Couples Healing Retreats for Relationship Repair
Couples healing retreats strengthen your relationship and provide tools for moving forward.
How Are You Feeling: Disconnected Angry Distrusting Broken Stuck
How We Can Help: Re-connection Finding Peace Communication Mending Hearts
Couples Counseling Retreats Are Emotionally Focused for Building Intimacy
You don’t have to be on the brink of divorce to benefit from our marriage-intensive programs. In fact, couples come to SpiritQuest Sedona Retreats for many reasons. Some seek to enhance what they already have. Others, to rescue their relationship. Furthermore, some want to establish the path leading to a friendly divorce and healthy co-parenting.
If you’re ready to experience the life-changing transformation that comes from real intimacy, the emotionally focused approach we use in our couples counseling retreats is the shortest path.

Sedona Couples Spiritual Retreats: Are You Ready for Expert Coaching?
During your couples retreat, we’ll share insights and perspectives from hundreds of hours working with couples nationwide. Our relationship and marriage advice focuses on understanding your partner. Additionally, we are inspired by Dr. Sue Johnson (the University of Ottawa, author of Hold Me Tight) and Dr. John Gottman (the University of Washington, author of What Makes Love Last), along with Marshall Rosenberg’s “Nonviolent Communication.” Our goal with you is to establish trust and deeper intimacy.
With a track record for producing results that last, we have earned a reputation for being one of the most effective spiritual retreat centers. Through heart-centered communication, clear agreements, emotional repair, and personal sovereignty, we teach our clients how to create a truly vibrant relationship.
What to Expect on Your Spiritual Couples Retreat
Heal Negative Behavioral Patterns
We believe anyone can build a great relationship, regardless of their past or current circumstances. Unfortunately, many people do not acquire the necessary skills needed while growing up. They suffer from what seems to be an endless series of disastrous partnerships and failed marriages as adults. Often they are caught in negative behavioral patterns that stem from a family of origin and past relationships

Couples Bond While on Their Retreat in Sedona
where they were deeply wounded. Clues to the underlying issues are found in situations that trigger anger and the attributes projected onto a partner. That’s why our couple’s retreat addresses clear understanding and agreements. When we heal ourselves, we bring balance into the relationship. Gain a powerful set of tools for “getting straight with yourself.” Bring a new version of yourself to the partnership. When we are accountable for our actions and responses, we create more trust, intimacy, and warmth in the relationship.
Couples Spiritual Retreats for Tools to Move Forward
Could a Couples Spiritual Retreat be a good choice for you and your partner? We think so. Do you feel alone and isolated in your relationship or marriage? Are you experiencing verbal or physical abuse because your partner is emotionally volatile? Has your partnership suffered from affairs, betrayal, and deception? Are the two of you constantly fighting for control? Are you needing marriage counseling or a marriage retreat?
The truth of the matter is simply this: whether you heal with your current partner or a new one, you’ll NEVER know true intimacy until you heal your own wounds and gain the skills necessary to help someone else heal theirs. Without that, healing true intimacy just isn’t possible. Consequently, each new attempt at a relationship only leads to more pain and heartache. That’s where our couples retreats come in. We help you discover what is right for you. We are rated one of the TOP couples retreats in Sedona, providing the powerful tools you need for ultimate outcomes.
Couples Retreats are Private & Discrete
Our couples retreat therapy does not consist of a group workshop or seminar. This is a customized couples retreat that includes private sessions for you and your partner. Healthy living, conflict resolution, communication, and building trust are the focus. The exact list of sessions you experience will depend on your unique situation and your goals. Every couple is different. Some are struggling with trust issues, others are divorced and want conscious parenting. Lastly, some just want to build a stronger bond or start a more successful relationship. Whatever the reason, our couples retreats are private and discrete. We address all aspects of relationships.
SpiritQuest Sedona Couple’s Retreats Repair Relationships
We will help you navigate through your feelings and reconnect with each other heart-to-heart as you’ve never done before. Furthermore, some of our past clients have been so satisfied that they gifted our Couple’s Retreats to their children as a wedding gift. We invite you to join a marriage retreat. Come to our center and dedicate some time to couples retreat therapy with the most important person in your life!
