
About Jessica Jade

Jessica is moved and motivated by Spirit. She has devoted her life to validating, seeing, and hearing other humans on their healing paths. After going through her dark night, she had a deep and profound Spiritual Awakening. Nothing was ever the same after that point. She devoted her whole life to Spirituality and healing. Her past experiences gave her a wealth of empathy, understanding, and a deepening of her heart. She learned to never judge anyone, and she has deep faith in each and every person she connects with. Jessica obtained her licensing for Life Coaching at Southwest Healing Arts in Phoenix, where she also studied Ayurvedic Medicine, Yoga, and Holistic Health. After working with SpiritQuest for over 10 years, doing bodywork and healing, she decided to pour her heart into the office, as the Office Manager. She has since studied Business Management, Human Resources, and Communications. She merges her life experience, spirituality, heart-centered living with her love for Business Administration. She has a unique gift which allows her to deeply connect with the people she consults on the phone and create a custom retreat for them. Most of all, and more importantly, she lives with integrity, and deep humility and sees each of her clients as being their very own most impactful practitioner.

Unconditional Love, The God State, and the Higher Self

2024-12-01T07:10:56-07:00December 2nd, 2024|Blog|

Embracing the God State: Connecting with Your Higher Self Have you ever wondered, What is my higher self? How can I be more spiritually aware? In this post, we’ll explore the concepts of unconditional love, the God state—our original, divine essence—and how remembering this state can help you live a spiritually enriched life. The [...]

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Are You Emotionally Blocked?

2024-11-19T11:37:27-07:00November 19th, 2024|Blog|

Are you Emotionally Blocked?  Emotional blockages are a common defense mechanism against past hurt or pain. Humans are amazing, resilient creatures that are able to adapt to survive. We must be thankful for our protection systems, as they help us to survive what might have been lethal to us in terms of emotional pain [...]

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