Ala Carte Menu for Sedona Healing Services
To address underlying destructive patterns, the following ala carte healing treatments are part of our Healing Sedona Retreat. To maximize your retreat, we recommend selecting sessions from other treatment pages too. You can also experience these sessions ala carte.
In our holistic retreats, we combine sessions for the body, mind, and spirit. The Healing Treatments listed below take place primarily indoors at our Healing Retreat Center in Sedona, AZ. By utilizing breathing techniques and yoga principles for a healthy lifestyle, you will release anxiety and depressive states of mind. Indeed, the most transformative journey will be one that combines several different types of Sedona healing treatments. That’s where we are very helpful! Customizing a self-healing retreat package over the phone, that’s just right for you, is what we do best. Let us do the work! Or select treatments for a day package or ala carte experience. Look no further than SpiritQuest for Healing Centers in Sedona.

Healing sessions for personal growth and spiritual development. Today is the day!
The beauty of our healing retreats at our Retreat Center in Sedona is that retreats are built around your specific issues and goals. In general, the most popular are the 3-5 day retreats, however, some clients stay up to 12 days! Call us for a free consultation to complete your Healing treatments itinerary and determine the cost 928-282-2509. Also, check out our group retreat schedule.
If you prefer, download our app from the play store and purchase your treatments/activities directly.
Healing Treatments in Sedona: Setting Healthy Boundaries

Learn to release the patterns of the past to create your own future during our healing treatments! Furthermore, by setting healthy boundaries and remembering your priorities, this Sedona spiritual healing retreat treatment will help you discover a more peaceful and harmonious way of being. Undeniably, the ability to set boundaries is essential for stress management and mental health. The Yogi tradition values healthy boundaries. They are a must!
Sedona Healing Treatments: Breaking Old Belief Patterns
During these healing treatments, you will learn how belief systems are subconscious instructions. Your life is determined by these instructions, just like a computer’s software determines what it does. Many of these beliefs were formed early in childhood and have not been updated to a healthy adult viewpoint. Straightaway, the practitioner will help you identify your unconscious beliefs and how they affect you by looking at the patterns in your life. In the event that the belief is identified, it can be updated. As a result, the belief will no longer hold any power over you. In this awareness session, we draw on yoga and meditation traditions.
Treatments for Healing: Breathwork & Letting Go

In our healing treatments, you can trigger experiences of non-ordinary consciousness that lead to greater spiritual understanding. With awareness, you will discover your personal history, your birth experiences, and the archetypes and cosmic phenomena in your life. Thus, these Sedona healing treatments draw on a variety of breathwork traditions and help you realize that it’s all illusion. Let’s get you out of your head and release the pain you’ve been carrying.
Healing Treatments: Calling in Your Soul Mate

In this session, you’ll connect with your mate. During the journey, you develop an inner trust in yourself and gain a profound understanding of what you want. Hence, through these Sedona healing treatments, the space is opened up for letting go of past relationships. Although we might think love has limits, the only thing that really limits it is understanding. The greater our understanding, the more we allow our true love to enter.
Healing Treatments: Clarity to Face the Crossroad

Are you at a transitional place in your life? You will find clarity on how to manifest a healthy future in Sedona healing treatments such as this. Make your life meaningful and relevant as you reclaim neglected strengths. Create concrete guidelines for increasing opportunities. Overall, you will bring passion and excitement into the present moment. As you move forward, view yourself as the curious explorer instead of a powerless victim. Develop the skills to manifest a beautiful future!
Healing Treatments: Dealing with Anxiety