Enhancing Couple’s Relationships for Better Communication
We tailor our Couple’s Retreats to fit your needs, and in part, according to your length of stay. Providing a couple’s retreat package that addresses all aspects of relationship building, especially with yourself, is our promise. Expect 4-6 hours per day, one-on-one, with our expert team of relationship coaches. This highly personal experience leads to positive communication, relationship building, and deeper intimacy. Our marriage intensives focus on changing unhealthy dynamics and patterns in our private couple’s retreats.

A Blissful Couple Out on the Red Rocks of Sedona During a Couples Retreat.
The sample itineraries below represent the possibilities. We will listen to your needs and issues in order to create the couple’s retreat perfect for you!
As an alternative see our Group Retreats
NOTE: We custom design your retreat so the price depends on your particular program. Please call us or schedule a consultation using the consultation link. We will create a proposal with prices and email it to you. Alternatively, purchase one of our pre-designed retreat packages and save as much as 10%.
Sedona Couples Retreat Client Testimonial Video
Sample Itineraries for Private Couple’s Retreats
2-Day Couple’s Retreat
Arrive in Sedona

Orientation/Intention Setting – 30 min. 9:30 (Together)
Begin your journey with a session of intention setting, sacred oil blend, welcome packet, and orientation for your retreat. You will be invited to identify which intentions you have for beginning your life anew. Get centered, get comfortable: use this session as a great start to launch your Quest for Spirit!
Releasing & Letting Go Ceremony – 2 hrs. (Outside Together)
Your retreat will begin when your SpiritQuest guide takes you out for a special releasing ceremony. During this session you will set your intention and identify blockages that have been holding you back. When you release these, you can begin to move forward and re-connect with yourself once again.
Relationship Dynamics – 90 min. (Together)
During this session the practitioner will first observe as you tell the story of your lives together, then evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your relationship. The key is to identify the underlying emotions being expressed in the way you communicate with each other. This information will be critical to the healing process, because emotion is the music of the relationship dance. In order to be successful, you must learn to listen to this music and attune yourself to your partner. Once you understand the emotion your partner is experiencing you have acquired the key to facilitating a new relationship dynamic.
Couples Retreat Massage – 90 min. (Together)
The first day of a private couple retreat always involves some emotionally challenging work. So now it’s time to release that physical tension and relax into a space that’s safe and nurturing. This session will get you out of your head and back in your body. It’s an important step that will help each of you embrace the process and be more fully present during the rest of your retreat.

Relationship Enhancement Tools – 1.5 hrs. (Together)
Now it’s time to learn new skills that you can incorporate to further improve your communication and interaction. Learn to enhance your relationship with tools that help you be in the moment and present with each other. Learn to listen and discover ways to make your relationships richer and deeper. Enhance what you have by honoring and respecting each other. Embark on new ways of interaction and introspection through meditation practices. Or develop other ways of enriching your deepest connections.
Chakra Connection – 1.5 hrs. (Together)
Learn how to energetically build a healthy and vibrant relationship by balancing the Chakras. This session uses guided meditation and positive affirmations while moving through each of the chakra energy centers. Gaze into your partner’s eyes as you empower and heal each other. Speaking directly and gently to your partner, the Vortex will move between you. Thus stirring your partnership to higher states of consciousness.
Retreat Integration & End – 1.5 hrs. (Together)
This may be the end of your retreat, but it’s just the beginning of the changes you came here to make. Now you will bring closure to your quest and pull in the loose ends. You have discovered how to use your inner power to create a more joyous, abundant, and healthy life… the life you truly desire. You will feel a circle of wholeness and renewal of Spirit. You are revived and ready for new beginnings.
Depart Sedona
You will depart Sedona with a new perspective and sense of being. You are now both the creator of each new day and you will take home tools from your journey to help you gain a sense of empowerment and a deeper understanding of love.
Relationships deepen with the Red Rock Commitment Renewal session
Add any of the following sessions to complement your couples retreat.
