Spiritual Retreats for Awareness & Growth
Spiritual Retreats to grow your spiritual practice and help you feel centered and connected.
How Are You Feeling: Cut Off Lost Disconnected Depressed Empty Bewildered
How We Can Help: Connection Clarity Awareness Serenity Purpose Happiness
Become the Best Version of Yourself
These retreats are aimed at raising self-awareness and promoting personal growth through a joyful connection to your higher self. Using yoga, meditation, sound healing, healthy eating, and more, you gain the balance you have been seeking. In addition, the great news is that you’ll be working with the best spiritual guides in Sedona, Arizona at our Retreat Center. Our spiritual retreat program is a private one-on-one experience. Furthermore, our coaching is superb and known to many. This is the perfect time for a spiritual retreat in Sedona.
Gifted Alternative Spiritual Healers
We are confident when we say that our practitioners are among the best you’ll find anywhere in the world. As a result, SpiritQuest Sedona Retreats is here to provide the guidance that you need to grow your spirituality. A group of gifted healers is ready to help with coaching, all designed to raise consciousness. Thus, spiritual retreats help you find and remove blocks that keep you stuck in ego and negative behavior.
Our Spiritual Retreats Offer Life-Changing Experiences
Known as one of the best Spiritual Retreat Centers located in the heart of Sedona, our company has developed a reputation as the leading provider of spiritual retreats. We are committed to total excellence for our innovative holistic approach. SpiritQuest has produced a proven track record of life-changing results that last. Even though we offer many different retreat types, all of them are spiritual in nature.
Our company is non-sectarian and based on insights from numerous self-awareness authors such as Eckert Tolle, “The Power of Now,” Michael Singer, “The Untethered Soul,” and Joseph Campbell, “The Power of Myth,” to name just a few. The primary goal is to provide spiritual exercises to raise your awareness to achieve clarity, connection, and peace.

Venture Out On The Red Rocks for Clearing & Connection
Invest In Yourself With Sedona Spiritual Retreats
Sedona has become a world-renowned spiritual Mecca, and therefore it is difficult to discern between master teachers and those who are not. Don’t worry, we have done the work for you. Comparatively, our gifted coaches and guides are integral, authentic individuals.
Gift Yourself With a Retreat Today – You Are Worth It!
When you invest in a spiritual awakening retreat, you discover that you are worth it. You feel connected with your higher self, and you feel your spirituality increase. Most importantly, you feel the serenity of connection and purpose. Clients tell us that the techniques and insights provided at our spiritual retreats increase their connection to their personal practice.
Learn Four Ways to Increase Your Spirituality & Connection
Awakening the Self
One-on-One Personal Growth for the Soul
Mudra Meditation for Self-Awareness brings Balance to the Mind, Body, and Spirit
What makes our Spiritual Retreats special is that it’s all about you. With one-on-one attention from master practitioners, you’ll experience a profound shift of consciousness in a shorter period than what you could expect from a group retreat twice as long. If you need a spiritual awakening, a customized Spiritual Retreat at our retreat center in Sedona, AZ, is the best way to maximize your time and budget. Embark on a spiritual retreat with amazing personal insights.
Customize Your Retreat
As you read the sample itineraries below, please keep in mind they can be customized to meet your specific goals. We promise to construct a synergistic itinerary where each new experience builds on those that came before. Choose from over 50 sessions to design a program that can last anywhere from 2-14 days. For a more economical choice see our Group Retreats in Sedona
NOTE: We custom design your retreat so the price depends on your particular program. Please call us or schedule a consultation using the consultation link. We will create a proposal with prices and email it to you. Alternatively, purchase one of our pre-designed retreat packages and save as much as 10%.
Sample Itineraries for Private Spiritual Retreats
2-Day Spiritual Retreats
Orientation/Intention Setting – 30 min. 9:30
Begin your journey with a session of intention setting, sacred oil blend, welcome packet, and orientation for your retreat. You will be invited to identify which intentions you have for beginning your life anew. Get centered, get comfortable: use this session as a great start to launch your Quest for Spirit!
