We hear and honor men’s voices daily here in Sedona, AZ.

We hear that men feel overwhelmed by family and work demands. We hear a loss of purpose and a decline in mental health including signs of anxiety and depression. We hear anger and frustration.

We hear stories of grief and a loss of direction. We hear about loneliness.

While these emotions and experiences aren’t unique to men, men experience unique difficulties in expressing and releasing their pain. Our society does not provide space and structure for men to process and release these feelings. Men call us every day for a chance to make a transformative change in their lives on our life-altering men’s retreat. 

What to Expect at a Men’s Retreat

We respond with compassion and listening first. We don’t make assumptions, and we don’t promise the world. This isn’t a quick-fix process. We are here to facilitate you living your best life, and becoming your best self.

And what that looks like for each person is different. We connect you with teachers and guides who can provide a wonderful experience. They will also help you grow by encouraging you to explore more. 

Our men’s retreat is unique because it offers a carefully planned schedule of sessions. These sessions aim to help you connect with your true self and achieve long-lasting changes. Unlike other retreats, our retreat focuses on personal growth and self-discovery. That’s why we are one of the best retreats in AZ.

Imagine going to the Red Rocks for a deep conversation while enjoying the beauty of Sedona. Then, come back to our retreat center for some breathing exercises or a massage.

We offer over 60 sessions to choose from. Don’t worry if it seems overwhelming, our experienced staff will help you find the right sessions and guides for you. Each session will be private, just you and your guide.

How is a Retreat for Men Different?

 Our guides are empathic and experienced. Over time, they each have nurtured what they have to offer and tailored this to what they are hearing again and again from men.

Men face certain cultural barriers to addressing their mental and emotional health. Unpacking these barriers can be difficult, as many individuals learn these behaviors during childhood. 

Men’s retreats focus on providing tools for self-growth and expansion. Sometimes men feel isolated and cut off from family and friends. This can be due to long work schedules, time spent in airports and hotel rooms, and numerous meetings. Many such activities are conducted under artificial lights and spaces that feel impersonal.

Our men’s retreats are different from other retreats in that they take into deep consideration the specific ailments, dysfunction, or issues unique to men. In addition to feeling isolated, men may find themselves facing the pressures of “providing” and succeeding. This pressure may result in anxiety and depressive thoughts. 

Selecting a retreat for men provides a time and place to slow down and re-group. It may be time to re-evaluate priorities. What is most important in your life? What do you want your legacy to be? How do you want your children to view you? How do you satisfy your own needs? How do you make life feel rich and abundant rather than depleted and lonely?

These are just a few questions men ask themselves during a retreat with SpiritQuest. These retreats are built to guide men to their own truths and inner devotions. By removing the pressures of life, albeit if only for one week, it’s amazing what clarity a segment of retreat time can bring. Maybe you are your own worst enemy. Do you put undo pressure and expectations on yourself? How can you create a more simplified, full, rich, and emotionally satisfying life?

We can help you develop such a plan. Your family will love you for it. You will love yourself for it. Never forget that we each create our own realities. What reality will you create moving forward?

Need Connection with Other Men?

We also offer a men’s group retreat. On this retreat, you will be shoulder-to-shoulder with others. That connection can create an environment of comradery and friendship. We recognize that sometimes we need deep, private work, and other times we need connection, to feel part of a tribe.

Unlike the personalized one-on-one men’s retreats, our men’s group retreats happen on particular dates throughout the year. There is one agenda and two facilitators, these are open to the public. Group retreats are more “price-friendly” in that they offer a retreat experience that is powerful but more economical.

Our men’s group retreat is a three-day adventure. Enjoy bonding inside in the morning and moving outside onto the red rocks of Sedona for the afternoon. Interaction with and insights gained from other men is extremely valuable. Often friendships are gained that last a lifetime. For 2024 SpiritQuest is offering 3 men’s group retreats: February 16-18, May 31-June 2, and November 15-17. 

Combine a Men’s Group Retreat with Private Sessions

Need a mixture? Join a men’s group retreat and then add on additional private sessions. Whatever you need, we’ve thought of you. This option delivers the best of both worlds. You get to interact with others, form bonds, feel connected, and you get private one-on-one time. Our office staff will assist you in determining the best private sessions for you.  Just call us at 928-202-0665 to speak to a caring specialist!