Wellness Retreats in Sedona for a Healthy Lifestyle
Wellness Retreats help you with nutrition, healthy living, and overall well-being.
How Are You Feeling: Overwhelmed Depleted Physical Ailment Sick Fatigue
How We Can Help: Healthy Lifestyle Nutrition Cleansing Nourishment Rejuvenation
Wellness Retreat
SpiritQuest Sedona Retreats is the leading provider of personal holistic Wellness Retreat packages. Unlike other companies that may send you driving to different locations around town, we offer sessions in our beautiful Retreat Center in Sedona, Arizona. Our goal is to help you establish a healthy lifestyle full of wellness, nutrition, hydration, and exercise. In today’s world, many people find it a challenge to nurture themselves and still meet the work demands required. That is where our retreats come into play.
Our packages focus on holistic methods gained from Ayurveda traditions. These methods include mind, body, and soul health for the whole family. Many of our clients experience fatigue and feel drained. After spending time with us they report that their new lifestyle habits result in rejuvenation and happiness. One way we do this is to introduce the principles of Ayurveda.
What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda is one of the world’s oldest holistic systems for wellness. It was developed in India over 3000 years ago. The word “Ayurveda” in English translates as “the science of life.” The focus is on three life force energies called Doshas. There are three main Dosha types: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. These are specific to your physical and mental makeup. A person’s unique ratio of Vata, Kapha, and Pitta define their Ayurveda personal constitution. Once you know your constitution, we help you with lifestyle decisions that align yourself with your basic framework.. Check out this Guide for Dosha Type. Our wellness programs include analysis (upon request) of determining your Dosha type to achieve optimal health.
Wellness Retreats: Earth, Water, Fire, and Air

Regain your health and feel vibrant and alive! Venture out to Cathedral Rock Vortex while on your Wellness Retreat.
Doshas also relate to the elements of earth, water, fire, air, and space. Vata Dosha is air and space. If you have this constitution, you typically are slender, creative, flexible, and energetic. For optimum health, you want to incorporate calming exercises and meditation daily. As well, avoid cold foods and avoid cold weather. Pitta Dosha is fire and water. If you have this makeup, you typically are muscular, athletic, and competitive. You want to develop a work-life balance and avoid spicy foods. Kapha Dosha is strong, thick-boned, supportive, and lives in a deliberate manner. For optimum health, maintain regular exercise, good sleep, and a healthy diet. These are just a few aspects of Dosha types. Our holistic health consultation helps you learn more if you are interested. But Ayurveda Dosha types are only a small aspect of the other lifestyle packages we offer.
Mind, Body, Spirit Wellness Through Healthy Living
Would you like to feel better and have more energy to enjoy life? In order to experience the type of long-term health benefits that lead to a better life, it is imperative that you follow a holistic approach to wellness. In particular, our packages put an emphasis on nutrition. Our wellness retreats help you address all aspects of your higher being: mental, emotional, and spiritual. We customize wellness experiences to make them just right for you.
When any of these becomes unbalanced, the physical body manifests this state of unbalancing through sickness, disease, and dysfunctional self-destructive behaviors. Most importantly, our private Wellness Retreats packages help rejuvenate your body and restore your energy flow, while finally addressing the deeper wounds you have been neglecting. “Wellness” refers to a state of balance between mind, body, and spirit, resulting from conscious choices that lead to better health and greater satisfaction.
Rejuvenation Packages Offered
SpiritQuest Sedona Wellness Retreats offered at our Retreat Center combine ancient wisdom with modern healing modalities: we offer nutrition counseling, cleansing, yoga, and meditation. Our intensive nutritional consult session explores your eating habits, hydration levels, and lifestyle choices. In addition, we offer many different types of massage for the physical body: Chakra Balancing, Spa treatment, and Reiki in Sedona. For the mental body, we offer Hypnotherapy, Meditation, and Stress Management. For the spiritual body, our packages offer Soul Recovery, Spiritual Awakening, Ego assessment, and Shamanic Journeys.
Remarkable Retreats for Healthy Lifestyle
Have you suffered long enough? We believe a holistic approach is a key to getting back on the right track. By helping your body release, heal and renew, it will be able to fight disease, and illness more effectively in the future. Nutrition may be the key, or at least support you during your journey. Accordingly, we help you with that by teaching you about powerful antioxidants and green drinks for wellness.