Releasing & Letting Go Ceremony – 2 hrs. (Outside)
Your retreat will begin when your SpiritQuest guide takes you out for a special releasing ceremony. During this session you will set your intention and identify blockages that have been holding you back. When you release these, you can begin to move forward and re-connect with yourself once again.
Meditation – 90 min.
What do the spiritual Yogi masters know that you don’t? They know how to meditate! SpiritQuest teaches meditation as the primary tool for self-healing, the primary means of enhancing self-awareness, and as a gateway to greater self-mastery. During this session you will experience a guided meditation, allowing you to move to a place of deep stillness within yourself. You will learn powerful techniques that you can incorporate into your life to help manage stress levels and you will emerge with a profound sense of joy.
Color Soul Essence Reading – 90 min.
The colors you chose reflect the needs that lie hidden within. Your choice will help you to recognize these needs at a deep level. This system opens levels of communication between the self and the soul. This session works with the energies of crystals, essential oils, and herbal extracts which translate in terms of color. Your chosen colors have the capacity to support you in a deeper understanding of your “soul” selves, past, present and those to come. Through the wavelengths of color, you are given clues to becoming self-empowered and you will discover that you really can create your own future.
Spiritual Awakening – 2 hrs. (Land Journey)
Spiritual Awakening deals with deepening your connection with God/Source/Spirit and working with you at your Soul level, asking the questions, and exploring why did you come here? What are your lessons, challenges? What is your purpose? Get in touch with you at your center, the Source of who you are, using principles of meditation, connection, and the power of being present. This session will assist with removing blockages, helping a person to better connect spiritually.
Sound Frequency Bath – 90 min.
You’ll experience truly amazing sensations as the practitioner gently invites stuck energy to move or vibrate again… or over-stimulated energy to explore stillness in this session in our Retreat Center Sound Healing room. The different parts of our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual being resonate to different frequencies of vibration. This is the experience of not only health and vitality, but expansion, consciousness, and eventually transcendence. The Sonic entrainment that you will experience will send you into perfect alignment with the universe.
Third Eye Expansion Treatment – 90 min.
Expand your awareness and open your intuition with the stimulation of the third eye chakra point. The third eye is opened using warm oil that flows onto the scalp, after which the crown chakra will be wrapped in warm towels as the oils hydrate the hair. You will then experience a head and scalp massage. For the body, essential oils are used to stimulate stagnant areas. The feet and hands receive an exfoliating massage and hydration to balance the whole system.
Retreat Integration & End – 60 min.
This may be the end of your retreat, but it’s just the beginning of the changes you came here to make. Now you will bring closure to your quest and pull in the loose ends. You have discovered how to use your inner power to create a more joyous, abundant, and healthy life… the life you truly desire. You will feel a circle of wholeness and renewal of Spirit. You are revived and ready for new beginnings.
Depart Sedona
You will depart Sedona with a new perspective and sense of being. You are now the creator of each new day and you will take home tools from your journey to help you gain a sense of empowerment and a deeper understanding of love.
Add any of the following sessions to complement your retreat:
Cacao Renewal Treatment
Chakra Renewal & Balancing
Sacred Oil Rejuvenation
DNA Activation
Color Spiritual Guidance Reading
Astrology Reading
Yoga Hike
Horse Medicine
Drum Ceremony
Earth Medicine Wisdom
4-Day Spiritual Retreats
Orientation/Intention Setting
Begin your journey with a session of intention setting, sacred oil blend, welcome packet, and orientation for your Spiritual Retreat. You will be invited to identify which intentions you have for beginning your life anew. Get centered, get comfortable, and use this session as a great start to launch your Quest for Spirit!
Releasing Ceremony – 2 hrs. (Land Journey)
Your retreat will begin when your SpiritQuest guide takes you out for a special releasing ceremony on the powerful red rocks of Sedona. During this session, you will set your intention and identify blockages that have been holding you back. When you release these, you can begin to move forward and reconnect with yourself once again.
Breaking Old Belief Patterns – 1.5 hrs.
