The Perfect Place for a Men’s Retreat
Achieving balance once our lives have gotten out of sync it is a challenge. Basically, this retreat addresses how to align again through connection, context, right action, stress management, and appreciation. Our Men’s Group Retreat provides insights and tools to re-group and rebuild in order to achieve tranquility, self-worth, positive attitude, and deep connection. These group retreats are small intimate gatherings open to men only. SpiritQuest Sedona Retreats master guides help you move from ego-based operations to heart-centered.
The men’s group retreat takes place both indoors in our retreat center and outdoors at a medicine wheel. The greatest takeaway is the “Well of Wisdom” to facilitate your own growth providing deep empowerment of the soul. Shadow sides of the self are cleared and compassion, empathy, and love are brought in as the dominant force. Read more about what is a spiritual catharsis.
Come a day early or stay a day after the retreat to do some one-on-one single sessions just for you!
Men’s Group Retreat Description
Men’s Group Retreat in Sedona happens a couple of times a year and builds a “culture of appreciation” by strengthening bonds with other men. Replace resentments with appreciation. Learn to function from an “attitude of gratitude” instead of despair. The most powerful warrior is the man who is in touch with himself and has learned to let go of blame, distrust, and simply shutting down. Feel more alive than ever when joining this Men’s Group Retreat with SpiritQuest Sedona Retreats.
Let go of that inner critic and find peace. This retreat is designed to help you gain tools for becoming your best self. Don’t miss out on a special opportunity to take a time out and bring balance into your life once again.
Call us or download our app from the Play Store to purchase your group retreat.
Men’s Group Retreat Itinarary
Arrive in Sedona, Arizona
Please plan to arrive in Sedona the day before the retreat is scheduled to begin. Check into your accommodations and get a good night’s sleep.
Connecting Mind, Body, and Soul
9:45 am
Registration (Meet promptly at the SpiritQuest Retreat Center.)
Learning to connect with Self, Others, and the Context
This session at the SpiritQuest Retreat Center will focus specifically on insights on how to carry yourself in such a way as to be congruent in all that you say and do. Delve into your inner self and begin to effectively process your emotions in a healthy way and gain perspective on where you are currently. Learn the Stances originating from Virginia Satir (Grandmother of Neurolinguistic Programming): Irrelevance, Super Reasonable, Blaming, Placating, and Congruence. Tap into your animal wisdom to get a better perspective of self.
Aligning with Right Action (Outside)
Go out in the Red Rocks of Sedona where you will feel grounded and connected to the Earth. Dive into taking the right steps to become more “accountable” in your life. Questions arise such as, “What did I do wrong” “How does it impact others” and “What are the consequences.” This session will involve discussion and sharing.
Group Sound Healing (Optional)
6:30 – 8:00
Friday night we feature a Sound Healing which can be added to your retreat! This is a powerful, relaxing, meditative session. Cozy up on floor cushions. Close your eyes and immerse yourself into the Divine essence flow emanating from our magnificent sound facilitator. This is a session that you will not want to miss.
The 4 Yearnings: Freedom, Love, Creativity, Adventure
Stress Management
Learn the power of letting go and the power of receiving. Center and balance yourself with the power of stress-relief and self-care techniques. Learn not to neglect yourself, your feelings, or the feelings of others. This session will provide tools for re-framing and releasing the “shadow sides” of yourself.
The Well of Wisdom (Outside)
The “Well of Wisdom” is to learn self-care and positive intention. This session focuses on how to achieve freedom through choices where we respond rather than react. Creativity is achieved by being a generator. Learn to influence your environment rather than being influenced. Adventure is about learning to take risks to grow and expand. Love is a well-spring that we continually fill in order to love ourselves and give to others.
Building a Culture of Appreciation
This session guides you to create your clear intention, promoting and holding peace and love foremost in your mind. Release your energy that has accumulated and become stagnant, this exercise is an excellent way of releasing and mobilizing that energy, clearing and cleaning that space. Replace resentments with appreciations. Moreover, learn the attitude of gratitude. What a great way to finish your time in Sedona.
**In the afternoon participants will have free time to explore Sedona on their own or have some space to schedule optional one-to-one intensives.
Our men’s group retreat will be enhanced by extending your stay to go deeper through intensive one-on-one private sessions. Indeed, if this is your plan, we recommend you schedule at least one to four days as an extension. We have included a list below, of those that are especially appropriate for this retreat. Those who feel the group sessions are not enough may also elect to extend their stay just to experience some of the fun adventure activities SpiritQuest offers.
Recommended Intensives & Adventures
— Insights Into Self
— Soul Recovery
— Chakra Balancing & Activation
— Breaking Old Beliefs
— Emotional
— Clearing
— Medicine Wheel Teachings
— Spiritual Reading
— Sedona Vortex Hike
Men’s Group Retreat: Become the Hero
A men’s group retreat with SpiritQuest Sedona Retreats is known to be life-shifting. Are you suffering from anxiety or depression? Are your frustration and inability to deal with the situation impacting your relationship? Do you need to learn how to de-stress and regain your footing? We create a private and safe space to “let it go” and re-evaluate your priorities in life. Our skilled practitioners are here to assist you in discovering the life you would love to live. Are you trapped in feelings of inadequacy or have you “fallen off the path” and need to turn things around?
A men’s group retreat in Sedona is a journey of becoming the hero that you always wanted to be. Through our “Hero’s Journey” process our team members teach you how to overcome hardships, blockages, and stagnation in your life. You learn the stages of stepping into wholeness and what it means to be a “peaceful warrior.” Our men’s group retreat draws from many traditions and incorporates a myriad of techniques and strategies for becoming the best person you can be. Stress relief methods are explored, such as meditation, journaling techniques, and insights for letting go.

Finding a Healthier Direction
Men visit us from all around the globe. A common thread is feeling overworked, taking on too much stress, and feeling disconnected from self and family. Sometimes these feelings lead to infidelity and affairs. Relationships continue to be destroyed. Sometimes it is simply the disconnect of feeling alone and isolated, as many of our men work jobs where they travel or have work schedules that consume them. Instead, let us help you regain your balance and a healthier direction in your life. Our private men’s retreat allows our clients to work one-on-one in a private setting so old unhealthy thoughts and patterns can be released. Whether you select a private retreat or a group setting, call our retreat coordinators today in order to design the most profound retreat experience possible.
If you like, arrive a day or two early and participate in a few personal one-on-one sessions. Give us a call and our retreat coordinators will help you design the perfect experience for you! See All Personal Retreats and All Group Retreats offered in Sedona at our Center.
“Stress was slowly eating away all that was important to me, yet I felt I couldn’t let go of this ideal image I had of myself and my life. I knew I had to change because I felt angry and saw the relationships around me disintegrating. Basically, I just didn’t know how. SpiritQuest helped me reset my priorities, reconnect to a vision of myself as inherently valuable, and learn techniques to calm and recenter. As well, the instructors were caring and knowledgeable, thank you SpiritQuest!”