We can also assist you with detox cleanses or sleep issues.
Our packages are perfect for gaining tools for regaining the strength and stamina you once had. When you learn to nurture yourself, and you feel rejuvenation, your fatigue disappears and your happiness returns.

Learn the value of nutritional food. Let our health experts assist you in designing a lifestyle plan to increase vibrancy.
Creating a Healthy and Vibrant Lifestyle
As you read the sample itinerary below please keep in mind that we can customize a Wellness Retreat lasting anywhere from 2 to 14 days depending on your specific goals. The Health & Wellness Retreat itinerary below represents just one possibility. Our promise is to construct a Wellness Retreat package that addresses all aspects of understanding how to live a healthy lifestyle. We provide you with tools such as how to detox, an understanding of superfoods, and how to change your diet in order to live a vibrant life. You can expect 4-6 hours per day in a private setting at the SpiritQuest Sedona Retreat Center with our expert team of nutritionists and wellness coaches. We have a holistic approach that promotes health and stress-free living.
NOTE: We custom design your retreat so the price depends on your particular program. Please call us or schedule a consultation using the consultation link. We will create a proposal with prices and email it to you. Alternatively, purchase one of our pre-designed retreat packages and save as much as 10%.
Sample Itinerary for Your Sedona Wellness Retreat
2-Day Wellness Retreat
Arrive in Sedona, Arizona

Orientation/Intention Setting – 30 min. 9:30
Begin your journey with a session of intention setting, sacred oil blend, welcome packet, and orientation for your retreat. You will be invited to identify which intentions you have for beginning your life anew. Get centered, get comfortable: use this session as a great start to launch your Quest for Spirit!
Releasing & Letting Go Ceremony – 2 hrs. (Outside)
Your retreat will begin when your SpiritQuest guide takes you out for a special releasing ceremony. During this session you will set your intention and identify blockages that have been holding you back. When you release these, you can begin to move forward and re-connect with yourself once again.
Emotional Clearing – 90 min.
Emotions are an important part of your overall wellness. This intensive session is designed to energetically remove and lift years of emotional damage, using yoga principles of healthy living to clear, balance, realign and repair the energy body — then activating, awakening, empowering, and opening doorways to new talents.
Embracing Self Love – 90 min.
Learning to be what you dearly desire and love about yourself. Like attracts like. Love is not something you take, it is shared. Learning how to nurture the “graced one” within you and let go of “the judge” will help you move into a place of empowerment and healthy boundaries. Once you Love Yourself, you can fully love another.

Stress Reduction Tools – 90 min.
Are you ready to become the master of your life? This retreat session will teach you a powerful set of techniques to break though old patterns and belief systems, alleviate stress and stay centered. The session includes tools which you can incorporate into your daily life to break through anxiety and depressive states of mind. Once you have gain the tools you need to avoid the damaging patterns of the mind, you will feel renewed and more alive!
Sedona Vortex Experience – 2 hrs. (Land Journey)
Concentrated vortex energy is everywhere in Sedona and helps amplify whatever may be needed for spiritual growth. Sedona has been known to help people untangle and release stagnating energy, facilitating healing, meditation, and deepening the connection to the Divine. This session begins with an educational conversation about Sedona history, geology, and lore. Once you have reached your sacred site (chosen for your specific intentions) your guide will lay down a spiritual altar. You will be given a quartz crystal that will amplify the energy beneath you, as you are guided in meditation. You will then enjoy a cleansing sound bath, as you connect with the Earth, the energy, and your higher self. The intention is that you will leave this session refreshed, renewed, balanced, and in harmony.
Retreat Integration (End) – 60 min.
During this session you will review and reflect on your retreat experience with your SpiritQuest guide, then discover how to use your own inner power to create a more joyous, abundant and healthy life… the life YOU truly desire. Our intention is to be there for you after your retreat as well. Our Lifeline can provide the support you may need.
You depart Sedona with a new perspective and sense of being. You are now the creator of each new day and you will take home tools from your journey to help you gain a sense of empowerment and a deeper understanding of love.
4-Day Wellness Retreat
Arrive in Sedona, Arizona
Check into your accommodations, relax and unwind. This is a good time to reflect on your goals for the retreat. It is important that you get a good night’s sleep so that you are ready to begin in the morning.