In this session, you’ll learn how belief systems are the “instructions” you have in your subconscious. These instructions determine almost all aspects of your life, similar to the way computer software determines what a computer will do. Many of these beliefs were formed early in childhood and have not been updated to a healthy adult viewpoint, which can be the root cause of numerous problems. By looking at the patterns in your life, the practitioner will help you learn to recognize your unconscious belief systems and how they are actually affecting you. Once the belief is found it can be updated, at which point it loses its power over you. This is an awareness session and draws from various yoga and meditation traditions.
Bio Boost Treatment – 1.5 hrs.
Unlike anything that you’ve ever experienced. This medicinal and nurturing session incorporates six powerful elements to invigorate the life force system. Re-align, re-structure, and re-balance the nervous system, lymphatic & circulatory systems. Reclaim your strength and nourish your essence promoting subtle body spiritual wellness. Clear, cleanse, and rejuvenate using current technology of Biomat, Chi Machine, Salt Lamp, Essential oil, Crystalline Stones, and Solfeggio Frequencies. The practitioner will set you up and allow the technologies to do their work. This session includes a fully clothed Thai massage, ending with a head massage.
Heart Awakening – 2.5 hrs. (Land Journey)
This session creates a pathway of unconditional love and light toward one’s self and all existence. Using the power of vibration to activate and heal, you will feel the essence of your soul and come into the remembrance of your divinity. The session takes place out on the land and is about reconnecting the heart with nature’s powerful forces. This connection calls forth the remembrance of all things in the universe and how they interact to provide support and love. You are part of all things beautiful. Discover how to open your heart and surrender peacefully.
Meditation – 1.5 hrs.
What do the spiritual Yogi masters know that you don’t? They know how to meditate! SpiritQuest teaches meditation as the primary tool for self-healing, the primary means of enhancing self-awareness, and as a gateway to greater self-mastery. During this session you will experience a guided meditation, allowing you to move to a place of deep stillness within yourself. You will learn powerful techniques that you can incorporate into your life to help manage stress levels and you will emerge with a profound sense of joy.
Third Eye Expansion Treatment – 1.5 hrs.
Expand your awareness and open your intuition with the stimulation of the third eye chakra point. The third eye is opened using warm oil that flows onto the scalp, after which the crown chakra will be wrapped in warm towels as the oils hydrate the hair. You will then experience a head and scalp massage. For the body, essential oils are used to stimulate stagnant areas. The body receives a lovely treatment to balance the whole system. Note: Hair will be oily afterward.
Sedona Vortex Experience – 2.5 hrs. (Land Journey)
Concentrated vortex energy is everywhere in Sedona and helps amplify whatever may be needed for spiritual growth. Sedona has been known to help people untangle and release stagnating energy, facilitating healing, meditation, and deepening the connection to the Divine. This session begins with an educational conversation about Sedona’s history, geology, and lore. Once you have reached your sacred site (chosen for your specific intentions) your guide will lay down a spiritual altar. You will be given a quartz crystal that will amplify the energy beneath you, as you are guided in meditation. You will then enjoy a cleansing sound bath, as you connect with the Earth, the energy, and your higher self. The intention is that you will leave this session refreshed, renewed, balanced, and in harmony.
Meet Your Guides & Inner Wisdom – 1.5 hrs.
Are you searching for wisdom and insight about your life and have had enough of the psychics? Perhaps, you’ve reached a point where you already know and/or feel information being revealed to you, confirming your own intuitive ability. If so, then this session is for you! You will meet your spiritual guides and learn to make decisions from that sacred place. This is nothing more than learning to be truly present and learning to listen and trust.
Sound Frequency Bath – 1.5 hrs.
You’ll experience truly amazing sensations as the practitioner gently invites stuck energy to move or vibrate again… or over-stimulated energy to explore stillness in this session in our Retreat Center Sound Healing room. The different parts of our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual beings resonate with different frequencies of vibration. This is the experience of not only health and vitality, but expansion, consciousness, and eventually transcendence. The Sonic entrainment that you will experience will send you into perfect alignment with the Universe.
