Drawing a Line in the Sand

At 32 years old, I was a dad to 3 children, a husband, and an employee with 3% ownership of Ceres Organic Harvest.  Ceres Organic Harvest was a small Organic Foods Company that began the origination of Organic Durum and Wheat for Annie’s Homegrown and other Organic CPG companies in the 90’s and 2000’s until 2010.

At 32 years old I was falling behind financially and feeling the pressure.  College tuition was around the corner for 1 of my children, my cars were constantly breaking down, the house was in need of repairs, we were over $25k in credit card debt, and I was making $45,000 a year salary as the sole breadwinner of my family.  I had dreams and I wanted to live them.  The cortisol drip felt like a steady stream of anxiety and stress.

The stress I experienced was a result of my desire for a better life.  I’d chosen, years earlier, to join the Organic Industry and devote my life to Organic Foods, not for the money, but because I wanted to be a part of what I considered a solution to the toxicity of our food system.  I was working on purpose, I just wasn’t making enough money doing it.

It was time to draw a line in the sand.

Choosing the Unconventional Path

Transformation occurs when the status quo is no longer acceptable.  My status quo was no longer acceptable and change needed to happen.  I’ve been an unconventional person throughout my life, often choosing a path that others would not consider.  This is the way I’ve chosen to live my life, and if there is value in it for others, it is my hope that others will feel inspired to live their lives with a sparkle in their eye.

Throughout my 20’s and 30’s I gained wisdom and knowledge from Christian and Spiritual Teachers, Metaphysical Teachers and Practices, Taoist and Shamanic Wisdom and Initiations.  The line in the sand would incorporate elements from each and would require complete dedication in order to achieve these great dreams.  There would be no looking back.  I would give it everything I had.

The lessons I’ve learned from this experience have enabled me to guide others to achieving their greatest dreams.

Headshot of Troy DeSmetSeasons Change, Dreams Change

At 32 years old, my dreams were primarily financial.  I wanted to own my home, my vehicles, be debt free, and to have a minimum of $1,000,000 in the bank.  I wanted a Mountain Home, an A-Frame with a Stream or Creek behind the home full of Trout, and to live with the love of my life who is patient, kind and loving, while doing work that doesn’t feel like work, that I would do for free.  My greatest dream was to transition to semi-retirement by 42 years old.

Our dreams change during the seasons of our lives, as my dreams as a 50 year old man are very different than they were as a 30 year old man.  The challenge in my 30’s was in putting everything I had learned into practice, in order to create the life of my greatest dreams 10 years later.

What are your greatest dreams?  What would it feel like to work with someone who has defined his, has worked to achieve them, is living them each day, and is willing to support and encourage you in achieving yours?  Throughout the years of my career, I was fortunate to have a Life Coach, and can tell you that without him I would not have achieved my potential.

We are Powerful Creators

If you are to get from the place you currently are in your life, to the place of achieving your greatest dreams, you will need to shorten the divide.  Each action you take is going to take you further from your dreams, or closer to them.  Some of those actions may require gaining an education, healing, and most certainly will involve movement.   If you are to achieve your dreams, it will be important to surround yourself with people that support and encourage you, as well as those who possess the wisdom from having achieved theirs.

How are you moving throughout the world?  Are you moving with confidence towards your dreams?  Or, are there steps that you need to make?  Walking in right action, we understand that to journey is to struggle, and that doing the right thing is a narrow path.  Do you have the support you need to live the life of your greatest dreams?

We are powerful creators.  Achieving your greatest dreams will cause you to face your greatest fears.  Are you ready to face your fears?  Achieving your greatest dreams is going to come at a cost to you.  Are you willing to pay the price?

Healthy Boundary session at SpiritQuest

Are You Ready to Draw Your Line in the Sand?

There is a brilliant poem that I’d like to share with you, it was a poem written by Jessie Belle Rittenhouse that was taped to my file cabinet for years to see each day.  It reads, 

I bargained with life for a penny, 

And Life would pay no more, 

However I begged at evening

When I counted my scanty store;

For Life is just an employer, 

He gives you what you ask,

But once you have set the wages, 

Why, you must bear the task.

I worked for a menial’s hire,

Only to learn, dismayed,

That any wage I had asked of Life,

Life would have paid.

Are you willing to pay the price to achieve your greatest dreams?

Are you ready to draw the line in the sand?

The next 10 years are going to take place regardless of what you do.

If you are willing to be intentional and to make a commitment to yourself that is uncommon, this program may be right for you. The end result could be a life of your greatest dreams within the next 10 years.

If you are interested in working together,

Please call SpiritQuest at 928.282.2509 and ask for a time to speak with Troy.

picture of Joseph Campbell's book

Book Recommendation:  The Hero’s Journey by Joseph Campbell