Cacao Renewal Treatment
Personal Chakra Balancing
Sacred Oil Rejuvenation
Third Eye Awakening
DNA Activation
Color Spiritual Guidance Reading
Astrology Reading
Yoga or Yoga Hike
Horse Medicine
Drum Ceremony
Earth Medicine Wisdom
4-Day Couples Retreat
Arrive in Sedona

Orientation/Intention Setting (Together)
Begin your journey with a session of intention setting, sacred oil blend, welcome packet, and orientation for your retreat. You will be invited to identify which intentions you have for beginning your life anew. Get centered, and comfortable. Use this session as a great start to launch your Sedona Couples Retreat.
Releasing Ceremony – 2 hrs. (Land Journey – Together)
Your couples retreat will begin when your spirit guide takes you out for a special orientation and welcoming ceremony. During this session, you will set your intention and identify blockages that you need to release so your relationship moves forward.
Relationship Dynamics – 1.5 hrs. (Together)
During this session, the practitioner will observe as you tell the story of your lives together, then evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your relationship. The key is to identify the underlying emotions being expressed in the way you communicate with each other. This information will be critical to the healing process because emotion is the music of the relationship dance. In order to be successful, you must learn to listen to this music and attune yourself to your partner. Once you understand the emotion your partner is experiencing, you have acquired the key to facilitating a new relationship dynamic.
Couples Massage – 1.5 hrs. (Together)
The first day of a private couple’s retreat in Sedona always involves some emotionally challenging work. So now it’s time to release that physical tension and relax into a space that’s safe and nurturing. This session will get you out of your head and back in your body. It’s an important step that will help each of you embrace the process and be more fully present during the rest of your retreat.

Heart Awakening – 2.5 hrs. (Land Journey – Together)
This session creates a pathway of unconditional love and light toward one’s self and all existence. Using the power of vibration to activate and heal, you will feel the essence of your soul and come into the remembrance of your own Divinity. The session takes place on the land and is about reconnecting your heart with values that are important in your life. Ultimately, identify where the heart is open and where it is holding resentment or fear.
Emotional Clearing – 1.5 hrs. (Person 1)
This session is designed to energetically remove and lift years of emotional damage. We all carry emotional baggage that inhibits us from fully experiencing the joy, beauty, and opportunities of the present. This session encourages you to heal and release the trauma of your past. Skill sets are delivered to “see” your life in a new way.
Emotional Clearing – 1.5 hrs. (Person 2)
This session is designed to energetically remove and lift years of emotional damage. We all carry emotional baggage that inhibits us from fully experiencing the joy, beauty, and opportunities of the present. This session encourages you to heal and release the trauma of your past.
Healing the Family from Within – 1.5 hrs. (Together)
This remarkable spiritual healing session opens your heart to transcend grief and transform your negative family patterns. You are gently guided to experience the hidden dynamics of your own family system. Underlying entanglements and unhealthy subconscious bonding lead to anxiety or depression. Surprisingly, they will be released. Straightaway, a profound sense of freedom and inner peace is then felt. This session uses meditation, forgiveness, and balanced living yoga principles for healing.
Couples Private Land Journey – 2 hrs. (Land Journey – Together)
Unleash some of the hidden treasures within yourself. Experience your own personal beauty that rests with you as you walk the Sacred land of Sedona. Reconnect with Nature and feel the calmness within. This session allows you to process your emotions in a healthy way in one of the most beautiful settings on the planet!
Relationship Enhancement – 1.5 hrs. (Together)
Now it’s time to learn new skills that you can incorporate to further improve your communication and interaction. Learn to enhance your relationship with tools that help you be in the moment and present with each other. Learn to listen and discover ways to make your relationships richer and deeper. Enhance your relationship with honor and respect. Embark on new ways of interaction.
Opening the Doors to Intimacy – 1.5 hrs. (Together)
True intimacy with your partner is a sacred act, and perhaps the closest we come to Divine bliss. If the passion has gone out of your relationship it must be rekindled in order for the relationship to survive over the long term. If trust has been broken, or if you have simply drifted apart, getting comfortable enough to be intimate again can be difficult. The techniques we teach during this session will help you take the pressure off, allowing you to slowly deepen your intimacy by establishing an atmosphere of mutual respect, compassion, and safety.