Spiritual Awakening (Land Journey) – 2 hrs.
Spiritual Awakening deals with deepening your connection to God/Source/Spirit, and working with you at the Soul level to explore the question of why you are here? What are your lessons? What is your purpose? Get in touch with you at your center, the Source of who you really are, by bridging the outer world with the inner.
Self Love: Confronting Inner Critic – 1.5 hrs.
Learning to be what you dearly desire and love about yourself. Like attracts like. Love is not something you take, it is shared. Learning how to nurture the “graced one” within, you will let go of “the judge” and move into a place of empowerment and healthy boundaries. Once you love yourself, you can fully love another.
Spiritual Guidance Reading – 1 hr.
This session helps you access your energy field through intuition and a deeper knowing, which presents your subtle body timeline. Your guide will help you in getting in touch with painful events creating anxiety, depression, or confusion and help you gain a healthy perspective. Understanding your timeline and how your life events connect with your purpose will help you realize what shifts need to be made to find ultimate happiness.
Retreat Integration (End) – 1.5 hrs.
During this session you will review and reflect on your Spiritual Retreat experience with your SpiritQuest guide, then discover how to use your own inner power to create a more joyous, abundant, and healthy life… the life YOU truly desire. Our intention is to be there for you after you return home from your retreat. Our Lifeline can provide the support you may need.
Depart Sedona
You will depart Sedona with a new perspective and sense of being. You are now the creator of each new day and you will take home tools from your journey to help you gain a sense of empowerment and a deeper understanding of love.
Add any of the following sessions to complement your retreat:
Cacao Renewal Treatment
Chakra Renewal & Balancing
Sacred Oil Rejuvenation
DNA Activation
Color Spiritual Guidance Reading
Astrology Reading
Yoga Hike
Drum Ceremony
Earth Medicine Wisdom
6-Day Spiritual Retreats
Orientation/Intention Setting – 0.5 hrs. Starting time Start Time 9:30
Begin your journey with a session on the intention-setting sacred oil blend, a welcome packet, and orientation for your retreat. You will be invited to identify which intentions you have for beginning your life anew. Get centered, get comfortable: use this session as a great start to launch your Quest for Spirit!
Releasing Ceremony – 2 hrs. (Outside)
Your retreat will begin when your SpiritQuest guide takes you out for a special releasing ceremony. During this session, you will set your intention and identify blockages that have been holding you back. When you release these, you can begin to move forward and reconnect with yourself once again.
Breaking Old Belief Patterns – 1.5 hrs.
In this session, you’ll learn how belief systems are the “instructions” you have in your subconscious. These instructions determine almost all aspects of your life, similar to how computer software determines what a computer will do. Many of these beliefs were formed early in childhood and have not been updated to a healthy adult viewpoint, which can cause numerous problems. By looking at the patterns in your life, the practitioner will help you learn to recognize your unconscious belief systems and how they are affecting you. Once the belief is found, it can be updated, at which point it loses its power over you.
Bio Boost Treatment – 1.5 hrs.
Unlike anything that you’ve ever experienced. This healing and nurturing session incorporates six powerful elements to invigorate the life force system. Re-align, re-structure, and re-balance the nervous system, lymphatic & circulatory systems. Reclaim your strength and nourish your essence, promoting subtle body spiritual wellness. Clear, cleanse, and rejuvenate using current technology of Biomat, Chi Machine, Salt Lamp, Essential oil, Crystalline Stones, and Solfeggio Frequencies. Your practitioner will prepare the way and allow the technologies to do their work. This session includes a Thai Massage with “clothing on” and ends with a head massage.
Heart Awakening – 2.5 hrs. (Land Journey)
This session creates a pathway of unconditional love and light toward oneself and all existence. Using the power of vibration to activate and heal, you will feel the essence of your soul and come into the remembrance of your divinity. The session takes place out on the land and is about reconnecting the heart with nature’s powerful forces. This connection calls forth the remembrance of all things in the universe and how they interact to provide support and love. You are part of all things beautiful. Discover how to open your heart and surrender peacefully.