Orientation/Intention Setting
Begin your journey with a session of intention setting, sacred oil blend, welcome packet, and orientation for your Wellness Retreat. You will be invited to identify which intentions you have for beginning your life anew. Get centered, get comfortable: use this session as a great start to launch your Quest for Spirit!
Releasing Ceremony – 2 hrs. (Land Journey)
Your retreat will begin when your SpiritQuest guide takes you out for a special releasing ceremony. During this session, you will set your intention and identify blockages that have been holding you back. When you release these, you can begin to move forward and reconnect with yourself once again.
Emotional Clearing – 1.5 hrs.
Emotions are an important part of your overall wellness. This intensive session is designed to energetically remove and lift years of emotional damage, using yoga principles of healthy living to clear, balance, realign and repair the energy body — then activating, awakening, empowering, and opening doorways to new talents.
Third Eye Expansion Treatment – 1.5 hrs.
Expand your awareness and open your intuition with the stimulation of the third eye chakra point. The third eye is opened using warm oil that flows onto the scalp, after which the crown chakra will be wrapped in warm towels as the oils hydrate the hair. You will then experience a head and scalp massage. For the body, essential oils are used to stimulate stagnant areas. The body receives a lovely treatment to balance the whole system. Note: Hair will be oily afterward!

Sedona Vortex Experience – 2 hrs. (Land Journey)
Concentrated vortex energy is everywhere in Sedona and helps amplify whatever may be needed for spiritual growth. Sedona has been known to help people untangle and release stagnating energy, facilitating healing, meditation, and deepening the connection to the Divine. This session begins with an educational conversation about Sedona’s history, geology, and lore. Once you have reached your sacred site (chosen for your specific intentions) your guide will lay down a spiritual altar. You will be given a quartz crystal that will amplify the energy beneath you, as you are guided in meditation. You will then enjoy a cleansing sound bath, as you connect with the Earth, the energy, and your higher self. The intention is that you will leave this session refreshed, renewed, balanced, and in harmony.
Meditation – 1.5 hrs.
At SpiritQuest we teach meditation as the primary method of self-healing and the doorway to self-awareness. Over the last 30 years, modern science has finally begun to recognize and catalog the enormous health benefits of daily meditation. Because the mind and body are intimately connected, when the mind settles down, so does the body. Meditation has been scientifically proven to reduce both heart rate and blood pressure, in addition to normalizing sleeping and eating habits. Those who meditate report increased levels of self-esteem, energy, and creativity, improved focus and concentration, and a greater overall sense of well-being. Best of all, anyone can learn to meditate. Once you know how all of these benefits can be yours — absolutely FREE — for the rest of your life!
Sound Frequency Bath – 90 min.
You’ll experience truly amazing sensations as the practitioner gently invites stuck energy to move or vibrate again… or over-stimulated energy to explore stillness in this session in our Retreat Center Sound Healing room. The different parts of our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual beings resonate with different frequencies of vibration. This is the experience of not only health and vitality, but expansion, consciousness, and eventually transcendence. The Sonic entrainment that you will experience will send you into perfect alignment with the universe.

Mantras for Balance – 1.5 hrs.
Meditation, mantra, and deep breathing are enriching mentally, physically, and spiritually. SpiritQuest teaches meditation as the primary tool for self-healing, the primary means of enhancing self-awareness, and as a gateway to greater self-mastery. During this session, you will be guided through a tranquil journey using mantras, breathing techniques, and chants such as Ra Ma Da Sa that will allow you to move to a place of deep stillness and profound joy.
Walking the Labyrinth – 1 hr.
This therapeutic session mirrors the journey of life. The use of the labyrinth as a symbol first appears among Native American cultures in Arizona around 600 BC, where it represents the sacred path to the Creator. In English, the term is generally synonymous with Maze, but there is an important distinction between the two: Maze refers to a complex branching puzzle with choices of path and direction; while a labyrinth has only a single, non-branching path, which leads directly to the center. This session is a walking meditation where you will take each step in the present moment with intention.
Holistic Health Consultation – 90 min.
