SpiritQuest Sedona Retreats Blog

Get out of Your Head: Conquering Imposter Syndrome

We all experience the feeling of not being enough, but when self-doubt becomes constant despite our achievements, it transforms into imposter syndrome. Imposter syndrome can take many faces, from believing that you got your dream job out of luck to fear of being found to be a fraud at any moment. Imposter syndrome often [...]

2025-01-29T12:35:26-07:00January 29th, 2025|Blog|Comments Off on Get out of Your Head: Conquering Imposter Syndrome

Disconnect to Reconnect: Embracing a Tech-Free Life

Most of us spend more time than we'd like to admit looking at a screen. You're doing it right now — and if you're like a majority of us, you're probably looking at a screen more than you look at anyone or anything else. There are plenty of scientifically proven reasons why screen time [...]

2025-01-29T11:57:40-07:00January 29th, 2025|Blog|Comments Off on Disconnect to Reconnect: Embracing a Tech-Free Life

Mastering Your Life

In his book “Nonviolent Communication,” Marshall Rosenburg focuses on the basic inner needs of all humans, which must be met for individuals to feel fulfilled and content. These include the need to feel seen, loved, accepted and valued, among many others. To become truly empowered, we need to take mindful action to allow these [...]

2025-01-15T07:01:30-07:00January 15th, 2025|Blog|Comments Off on Mastering Your Life

Self-Love Through Awareness

Self-Love: Awareness to Manifest Love and Joy Self-love requires that we let go of old outmoded ways of thinking and instead move forward with clarity and awareness.  Some people think that when they hear those two little words “loving self” someone is becoming self-absorbed and selfish.  However, to love someone else, to fully love, [...]

2025-01-07T18:52:13-07:00January 7th, 2025|Blog|Comments Off on Self-Love Through Awareness

Self-Love to Strengthen Relationships

Self-Love to Strengthen Your Relationship There are 6 ways to develop self-love and by doing so, improve your relationship. The way you view yourself and the way you treat yourself will definitely impact your relationship. The same is true for your partner. In this article we will explore various aspects of self-care as well [...]

2024-12-24T07:39:51-07:00December 24th, 2024|Blog|Comments Off on Self-Love to Strengthen Relationships

Unconditional Love, The God State, and the Higher Self

Embracing the God State: Connecting with Your Higher Self Have you ever wondered, What is my higher self? How can I be more spiritually aware? In this post, we’ll explore the concepts of unconditional love, the God state—our original, divine essence—and how remembering this state can help you live a spiritually enriched life. The [...]

2024-12-01T07:10:56-07:00December 2nd, 2024|Blog|Comments Off on Unconditional Love, The God State, and the Higher Self

Are You Emotionally Blocked?

Are you Emotionally Blocked?  Emotional blockages are a common defense mechanism against past hurt or pain. Humans are amazing, resilient creatures that are able to adapt to survive. We must be thankful for our protection systems, as they help us to survive what might have been lethal to us in terms of emotional pain [...]

2024-11-19T11:37:27-07:00November 19th, 2024|Blog|Comments Off on Are You Emotionally Blocked?

Daily Stretches to Improve Your Well-being

Stretching is not just for intense workouts but plays a role in maintaining mobility throughout all stages of your life. Including a few simple stretches in your daily routine can enhance your muscle health and overall well-being. 5 Stretches to Include in Your Daily Routine Stretching for just five minutes a day can significantly [...]

2024-11-05T13:58:09-07:00November 5th, 2024|Blog|Comments Off on Daily Stretches to Improve Your Well-being

Repairing Family Dysfunction

Repairing Family Dysfunction Repairing Family Dysfunction requires taking a look at those things that are very unhealthy in the family, subconsciously or consciously, and freeing the self to gain autonomy in life. This is accomplished by gaining new tools for repairing the family dynamic. Rupert Sheldrake: Morphic Resonance British biologist Rupert Sheldrake, who [...]

2024-11-04T16:17:45-07:00November 4th, 2024|Blog|Comments Off on Repairing Family Dysfunction

Loving Kindness Meditation: A Practice for Self-Love & Healing

"When we feel love and kindness toward others, it not only makes others feel loved and cared for, but it helps us also to develop inner happiness and peace.” The Dalai Lama What is Loving Kindness Meditation? Loving Kindness Meditation (also known as “Metta”) is a  Buddhist meditation technique. In this simple, yet [...]

2024-11-02T11:24:16-07:00October 21st, 2024|Blog|Comments Off on Loving Kindness Meditation: A Practice for Self-Love & Healing
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