manifest itself as illness in your physical and emotional body. This yogic session is a sound-sational experience which may include crystal bowls, tuning forks, and/or voice to raise your inner Chi, increasing your energy awareness and filling every cell with balance and joy.
Sedona Vortex Experience – 2 hrs. (Land Journey)
Concentrated vortex energy is everywhere in Sedona and helps amplify whatever may be needed for spiritual growth. Sedona has been known to help people untangle and release stagnating energy, facilitating healing, meditation, and deepening the connection to the Divine. This session begins with an educational conversation about Sedona history, geology, and lore. Once you have reached your sacred site (chosen for your specific intentions) your guide will lay down a spiritual altar. You will be given a quartz crystal that will amplify the energy beneath you, as you are guided in meditation. You will then enjoy a cleansing sound bath, as you connect with the Earth, the energy, and your higher self. The intention is that you will leave this session refreshed, renewed, balanced, and in harmony.
DNA Light Body Activation – 90 min.
This session is for people who are already on a spiritual path and want to understand more about their personal gifts. Often, our gifts are passed through our lineages. There are three lineages – Your own life lineage (lessons and patterns from this life that have shown up); the genetic heritage (parents and other ancestors); the spiritual lineage (belief systems from other lifetimes). This session assists people to first identify energetic blocks, clear them and then activate the wisdom from each lineage. The intent is to heal & release the patterns and karmic lessons. It involves guided meditation, crystals, and cellular activation.
Retreat Integration & End – 60 min.
This may be the end of your retreat, but it’s just the beginning of the changes you came here to make. Now you will bring closure to your quest and pull in the loose ends. You have discovered how to use your inner power to create a more joyous, abundant, and healthy life… the life you truly desire. You will feel a circle of wholeness and renewal of Spirit. You are revived and ready for new beginnings.
You depart Sedona with a new perspective and sense of being. You are now the creator of each new day. Take home tools from your journey to help you gain a sense of empowerment and a deeper understanding of love.
4-Day Sedona Vortex Retreat
Arrive in Sedona, Arizona
This is a good time to reflect on the intentions that you already set for the retreat. Arrive at SpiritQuest Spiritual Retreat Center the next morning to embark on your sacred journey!

Orientation/Intention Setting
Begin your journey with a session of intention setting, sacred oil blend, welcome packet, and orientation for your retreat. You are invited to identify which intentions you have for beginning your life anew. Get centered, get comfortable, and use this session as a great start to launch your Quest for Spirit!
Releasing Ceremony – 2 hrs. (Land Journey)
Your retreat begins when your SpiritQuest guide takes you out for a special releasing ceremony. During this session, you set your intention and identify blockages that have been holding you back. Your guide takes you out on the land in Sedona and together the space is cleared for what needs to be manifested.
Emotional Clearing – 1.5 hrs.
This retreat session energetically removes and assists you with trauma and emotional or mental health damage. Often emotional baggage inhibits us from experiencing the joy, richness, and opportunities of the present. This session allows you to emote, express, and achieve emotional balance. Using spiritual and self-help techniques, bypass the logical left brain and learn to embrace the moment and heal your spirit.
Bio Boost Treatment – 1.5 hrs.
Unlike anything you’ve ever experienced, this nurturing session incorporates six powerful elements to invigorate the life force system: re-align, re-structure, and re-balance the nervous system, and lymphatic and circulatory systems. Reclaim your strength and nourish your essence, promoting subtle body spiritual wellness. Clear, cleanse, and rejuvenate using current technology of Biomat, Chi Machine, Salt Lamp, Essential oil, Crystalline Stones, and Solfeggio Frequencies. Your practitioner prepares the way and allows the technologies to do their work. This session includes stretching with clothing on and ends with a head massage.
Heart Awakening – 2 hrs. (Land Journey)
DNA / Light Body Activation – 1.5 hrs.
This procedure is for those who are already well on their spiritual path and want to understand more about their personal gifts and talents. Often, our gifts are passed through our lineages. There are three lineages – the genetic heritage (parents and other ancestors); the spiritual lineage (belief systems from this and other lifetimes); and the lifeline lineage (lessons and patterns from this and other lives). This session assists people to activate the wisdom and lessons from each lineage and heal the patterns and karmic lessons from other lives.