You are what you eat. This session involves an in-depth intake form to assess your dietary strengths and weaknesses. A practitioner will help you with your current dietary habits, lifestyle, and goals. Working with a nutritional expert, the emphasis will be placed on proper methods of eating & lifestyle in order to heighten your awareness of what it means to be healthy. A custom plan of action will be developed for moving forward in your life with vibrancy!
Bio Boost Treatment – 1.5 hrs.
Unlike anything, you’ve ever experienced. This healing and nurturing session incorporates six powerful elements to invigorate the life force system. Re-align, re-structure, and re-balance the nervous system, lymphatic & circulatory systems. Reclaim your strength and nourish your essence, promoting subtle body spiritual wellness. Clear, cleanse, and rejuvenate using current technology of Biomat, Chi Machine, Salt Lamp, Essential oil, Crystalline Stones, and Solfeggio Frequencies. Your practitioner will prepare the way and allow the technologies to do their work. This session includes a Thai Massage with clothing on and ends with a head massage.
Heart Awakening – 2 hrs. (Land Journey)
This session creates a pathway of unconditional love and light toward one’s self and all existence. Using the power of vibration to activate and heal, you will feel the essence of your soul and come into the remembrance of your divinity. The session takes place out on the land and is about reconnecting the heart with nature’s powerful forces. This connection calls forth the remembrance of all things in the universe and how they interact to provide support and love. You are part of all things beautiful. Discover how to open your heart and surrender peacefully.
Stress Reduction Tools – 1.5 hrs.
Are you ready to become the master of your life? This retreat session will teach you a powerful set of techniques to break through old patterns and belief systems, alleviate stress, and stay centered. The session includes tools that you can incorporate into your daily life to break through anxiety and depressive states of mind. Once you have gained the tools you need to avoid the damaging patterns of the mind, you will feel renewed and more alive!
Self-Love: Embracing the Inner Critic – 1.5 hrs.
Learning to be what you dearly desire and love about yourself. Like attracts like. Love is not something you take, it is shared. Learning how to nurture the “graced one” within you and let go of “the judge” will help you move into a place of empowerment and healthy boundaries. Once you Love Yourself, you can fully love another.
Retreat Integration (End) – 1.5 hrs.
During this session you will review and reflect on your retreat experience with your SpiritQuest guide, then discover how to use your own inner power to create a more joyous, abundant, and healthy life… the life YOU truly desire. Our intention is to be there for you after your retreat as well. Our Lifeline can provide the support you may need.
Leaving Sedona
You depart Sedona with a new perspective and sense of being. You are now the creator of each new day while taking home tools from your journey to help you gain a sense of empowerment and a deeper understanding of love.
6-Day Wellness Retreat
Arrive in Sedona
Check into your accommodations, relax and unwind. This is a good time to reflect on your goals for the retreat. It is important that you get a good night’s sleep so that you are ready to begin in the morning.

Orientation/Intention Setting – 0.5 hrs. Start Time 9:30
Begin your journey with a session of intention setting, sacred oil blend, welcome packet, and orientation for your retreat. You will be invited to identify which intentions you have for beginning your life anew. Get centered, get comfortable: use this session as a great start to launch your Quest for Spirit!
Releasing Ceremony – 2 hrs. (Outside)
Your retreat will begin when your SpiritQuest guide takes you out for a special releasing ceremony. During this session, you will set your intention and identify blockages that have been holding you back. When you release these, you can begin to move forward and reconnect with yourself once again.
Holistic Health Consultation – 1.5 hrs.
You are what you eat. This session involves an in-depth intake form to assess your dietary strengths and weaknesses. A practitioner will help you with your current dietary habits, lifestyle, and goals. Working with a nutritional expert, the emphasis will be placed on proper methods of eating & lifestyle in order to heighten your awareness of what it means to be healthy. A custom plan of action will be developed for moving forward in your life with vibrancy!
Sound Frequency Bath – 1.5 hrs.
You’ll experience truly amazing sensations as the practitioner gently invites stuck energy to move or vibrate again… or over-stimulated energy to explore stillness in this session in our Retreat Center Sound Healing room. The different parts of our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual beings resonate with different frequencies of vibration. This is the experience of not only health and vitality, but expansion, consciousness, and eventually transcendence. The Sonic entrainment that you will experience will send you into perfect alignment with the universe.