Chakra Connection for Couples/Family – 1.5 hrs. (Together)
Learn how to energetically build a healthy and vibrant relationship by balancing the Chakras. This session uses guided meditation and positive affirmations while moving through each of the chakra energy centers. Gaze into your partner’s eyes as you empower & heal each other. Speaking directly and gently to your partner, the practitioner will assist you to speak the words of support your relationship has been lacking.
Negotiating the Contract – 1.5 hrs. (Together)
When relationships begin, contracts are made and vows are taken. Over a period of time circumstances change, people change, and situations change. What was once perfectly understood can become unworkable and a source of conflict. This session helps you re-evaluate your contract in terms of who you are in the present moment. How have your needs changed? How have the needs of those around you changed? Discover your own authentic truth and learn to have the courage to live it. Learn to express yourself in a clear and conscious way. This is what healthy contracts are all about.
Red Rock Commitment – 2 hrs. (Land Journey – Together)
It’s time to renew your commitment and acknowledge the things that brought you together. This special ceremony allows you and your partner the chance to slow down, look at how much you have grown, and express your love for each other. You have journeyed far together and overcome many obstacles. Now you once again embrace the foundation of your union. In this session, you will be asked to join in loving connection as you write your new commitments and share them with your beloved.
Visioning a Purpose Together – 1.5 hrs. (Together)
Co-create a life path vision together as a couple, with mutually clear goals and intentions. Prioritize and enumerate the values you share for having a healthy and satisfying relationship. Feel a deep sense of shared purpose and togetherness. Move forward into a vast and limitless realm where anything is possible.
Retreat Integration (End) – 1.5 hrs. (Together)
During this session, you will review and reflect on your Sedona Couples Retreat experience with your SpiritQuest guide. You will then discover how to use your own inner power to create a more joyous, abundant, and healthy life. The life YOU truly desire. Our intention is to be there for you after your retreat as well. Our Lifeline can provide the support you may need.
Depart Sedona
You depart Sedona with a new perspective and sense of being. You are now the creators of each new day. It’s time to take home tools from your journey to help you gain a sense of empowerment and a deeper understanding of love.
Relationships deepen with the Red Rock Commitment Renewal session
Add any of the following sessions to complement your couples retreat.
Cacao Renewal Treatment
Personal Chakra Balancing
Sacred Oil Rejuvenation
Third Eye Awakening
DNA Activation
Color Spiritual Guidance Reading
Astrology Reading
Yoga or Yoga Hike
Drum Ceremony
Earth Medicine Wisdom
6-Day Couple’s Retreat
Arrive in Sedona

Orientation/Intention Setting – 0.5 hrs. (Together) Start Time: 9:30
Begin your journey with a session on the intention-setting sacred oil blend, a welcome packet, and orientation for your retreat. You will be invited to identify which intentions you have for beginning your life anew. Get centered, get comfortable. Use this session as a great start to launch your Quest for Spirit.
Releasing Ceremony – 2 hrs. (Outside)
Your retreat will begin when your SpiritQuest guide takes you out for a special releasing ceremony. During this session, you will set your intention and identify blockages that have been holding you back. When you release these, you can begin to move forward and reconnect with yourself once again.
Emotional Clearing – 1.5 hrs. (Person 1)
This retreat session energetically removes and assists you with trauma and emotional or mental health damage. Often emotional baggage inhibits us from experiencing the joy, richness, and opportunities of the present. This session allows you to emote, express, and achieve emotional balance. Using spiritual and self-help techniques, you bypass the logical left brain and learn to embrace the moment and heal your spirit.
Emotional Clearing – 1.5 hrs. (Person 2)
This retreat session energetically removes and assists you with trauma and emotional or mental health damage. Often emotional baggage inhibits us from experiencing the joy, richness, and opportunities of the present. This session will allow you to emote, express, and achieve emotional balance. Using spiritual and self-help techniques, bypass the logical left brain and learn to embrace the moment and heal your spirit.
Sedona Ultimate Treatment – 1.5 hrs. (Person 1)
Relax and open your heart as you melt into this delicious full-body experience. This session starts with releasing tension using a hot stone decompression and warm wet towels. Next, the body receives a relaxing decompression on acupressure points and is rehydrated with Shea butter. Lastly, the third eye receives an opening, and energy fields are cleared allowing you to let go. Tapping into the subtle body results in renewal and rebalancing.