Chakra Balancing – 1.5 hrs.
Using a variety of techniques the practitioner revitalizes and restores your energy flow! Chakra is the Hindu name given to the energy centers of our body. These swirling vortexes regulate our energy life force. To maintain a healthy balance within the body, the Chakras need to be balanced and focused on to maintain health.
Meet Your Guides – 1.5 hrs.
Crystal Grid Reading – 1 hr.
This magical Sedona Vortex Retreat session allows you to interact with crystals in a deeper more profound way! Crystals have unique living histories and properties. You will select from a variety of crystals in order to create your own crystal grid. Your practitioner then looks at your selection and your placement in order to give you insights into how this layout gives you perspectives on your life.
Third Eye Expansion Treatment – 1.5 hrs
Expand your awareness and open your third eye with the stimulation of the brow chakra point. The third eye is opened using warm oil poured over the scalp. After which the crown chakra is wrapped in wet towels as the sacred oils hydrate the hair. Afterward, enjoy a head and scalp massage. For the body, essential oils are used to stimulate lymphatics. The body receives a lovely massage to balance the whole system.
Sedona Vortex Experience – 2 hrs. (Land Journey)
Tap into the Abundance Vibration – 1.5 hrs.
This session is a three-part system, including discussion, writing, and meditation intended to help you clear through the mental constraints that block the abundance that is your divine birthright. This session helps manifest your signature strengths, life purpose, and ideal lifestyle. You discover how to shift your energy from a possible “lacking” state into “an abundance” state. Attract nothing but goodness, wealth, and prosperity, leading you into a life of pure joy.
Color Reading – 1.5 hrs
Humans naturally respond to the vibration of light, which can tell you a lot about what you need and what you want. The history of color has its roots in ancient Egypt. A practitioner trained at our SpiritQuest Retreat Center assists you as you choose 4 bottles to learn why you might be attracted to those colors, the historical significance, and how it relates to your past, present, and future. During this session, you get a picture of who you are, where you are going, and what your purpose is.
Retreat Integration (End) – 1.5 hrs.
During this session you reflect on your initial intentions with your SpiritQuest guide, then discover how to use your newfound tools and your own inner power to create a more joyous, abundant, and balanced life.
You depart Sedona with a new perspective and sense of being. You are now the creator of each new day and you will take home tools from your journey to help you gain a sense of empowerment and a deeper understanding of love.
6-Day Sedona Vortex Retreat
Arrive in Sedona, Arizona
This is a good time to reflect on the intentions that you already set for the retreat. Arrive at SpiritQuest Spiritual Retreat Center the next morning to embark on your sacred journey!

Orientation/Intention Setting – 0.5 hrs. Start Time 9:30
Journey with a session of intention setting, sacred oil blend, welcome packet, and orientation for your retreat. You are invited to identify which intentions you have for beginning your life anew. Get centered, get comfortable: use this session as a great start to launch your Quest for Spirit!
Releasing Ceremony – 2 hrs. (Outside)
Your retreat begins when your SpiritQuest guide takes you out for a special releasing ceremony. During this session, you set your intention and identify blockages that have been holding you back. When you release these, you begin to move forward and reconnect with yourself once again.
Connecting with Your Authentic Self – 90 min.
Have you forgotten who you really are? Open the gateway to your inner self. Re-discover your strengths and get in touch with your core. Explore your inner mantras. This meditative session is essential to having a full and joyous life. When we have forgotten who we are and no longer feel balanced and whole we can lose sight of the serenity of life. Explore deep in the still waters of the soul. Look into your own eyes. Re-connect with who you are in this present moment.
Bio Boost Treatment – 90 min.
Unlike anything you’ve ever experienced, this nurturing session incorporates 6 powerful elements to invigorate the life force system. Re-align, re-structure, and re-balance the nervous system, lymphatic & circulatory systems. Reclaim your strength and nourish your essence promoting subtle body spiritual wellness. Clear, cleanse, and rejuvenate using current technology of Biomat, Chi Machine, Salt Lamp, Essential oil, Crystalline Stones, and Solfeggio Frequencies. The practitioner sets you up and allows the technologies to do their work. This session includes stretching with clothing on and ends with a head massage.