Meditation – 1.5 hrs.
What do the spiritual Yogi masters know that you don’t? They know how to meditate! SpiritQuest teaches meditation as the primary tool for self-healing, the primary means of enhancing self-awareness, and as a gateway to greater self-mastery. During this session you will experience a guided meditation, allowing you to move to a place of deep stillness within yourself. You will learn powerful techniques that you can incorporate into your life to help manage stress levels and you will emerge with a profound sense of joy.
Setting Healthy Boundaries – 1.5 hrs.
Empower yourself to create your future when you learn to release patterns of the past! This Sedona retreat session helps you learn skills that will allow you to find a more peaceful and harmonious way of being. You will know the value of setting healthy boundaries and remembering your priorities. Setting appropriate boundaries is one of the essential skills for stress management and addressing mental health. Boundaries are an integral part of taking care of one’s self. Your practitioner will help you to identify what it means to set them, (re)establish them, and maintain them. In the Yogi tradition, healthy boundaries are a must!
Sacred Oil Rejuvenation – 1.5 hrs.
Discover deeper dimensions of yourself through the beauty and magic of pure essential oils known for their refined frequencies, healing properties, and exquisite fragrance. Select four oils that resonate specifically with you. Clearing, nurturing, and regenerating, these oils truly enhance relaxation. Therapeutic Lavender oil is applied to the spine allowing the medicinal qualities to be absorbed directly into the central nervous system. Warm towels are used throughout, and feet receive special treatment. This session will leave you vibrating with restored vitality!

Super Foods – 1.5 hrs.
This session focuses on learning about the value of Super Foods and how these powerful antioxidants can heal the damage from free radicals in your system. You will learn how to make super smoothie shakes that will deliver powerful nutrients to your diet. This is a wonderful way to nourish yourself most efficiently.
Self-Confidence & Personal Empowerment – 1.5 hrs.
This session is a must for those who need to claim their personal power. When you have high self-efficacy, then you will think, feel, and behave in a way that contributes to and reinforces your success, and improves your personal satisfaction. You will be more likely to view obstacles as challenges to overcome, so you aren’t afraid to face new things. You will recover quickly from setbacks because you view failure more as a result of external circumstances than internal weaknesses. Believing in your abilities affects your motivation, your choices, your toughness, and your determination.
Hydrating Wrap – 1.5 hrs.
This session begins with a dry brush technique which stimulates the lymphatic system, detoxing the entire body. A dry brush also sloughs off dead skin and stimulates the circulatory system. Following this “cleansing” process, the body is re-hydrated with luxurious essential oils and shea butter. Following this delicious application, towels are placed on the top of the body and you will be wrapped in a warm, nurturing wool blanket “cocoon.”. The body and spirit are cleansed and renewed.
Embracing Self-Love – 1.5 hrs.
Learning to be what you dearly desire and love about yourself. Like attracts like. Love is not something you take. It is shared. Learning how to nurture the “graced one” within, you will let go of “the judge” and move into a place of empowerment and healthy boundaries. Self-love is evident in the way you show up for yourself. Your practitioner will show you tools to better respect, honor, and commit to your highest good. Once you Love Yourself, you can fully love another.
Sedona Vortex Experience – 2.5 hrs. (Land Journey)
Concentrated vortex energy is everywhere in Sedona and helps amplify whatever may be needed for spiritual growth. Sedona has been known to help people untangle and release stagnating energy, facilitating healing, meditation, and deepening the connection to the Divine. This session begins with an educational conversation about Sedona’s history, geology, and lore. Once you have reached your sacred site (chosen for your specific intentions) your guide will lay down a spiritual altar. You will be given a quartz crystal that will amplify the energy beneath you, as you are guided in meditation. You will then enjoy a cleansing sound bath, as you connect with the Earth, the energy, and your higher self. The intention is that you will leave this session refreshed, renewed, balanced, and in harmony.
Replenishing the Overworked Soul – 1.5 hrs.
Do you work too much? Is life passing you by because you are consumed by your job or do you spend a great deal of time taking care of everyone else? This spiritual session deals with learning to gain balance and contentment in your “real” life experience. Isn’t there something deeper than working round the clock? Learn to open the door to the inquiry of where your own boundaries for happiness reside. What is your life purpose? What are you passionate about? We become that which we do. What do you spend your time doing? Do you have a spiritual practice? Let yoga principles help your alignment. Your practitioner will help you gain concrete insights and tools to determine how to shift your life into a greater place of peace and deep contentment.