Building Self-Esteem & Self-Worth – 1.5 hrs.
How do you see yourself? Do you question your value or look to others for validation or self-worth? If you find yourself looking away when you see your reflection, then this session is for you. Self-esteem is something that is built and developed over a long period of time. Many times, a combination of wounded parental conditioning, faulty beliefs, and toxic relationships destroys a person’s self-worth or self-esteem. A person’s understanding of meaning and worth depends on many different dynamics. Using a customized, in-depth process, we help you uncover your true self. You shed away the old layers of guilt and shame. Ultimately, allowing your true beauty and self to shine. To help you rewrite your story, we lay the foundation of truth, integrity, worthiness, and self-love. We help you re-develop your self-esteem and cleanse your perception.
Intensive Breathwork – 2 hrs.
This is a safe and simple way to trigger experiences of non-ordinary consciousness that open you to a greater spiritual understanding. Lost memories from your personal history, experiences from your birth, and archetypal and cosmic phenomena can become available to you through awareness, helping you transcend the constraints of your ordinary thoughts and habits. This session draws from various breathwork traditions and helps you realize that it’s all illusion and freedom that comes from allowing emptying of all that has kept you bound. This session is about getting out of your head and releasing the pain you’ve been carrying.
Sedona Vortex Experience – 2.5 hrs. (Land Journey)
Concentrated vortex energy is everywhere in Sedona and helps amplify whatever may be needed for spiritual growth. Sedona has been known to help people untangle and release stagnating energy, facilitating healing, meditation, and deepening the connection to the Divine. This session begins with an educational conversation about Sedona’s history, geology, and lore. Once you have reached your sacred site (chosen for your specific intentions) your guide will lay down a spiritual altar. You will be given a quartz crystal that will amplify the energy beneath you, as you are guided in meditation. You will then enjoy a cleansing sound bath, as you connect with the Earth, the energy, and your higher self. The intention is that you will leave this session refreshed, renewed, balanced, and in harmony.
Spiritual Guidance Reading – 1.5 hrs.
This session helps you access your energy field through intuition and a deeper knowing, which presents your subtle body timeline. Your guide will help you in getting in touch with painful events creating anxiety, depression, or confusion and help you gain a healthy perspective. Understanding your timeline and how your life events connect with your purpose will help you realize what shifts need to be made to find ultimate happiness.
Meditation – 1.5 hrs.
What do the spiritual Yogi masters know that you don’t? They know how to meditate! SpiritQuest teaches meditation as the primary tool for self-healing, the primary means of enhancing self-awareness, and as a gateway to greater self-mastery. During this session you will experience a guided meditation, allowing you to move to a place of deep stillness within yourself. You will learn powerful techniques that you can incorporate into your life to help manage stress levels and you will emerge with a profound sense of joy.
Spiritual Awakening – 2.5 hrs. (Land Journey)
Spiritual Awakening deals with deepening your connection with God/Source/Spirit and working with you at your Soul level, asking the questions, and exploring why did you come here? What are your lessons, and challenges? What is your purpose? Get in touch with you at your center, the Source of who you are, using principles of meditation, connection, and the power of being present. This session will assist with removing blockages, helping a person to better connect spiritually.
Empowerment Tools of the Inner Journey – 1.5 hrs.
Are you ready to become the Master of your life? This session will teach you a powerful set of techniques to break through blocked energy, alleviate stress, and stay centered. Being empowered is critical to achieving happiness. Claiming your power means that you trust, honor, and support who you are. Your power will define your boundaries as well as expectations in relationships. This session includes tools that you can incorporate into your daily routine to break through destructive thought patterns.
Third Eye Expansion Treatment – 1.5 hrs.
Expand your awareness and open your intuition with the stimulation of the third eye chakra point. The third eye is opened using warm oil that flows onto the scalp, after which the crown chakra will be wrapped in warm towels as the oils hydrate the hair. You will then experience a head and scalp massage. For the body, essential oils are used to stimulate stagnant areas. The feet and hands receive an exfoliating massage and hydration to balance the whole system.