Heart Awakening – 2.5 hrs. (Land Journey)
This session creates a pathway of unconditional love and light toward one’s self and all existence. Using the power of vibration to activate and heal, you will feel the essence of your soul and come into the remembrance of your divinity. The session takes place out on the land and is about reconnecting the heart with nature’s powerful forces. This connection calls forth the remembrance of all things in the universe and how they interact to provide support and love. You are part of all things beautiful. Discover how to open your heart and surrender peacefully.
DNA Light Body Activation – 1.5 hrs.
This procedure is for people who are already on a spiritual path and want to understand more about their personal gifts. Often, our gifts are passed through our lineages. There are three lineages – Your own life lineage (lessons and patterns from this life that have shown up); the genetic heritage (parents and other ancestors); the spiritual lineage (belief systems from other lifetimes). This session assists people to activate the wisdom from each lineage and heal & release the patterns and karmic lessons. It involves guided meditation, a crystal grid, and Shamanic activation
Chakra Balancing & Renewal – 1.5 hrs.
Revitalize and restore your energy flow with this nurturing wellness healing retreat session. Chakras are the seven main energy centers of our body. First mentioned in the ancient Vedas, the Hindu books of knowledge and the root of yoga, these swirling vortexes regulate our energy flow. Every sense, feeling, and experience is connected to a specific Chakra. When you are stressed about something, the Chakra itself can become unbalanced and this manifest itself as illness in your physical and emotional body. This yogic session is a sound-sational experience that may include crystal bowls, tuning forks, and/or voice to raise your inner Chi, increasing your energy awareness and filling every cell with balance and joy.
Spiritual Awakening – 2.5 hrs. (Land Journey)
Spiritual Awakening deals with deepening your connection with God/Source/Spirit and working with you at your Soul level, asking the questions and exploring why did you come here? What are your lessons, and challenges? What is your purpose? Get in touch with you at your center, the Source of who you are, using principles of meditation, connection, and the power of being present.
Meet Your Guides & Inner Wisdom – 1.5 hrs.
This session is an exploration of connection and the importance of creative visualization when it comes to accessing higher states of consciousness. During this session, you draw from Angels, Power Animals, Archangels, and Indigenous Earth Warriors (using cards). You create a grid enumerating the qualities, attributes, and insights that these guides can foster. These qualities include protection, guidance, inspiration, clarity, and decision-making. There is nothing more powerful than learning to be truly present and learning to listen and trust your inner wisdom.
Crystal Grid Perspectives – 1.5 hrs.
This amazing session allows you to interact with crystals in a deeper more profound way! Crystals have unique living histories and properties. You select from a plethora of crystals in order to create your own power grid. Your practitioner will then examine your selection of crystals and your placement in order to give you feedback on how this layout may give you insight and perspective on your life. Don’t be afraid to ask to take a photo of your grid.
Sedona Vortex Experience – 2.5 hrs. (Land Journey)
Concentrated vortex energy is everywhere in Sedona and helps amplify whatever may be needed for spiritual growth. Sedona is known to help people untangle and release stagnating energy, facilitating healing, meditation, and deepening the connection to the Divine. This session begins with an educational conversation about Sedona’s history, geology, and lore. Once you have reached your sacred site (chosen for your specific intentions) your guide lays down a spiritual altar. You are given a quartz crystal that amplifies the energy beneath you, as you are guided in meditation. You will then enjoy a cleansing sound bath, as you connect with the Earth, the energy, and your higher self. The intention is that you leave this session refreshed, renewed, balanced, and in harmony.
Tap into the Abundance Vibration – 1.5 hrs.
This session is a three-part system, including discussion, writing, and meditation intended to help you clear through the mental constraints that block the abundance that is your divine birthright. This session is to help manifest your signature strengths, life purpose, and ideal lifestyle. You discover how to shift your energy from a possible “lacking” state into “an abundance” state. Attract nothing but goodness, wealth, and prosperity, leading you into a life of pure joy.
Color Soul Essence Reading – 1.5 hrs.