We will focus on the traps of worrying about the future or the past in this session. Our egoic minds can mislead us into thinking that something is missing. Basically, we think we need something we can’t get. Or that we can control something that feels beyond our control. The key is to be present and realize that we have everything we need right now. You will learn to “surrender & accept.” Simultaneously, grace and peace are found in these healing treatments.
Sedona Healing Treatment: Abandonment, Embracing Inclusion
It is time to face your feelings head-on! Death, divorce, and illness often cause emotional abandonment. Occasionally, emotional abandonment doesn’t harm our healthy development, but when it happens frequently, it impacts our sense of self and can compromise our personal security. Given that, this spiritual healing treatment teaches you to value yourself, to allow yourself to be nurtured, and to let go.
Healing Treatment: Embracing Self-Love
Learning to be what you dearly desire and love about yourself. Like attracts like. Love is not something you take. It is shared. Learning how to nurture the “graced one” within, you will let go of “the judge” and move into a place of empowerment and healthy boundaries. Self-love is evident in the way you show up for yourself. Your practitioner will show you the tools to better respect, honor, and commit to your highest good. Once you Love Yourself, you can fully love another.
Healing Treatments Activity: Emotional Clearing
This retreat session energetically removes and assists you with trauma and emotional or mental health damage. Often emotional baggage inhibits us from experiencing the joy, richness, and opportunities of the present. This session will allow you to emote, express, and achieve emotional balance. Using spiritual and self-help techniques, bypass the logical left brain and learn to embrace the moment and heal your spirit.
Healing Treatment: Forgiveness – Letting Go Of Anger
There are times when we feel overwhelmed by our circumstances and frustrated by what we expect. This causes anger and resentment to build up. Often we blame others or ourselves. Chiefly, through meditative and yoga concepts, you can let go of “wishing the past could have been different” and truly learn how to forgive yourself and others.
Sedona Healing Treatment: Grieving Process
Having lost loved ones in our lives, we learn that acknowledging our pain and grieving process acknowledges the depth of our love. Without the capacity to love, we would not experience pain and hurt. Therefore, an effective way to honor those who have passed away can also be found in grieving. Our spiritual healing treatments are about coping with this time and focusing on our joyous memories. It teaches us how death changes us. All in all, with healthy living principles, you can adapt positively.
Healing Treatment: Healing Inner Wounds
All spiritual healing treatments give you a chance to open your heart and face real issues. Our spiritual therapist will help you break through the pain and anger of destructive patterns in order to build a stronger commitment to inner peace. In essence, you discover methods of meditation and energy balancing that encourage healthy self-care.
Sedona Healing Treatments: Hypnotherapy

Reprogram your mind to achieve happiness and success! As a result of hypnotherapy, you reach a psychological state of awareness. During this hypnotic state, the mind can be reprogrammed with new beliefs. Equally important, hypnotherapy treatments will help overcome problems such as lack of motivation, repressed memories, stress management, and addiction.
Healing Treatment: Inner Child Healing

This spiritual healing treatment focuses on the healing of early childhood experiences. From time to time, childhood can be painful and sometimes traumatic. This powerful form of spiritual work involves a safe dialogue process that allows you to heal hidden areas, memories, and feelings of abandonment. With guided meditation, you will feel protected and nurtured as you visit your Inner Child.
Sedona Treatment: Reiki Energy Work
The Japanese word “reiki” means “universal life energy.” It is a form of energy work. The Reiki practitioner uses gentle movements of the hands, hovering over your body. This provides you with Reiki energy for relaxation, stress reduction, physical or emotional healing, manifestation, and spiritual expansion. In effect, Reiki energy is intelligent and moves where it is needed without being influenced by thoughts.
Sedona Coaching: Replenishing The Overworked Soul

Do you work too much? Does your job consume you or do you spend most of your time caring for others? This spiritual healing treatment deals with learning to gain balance and contentment in your “real” life experience. Isn’t there something deeper than working round the clock? Open the door to discovering your own boundaries for happiness. What is your life purpose? What are you passionate about? We become that which we do. What do you spend your time doing? Do you have a spiritual practice? Let yoga principles help your alignment. Through your practitioner’s guidance, you will gain concrete insights and tools to move into a more peaceful and content place in your life.
Sedona Coaching: Stopping Cycles of Self-Sabotage
This session is about the tricky and cunning effects and dynamics of self-sabotage. This is a very complex and obscure topic. Many times, it is easier to point out where and when a person has hurt us and identify the consequences of this hurt. But when it comes to how we may be hurting ourselves; this is another story entirely. Whether you are conscious of it or not, self-sabotage can be very destructive and stunt your growth in many ways. Your practitioner will help to identify the parts of you that wishes to harm “the self” and heal that wound so that you may become whole and complete. This session will help you to better understand triggers and to stop the vicious cycles of self-detriment. You deserve to be respected loved and cherished, especially by your own self.
Healing Coaching: Confidence & Empowerment

These healing treatments are a must for anyone who wants to reclaim their personal power. When you have high self-efficacy, you will think, feel, and behave in a way that contributes to your success. As a result, you will see obstacles as challenges to overcome. Because you view failure more as a result of external factors than internal weaknesses, you will recover quickly from setbacks. In other words, your motivation, choices, toughness, and determination are affected by your belief in yourself.