Sedona Ultimate Treatment – 1.5 hrs. (Person 2)
Relax and open your heart as you melt into this delicious full-body experience. This session starts with releasing tension using a hot stone decompression and warm wet towels. Next, the body receives a relaxing decompression on acupressure points and is rehydrated with Shea butter. Lastly, the third eye receives an opening, and energy fields are cleared allowing you to let go. Tapping into the subtle body results in renewal and rebalancing.

Couples Renewal – 2.5 hrs. (Land Journey – Together)
Unleash some of the hidden treasures within yourself. Experience your own personal beauty that rests with you as you walk the Sacred land of Sedona. Re-connect with nature and feel the calmness within. This session allows you to process your emotions in a healthy way in one of the most beautiful settings on the planet!
Relationship Dynamics – 1.5 hrs. (Together)
This session is about learning to listen first, then speak. You will learn a new way to come together and move toward resolution by viewing each other from a new perspective, facilitating a new relationship dynamic. Learning about Conscious Relationships and making clear agreements. You’ll also get some amazing new tools that you can take home with you will keep the relationship fresh. Issues of trust and kindness play a key role in your self-discovery and growth.
Breathwork – 2 hrs. (Together)
Breathwork is a safe and simple way to trigger non-ordinary consciousness experiences that open you to a greater spiritual understanding. Lost memories from your personal history, experiences from your birth, and archetypal and cosmic phenomena can become available to you through awareness. The intention is to help you transcend the constraints of your ordinary thoughts and habits. This session draws from various breathwork traditions and enables you to realize that it is all illusion. Freedom comes from allowing the emptying of all that has kept you bound. This session is about getting out of your head and releasing the pain you have been carrying.
Relationship Enhancement Tools – 1.5 hrs. (Together)
Now it’s time to learn new skills that you can incorporate to further improve your communication and interaction. Learn to enhance your relationship with tools that help you be in the moment and present with each other. Learn to listen and discover ways to make your relationships richer and deeper. Enhance what you have by honoring and respecting each other. Embark on new ways of interaction and introspection through meditation practices or develop other ways of enriching your deepest connections.
Love Language Integration – 1.5 hrs. (Together)
Love is expressed in many different forms. Each person has a unique perspective based on how he/she receives and expresses their love. Dr. Gary Chapman (author, The 5 Love Languages) presents a profound yet simple truth… relationships heal and grow when there is understanding. Understanding and the integration of a new approach to how you connect and relate are critical for all connections. Discovering your and your partner’s unique Love Language can give clarity and insight into communication, trust, intimacy, and mutual respect. This session will help you design a plan for using your love language to heal and evolve your love. Take the quiz today, and come to the session prepared:
Relating with Awareness – 1.5 hrs. (Together)
Break the old paradigm of how relationships function and create a new understanding together of what conscious relating is all about. This session helps you understand that who you are today in this relationship is what is most important. Old patterns of relating are re-evaluated. Tools are brought in such as making clear agreements and learning to be accountable for your actions. Communication skills are again explored as well as creating a new concept for moving forward together.
Learning to Trust Again – 1.5 hrs. (Together)
If your trust has been broken, you may think you will never allow yourself to trust again. It’s useless to try to protect yourself this way. All you’re doing is putting up a wall between yourself and others. Don’t live a lonely and unfulfilled life without meaningful relationships. You CAN move past the heartbreak of broken trust. Even if you’ve been deeply wounded or if you’ve experienced traumatic and repeated episodes of betrayal, you don’t have to let another person diminish your ability to love and be loved. Learning to trust means becoming confident that things will work out how you want them to…or better. In this session, go to your deepest core of balance using spiritual concepts and techniques.
Empowerment Tools – 1.5 hrs. (Together)
Are you ready to become the Master of your life? This session will teach you a powerful set of techniques to break through blocked energy, alleviate stress, and stay centered. Being empowered is critical to achieving happiness. Claiming your power means that you trust, honor, and support who you are. Your power will define your boundaries as well as expectations in relationships. This session includes tools that you can incorporate into your daily routine to break through destructive thought patterns.