The colors you chose reflect the needs that lie hidden within. Your choice will help you to recognize these needs at a deep level. This system opens levels of communication between the self and the soul. This session works with the energies of crystals, essential oils, and herbal extracts which translate in terms of color. Your chosen colors have the capacity to support you in a deeper understanding of your “soul” selves, past, present, and those to come. Through the wavelengths of color, you are given clues to becoming self-empowered and you will discover that you really can create your own future.
Four Elements – 3 hrs. (Land Journey)
This session brings balance, healing, and strength to one’s self and connection to all life. Honor and celebrate the cleansing power of Earth, Fire, Wind, and Air. Explore the elements in depth through meditation, nature immersion, letting go, breathwork, and creating new intentions in your life. First, you will visit a Medicine Wheel, to help with your “vision” to see exactly where you are and in which areas you need to develop in order to realize your life purpose. This session involves an altar of gratitude, as well as a drumming activation to prepare for an astounding release. This unique and life-changing session accelerates your spiritual growth and takes you to the next level of consciousness. This is a deluxe immersion into the concept of the Elements. Learn to restructure, renew, and embrace your creative power.
Energy Shield Protection – 1.5 hrs.
This session is geared toward individuals who are sensitive to other people’s energy, tending to soak up both positivity and negativity from others. Your practitioner skillfully clears past energy absorption, in essence, “cleansing” your Spiritual body. You then are guided and taught how to protect yourself from inappropriate energy transmission going forward. You are shown how to build your spiritual armor and maintain good, healthy energetic boundaries.
Sound Frequency Bath – 1.5 hrs.
You’ll experience truly amazing sensations as the practitioner gently invites stuck energy to move or vibrate again… or over-stimulated energy to explore stillness in this session in our Retreat Center Sound Healing room. The different parts of our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual beings resonate with different frequencies of vibration. This is the experience of not only health and vitality, but an expansion, consciousness, and eventually transcendence. The Sonic entrainment that you experience sends you into perfect alignment with the universe.
Empowerment Tools – 1.5 hrs.
Are you ready to become the Master of your life? This session teaches you a powerful set of techniques to break through blocked energy, alleviate stress, and stay centered. Being empowered is critical to achieving happiness. Claiming your power means that you trust, honor, and support who you are. Your strength defines your boundaries as well as expectations in relationships. This session includes tools that you can incorporate into your daily routine to break through destructive thought patterns.
Mindfulness & Gratitude – 1.5 hrs.
It is common to hear the term “be in the now”. This is a concept that has become popular since the present moment is where precious jewels are to be found. Often our cluttered minds keep us from enjoying the now. Learn to quiet the egoic mind and focus on what you are doing. Be present in every part of your life, thus enjoying the journey along the way.
Retreat Integration & Ending – 1.5 hrs.
During this session, you review and reflect on your retreat experience with your SpiritQuest guide. Next, discover how to use your own inner power to create a more joyous, abundant, and healthy life… the life YOU truly desire.
You depart Sedona with a new perspective and sense of being. You are now the creator of each new day, taking home tools from your journey to help you gain a sense of empowerment and a deeper understanding of love.
“This experience was more than I expected when I came in on a high, then was broken into pieces (or old belief broken). Then I went deep within and owned my gifts. Now those gifts have come to the front and I have shifted in a huge way. I know I still have healing to do and work to do, but I have been given tools to stay in MY LOVE–centered space quicker and know how to find my joy. The Practitioners never had their own agenda. They were fully in service for me, and that felt amazing for the transformation. Thank you for this amazing experience!
Getting Ready for our Sedona Vortex Retreats

Visit a Vortex Site Such as Schnebly Hill Vista
How can you reach higher and go to the next level? Before you book one of our Sedona Vortex Retreats at our Retreat Center, why not journal and get clear about why you are coming. How connected are you to your Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine? Do you have any generational patterns that you need to address? What messages do you receive from your higher self? Is there any de-programming you need for yourself?
Call for a Free Consultation
As you reflect on what you need and how to manifest it, and as you state it out loud, the universe will provide it at a more rapid rate. You can have everything you ever dreamed of in terms of your own spiritual awakening as long as you are clear about what you want. The best way to proceed with the customization of your Vortex Retreat is to call for a free consultation. Share your insights and let us create one of our profound retreats just for you. Sedona, Arizona is the perfect place for such a journey. Your new path is calling you!