Empowerment Tools – 1.5 hrs.
Are you ready to become the Master of your life? This session will teach you a powerful set of techniques to break through blocked energy, alleviate stress, and stay centered. Being empowered is critical to achieving happiness. Claiming your power means that you trust, honor, and support who you are. Your strength will define your boundaries as well as expectations in relationships. This session includes tools that you can incorporate into your daily routine to break through destructive thought patterns.
Heart Awakening – 2.5 hrs. (Land Journey)
This session creates a pathway of unconditional love and light toward one’s self and all existence. Using the power of vibration to activate and heal, you will feel the essence of your soul and come into the remembrance of your divinity. The session takes place out on the land and is about reconnecting the heart with nature’s powerful forces. This connection calls forth the remembrance of all things in the universe and how they interact to provide support and love. You are part of all things beautiful. Discover how to open your heart and surrender peacefully.
Crystal Grid Perspectives –1.5 hrs.
This amazing session allows you to interact with crystals in a deeper more profound way! Crystals have unique living histories and properties. You will select from a plethora of crystals in order to create your own power grid. Your practitioner will then examine your selection of crystals and your placement in order to give you feedback on how this layout may give your insight and perspective on your life. Allow your crystals to tell a profound story and gather a deeper understanding of who you are, and where you may be headed. Feel free to ask to take a photo of your sacred geometry grid.
The clarity to Face Crossroads – 1.5 hrs.
Are you at a transitional place in your life? This session will help you find clarity on which way to go and how to manifest a healthy future. Make your life meaningful and relevant as you reclaim neglected strengths. Create concrete guidelines for increasing opportunities. Bring passion and excitement into the present moment. As you move forward, view yourself as the curious explorer rather than the powerless victim. Gain the skills to manifest a positive and beautiful future!
Design Your Life: Vision Board – 2 hrs.
During this integrating session, you will create a vision board that reflects your higher self – the person you would be if you always let your higher self guide your choices. The creative process is essential to the art of expression. This artistic and creative process will allow you to express your emotions and assist with moving you out of the “mind space” and into your “heart space”. This is a vision board you will take home with you as a reminder of the vision you held during your retreat. Placing it in a prominent place where you see it every day will inspire you to live that vision.
Retreat Integration & Ending – 1.5 hrs.
This may be the end of your retreat, but it’s just the beginning of the changes you came here to make. Now you bring closure to your quest and pull in the loose ends. Discovering how to use your inner power to create a more joyous, abundant, and healthy life. This is the life you truly desire. You feel a circle of wholeness and renewal of Spirit. New beginnings are upon you.
You will depart Sedona with a new perspective and sense of being. You are now the creator of each new day and you will take home tools from your journey to help you gain a sense of empowerment and a deeper understanding of love.
Being a scientist, I guess I am not your typical New Age retreat person. But a long history of chronic pain had reduced the quality of my life and relationships with my family to a very bad place. I researched a lot of different spiritual retreat places and found SpiritQuest. There were quite a number of really wonderful healing practitioners. A Yoga teacher/massage therapist I worked with had found that exercises I had been doing for many years were actually damaging my degenerated spine. She helped me so much that this year I went back and spent another 12 days in Sedona to work with practitioners to re-gain balance in my life, from nutrition to healthy sleep. I loved the holistic approach.
Since pain interferes with relationships, my marriage was on the rocks during my first visit to SpiritQuest, and I was not as close to my three daughters as I would have liked. The improvement in these interpersonal relationships over the last year has been the most profound experience – I can’t even find words to describe how it has improved the quality of my life. SpiritQuest just seemed to intuitively know who I would resonate with. And BTW, my wife was the one who suggested that I return this year to continue the work!
Determining Your Goals
To get well there must be goals that cancel out the past behaviors. Every day certain things need to be considered for overall wellness. Nutrition, diet, hydration, and exercise all play an important part in optimal health. SpiritQuest Sedona Retreats provides a holistic approach that includes juicing, detoxing, meditation, and yoga. Weight control can even be maintained with some positive, new, healthy choices.