The Crystal Dilemma

Imagine yourself walking into one of the many crystal shops here in Sedona, AZ during a solo trip you’ve chosen to take, in hopes of finding clarity around some emotional issues surfacing in your life. You’ve heard so much about Sedona being a wonderful place for healing and spiritual awakening, but you have no idea how to go about your own healing process, as you find yourself staring blankly at the hundreds of gemstones staring right back at you. You make what you think is an impulsive decision to just grab & buy whatever catches your eye, because you think it’s pretty and perhaps maybe it will offer you some insight, somehow. You feel a sense of relief as you walk out of the crystal shop, not entirely sure why you feel a weight has been suddenly lifted from your shoulders, but excited to go home with these newly purchased gems in your pocket.

But What is Crystal Healing?

Although there is no scientific proof that crystals can heal, the placebo effect is quite effective in bringing positive results to our sense of overall well-being. Some medical professionals even promote the use of alternative modalities such as healing with crystals, due to the obviously positive side-effects on their patients. These benefits can include increased relaxation and stress reduction, and some would say that they feel a sense of peace when working with crystals and their designated healing properties. In this blog, we will explore the origins of crystal healing, as well as how to choose the right crystals for you and your healing journey.

The Ancient Origins of Crystal Healing

From the Ancient Egyptians to the Ancient Greeks, crystals have been used for centuries to ward off negative energy, protect, heal, promote love, and the list goes on. In Ancient China, crystals were not only used for aesthetic purposes but were also incorporated into their body of traditional medicine, promoting balance in one’s Chi, or life force energy. Different cultures around the world, from the Hindus to the indigenous tribes of North America, have prescribed various meanings to these precious stones: clear quartz crystal for purification rituals, turquoise and amethyst for protection, and so on. The point being: no matter what culture you come from, there is an ancient knowledge that exists within humanity around the use of crystals and their ability to heal the body, mind and spirit that can be applied to anyone willing to explore their application.

rose quartz crystals for crystal grid group retreat

Frequency & Vibration: How Crystal Healing Works

Everything in this world vibrates to a certain frequency. Some things vibrate to a higher frequency than others, including people. What you choose to bring into your energy field determines what kind of frequency you will be emitting out into the world. The Ancient Vedic energy system, known as the Chakras, is a widely known and accepted way of connecting with these invisible energies that exist within us. Have you ever met someone who just simply gave you a “bad vibe”? Alternatively, when you see a loved one approach you, have you noticed your energy shift from possibly a “down mood” to an uplifted one? These are examples of us living out the principles of vibration and frequency, and using crystals to heal our energy field can help us shift how we feel in a profound way.

But How Do I Choose Crystals for Healing?

For emotional healing, crystals have been used for a variety of ailments, from anxiety to depression, as well as to enhance mindfulness and self-awareness. But how do you choose the crystals that are right for you? As we saw at the beginning of this post with “the crystal dilemma,” it can feel overwhelming if you don’t already have your intention set before walking into a crystal shop! One way you can navigate the overwhelm is by trusting your intuition: the crystals that you are magically drawn to are usually meant for you!

Another great path to clarity around your emotional issues is speaking to one of our amazing retreat designers here at SpiritQuest Sedona Retreats, so that you can feel confident on your healing journey moving forward. Sedona is world-renowned for its vortex energy healing, and coming on a healing retreat could dramatically transform your life for the better! And if you are already very clear about what your intention is, please enjoy the following list of potential crystals for your emotional healing process:

  • Amethyst: promotes calmness and clarity
  • Rose Quartz: encourages love and compassion
  • Citrine: boosts confidence and joy
  • Black Tourmaline: provides protection and grounding
  • Lapis Lazuli: enhances self-expression and truth

Sourcing Your Crystals for Healing

Another important thing to note is where you are sourcing your crystal purchases from: are they being ethically and sustainably sourced? Remember to ask the crystal shop owner where they are purchasing their crystals from, so that you can do your own research and make the decision for yourself. If purchasing crystals online, look for information on the site verifying ethical and sustainable practices for the business. You will be doing yourself, and the world, a favor!

Night Sky for land journey

Cleansing & Charging Your Crystals

When your crystals arrive home, always remember to cleanse them before use! This will remove any negative energies that may be attached to them, as well as prepare them for connecting to your unique energy field. There are various methods of crystal cleansing, but some of the most common are:

  • Water Cleansing: using natural water sources
  • Smudging: cleansing with sage or palo santo
  • Sound Cleansing: using bells or singing bowls
  • Earth Cleansing: burying crystals in the earth

To charge, or “program,” your crystals to attune to your emotional healing needs, place them under moonlight or sunlight. These cosmic forces are naturally cleansing, not only for crystals, but for humans, too! While your crystals are getting charged, perhaps you charge yourself under the Moon or the Sun, as well, setting intentions in your heart and mind on how you wish to feel when using your crystals. It’s always a good idea to periodically charge your crystals, perhaps choosing a Full Moon or a bright sunny day each month to do so. 

Methods for Using Crystals for Healing

There are so many great ways of using your crystals for emotional healing: during meditation, wearing them as jewelry, intentionally placing them in your home, creating crystal grids (contact us for a Crystal Grid Perspective reading today!) and using them in daily rituals (such as bathing and placing under your pillow before bedtime). Experiment with these different ways of connecting with your crystals and observe how each method works for you. Trust your intuition, and you will not be led astray! You can also add crystals into other healing modalities that you love, such as Reiki energy healing and aromatherapy.

Taking Your Emotional Healing to the Next Level!

Are you ready to take your emotional healing journey to the next stage, so that you can live your best life? Come to SpiritQuest Sedona Retreats for an emotional healing retreat, where you can dive deep into your core wounds and finally receive the tools necessary for healing yourself!

Call us today for your free consultation, we are here to guide you back home to your highest potential!