Sound Frequency Bath – 1.5 hrs. (Together)
You’ll experience truly amazing sensations as the practitioner gently invites stuck energy to move or vibrate again… or over-stimulated energy to explore stillness in this session in our Retreat Center Sound Healing room. The different parts of our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual beings resonate with different frequencies of vibration. This is the experience of not only health and vitality, but expansion, consciousness, and eventually transcendence. The Sonic entrainment that you will experience will send you into perfect alignment with the universe.
Heart Awakening – 2 hrs. (Land Journey – Together)
This Shamanic ceremony creates a pathway of unconditional love and light toward one’s self and all existence. Using the power of vibration to activate and heal, you will feel the essence of your soul and come into the remembrance of your own divinity. The session takes place out on the land and is about reconnecting the heart with the powerful forces of Nature. This connection calls forth the remembrance of all relations in the universe.
Negotiating the Contract – 1.5 hrs. (Together)
When relationships begin there are contracts made and vows taken. Over a period of time circumstances change, people change, and situations change. What was once perfectly understood now becomes confusing. This session helps you re-evaluate your contract in terms of who you are in the present moment. How have your needs changed? How have the needs of those around you changed? Discover your own authentic truth and learn to have the courage to live it. Learn to express yourself in a clear and conscious way. Balance what you need to make you happy with what others need to feel content. This is what healthy contracts are all about!
Opening the Doors to Intimacy – 1.5 hrs. (Together)
When you or your partner fears intimacy, you may put up walls or push one another away. Usually, this fear isn’t conscious. One person may physically withdraw or create distance by not talking or even by talking too much. Either way, it may leave the other person feeling alone and abandoned. Fears of intimacy usually stem from emotional abandonment in childhood or can develop as the relationship becomes unhealthier. Open the doors to your intimacy as partners learning techniques to be vulnerable and present with each other.
Visioning a Purpose Together – 1.5 hrs. (Together)
Co-create a life path vision together as a couple, with mutually clear goals and intentions. Feel a deep sense of shared purpose and togetherness. Move forward into a vast and limitless realm where anything is possible. These will be your marching orders to sail into the sunset of life as a divinely inspired, happy, fulfilled couple.
Chakra Connection – 1.5 hrs. (Together)
Learn how to energetically build a healthy and vibrant relationship by balancing the Chakras. This session uses guided meditation and positive affirmations while moving through each of the chakra energy centers. Gaze into your partner’s eyes as you empower & heal each other. Speaking directly and gently to your partner, the Vortex will move between you and stir your partnership to higher states of consciousness.
Retreat Integration & Ending – 1.5 hrs. (Together)
During this session, you will review and reflect on your retreat experience with your SpiritQuest guide, then discover how to use your own inner power to create a more joyous, abundant, and healthy life. The life YOU truly desire. Our intention is to be there for you after your retreat as well. Our Lifeline can provide the support you may need.
Depart Sedona
You will depart Sedona with a new perspective and sense of being. You are now the creator of each new day and you will take home tools from your journey to help you gain a sense of empowerment and a deeper understanding of love.
Relationships deepen with the Red Rock Commitment Renewal session
Add any of the following sessions to complement your couples retreat.
Cacao Renewal Treatment
Personal Chakra Balancing
Sacred Oil Rejuvenation
Third Eye Awakening
DNA Activation
Color Spiritual Guidance Reading
Astrology Reading
Yoga or Yoga Hike
Drum Ceremony
Earth Medicine Wisdom
It’s difficult to encapsulate all that I experienced these past four days. Roger and I were in a good place when we arrived. But our work here deepened and strengthened our love and commitment to each other in a way no other activity ever has.
Becoming Clear for our Couples Retreats
What do you need in your life for marriage counseling? Are you looking for couples counseling retreats? What do you need to do in order to forgive? Ideally, how can you gain better communication skills? It’s a perfect time to do some soul searching. Writing about what you need is a great way to gain clarity. Do you have clear agreements with your partner? It’s important to feel validated and appreciated. What does your relationship need? Bring these with you on your retreat and share them with your coaches.
Are you willing to allow intimacy in your relationship? What are your love languages? Upon reflection and gaining more tools, you will create the life together you always dreamed of. Specifically, the next step is to share with us your intentions so we can properly design your retreat. Reach out to us today to book one of our couple’s retreats in Sedona, AZ.