Divine Astrology Reading – 1.5 hrs.
The exact date, time, and location of birth are required, also good to know the current residence location)
Align yourself with the power of the Universe instead of fighting against it! This session helps you understand the energetic potentials captured at the moment of each of your birth and provide guidance and direction for your lives and relationships. Astrology readings serve as snapshots of the exact location of the planets at the time of your birth. Based on your unique birth information, your astrology reading will examine the effect that the planets and their interactions have on your life, as well as the divine interplay and planetary influences.
Red Rock Yoga Hike – 2 hrs. (Land Journey)
Yoga is aimed at uniting the mind, the body, and the Spirit. Yogis view that the mind and the body are one and that if it is given the right tools and taken to the right environment, it can find harmony and heal itself. Therefore, Yoga, therefore, is considered therapeutic. It helps you become more aware of your body’s posture, alignment, and patterns of movement. It makes the body more flexible and helps you relax even in the midst of a high-stress environment. Enjoy a glorious red rock hike to a spectacular scenic location and partake in a private yoga session tailored specifically for you on the sacred land of Sedona. Yoga on the red rocks is a powerful experience!
Chakra Balancing & Renewal – 1.5 hrs.
Revitalize and restore your energy flow with this nurturing session. Chakras are the seven main energy centers of our body. First mentioned in the ancient Vedas, the Hindu books of knowledge, these swirling vortexes regulate our energy flow. Every sense, feeling, and experience is connected to a specific Chakra. When you are stressed about something, the Chakra itself can become unbalanced and this manifests itself as illness in your physical and emotional body. This session is a sound-sational experience. Hence, it may include crystal bowls, tuning forks, and/or voice to raise your inner Chi, increasing your energy awareness and filling every cell with balance and joy.
The Clarity to Face the Crossroads – 1.5 hrs.
Are you at a transitional place in your life? This session will help you find clarity on which way to go and how to manifest a healthy future. Make your life meaningful and relevant as you reclaim neglected strengths. Create concrete guidelines for increasing opportunities. Bring passion and excitement into the present moment. As you move forward, view yourself as the curious explorer rather than the powerless victim. Gain the skills to manifest a positive and beautiful future!
Color Soul Essence Reading – 1.5 hrs.
The colors you chose reflect the needs that lie hidden within. Concurrently, your choice will help you to recognize these needs at a deep level. This system opens levels of communication between the self and the soul. This session works with the energies of crystals, essential oils, and herbal extracts which translate in terms of color. Your chosen colors have the capacity to support you in a deeper understanding of your “soul” selves, past, present, and those to come. Through the wavelengths of color, you are given clues to becoming self-empowered and you will discover that you really can create your own future.
Retreat Integration & Ending – 1.5 hrs.
This may be the end of your retreat, but it’s just the beginning of the changes you came here to make. Now you will bring closure to your quest and pull in the loose ends. You have discovered how to use your inner power to create a more joyous, abundant, and healthy life… the life you truly desire. Now you feel a circle of wholeness and renewal of Spirit. New beginnings take place from being so revived.
Depart Sedona
You depart Sedona with a new perspective and sense of being. You are now the creator of each new day and you will take home tools from your journey to help you gain a sense of empowerment and a deeper understanding of love.
Add any of the following sessions to complement your retreat:
Cacao Renewal Treatment
Chakra Renewal & Balancing
Sacred Oil Rejuvenation
DNA Activation
Color Spiritual Guidance Reading
Astrology Reading
Yoga Hike
Drum Ceremony
Earth Medicine Wisdom
Setting Your Intention for Spiritual Retreats
Take the Next Step Now
“SpiritQuest put together a team of exceptional talent that identified my weaknesses and communicated remedies for the present and future. I learned how to forgive and forget the past, and I learned how men and women communicate and show their emotions differently. My experience at SpiritQuest went way beyond my expectations. From the red rocks, the professional personal counselors, the retreat center, and the professional staff, the experience was fabulous. I would do it again in a minute. Thank you!”